San Jose/Evergreen Community College District
Chancellor Goals 2006-2007
Rosa G. Perez, Chancellor
- Focus on the final selection and incorporation of new executives into our District and review areas that need to be strengthened based on both the accreditation reports and the Chancellor’s Significant Issues Survey
- Hire SJCC President and Associate Vice Chancellor of Institutional Effectiveness
- Structure team building efforts with new executives
- Finalize new organization chart and also develop systems/process maps to be reviewed with shared governance groups
- Authorize a review of HR under our new Vice Chancellor
- Develop a plan of action for ITSS that includes negotiations with Datatel for training and programming support; implement a District ITSS Committee
- Assist the colleges in the preparation for the October Accreditation Revisit
- Provide leadership for the educational strategic planning that is based on student and community needs and strengthen the District’s direction and support to the colleges in meeting the needs of our immigrant and low income communities. Continue to foster stronger partnerships with K-12, social service agencies, universities, civic groups and businesses that share our core social justice values
- Restructure District Research and Planning to support colleges’ program review and educational planning with the goal of improving student retention and success
- Work with consultant Pia Moriarty on assessing the profile, needs, interests and concerns of our current and potential immigrant students and also to initiate a project on popular education
- Continue program development to increase the education of immigrants in job training and begin to coordinate the efforts of IBP, WIN, and the colleges to accomplish this goal
- Initiate a study of non-credit options and develop a strategic relationship with our adult schools to transition immigrant students to postsecondary coursework
- Continue to work on school partnerships and pipeline work
- Finalize a relationship with the high school districts to serve those students who do not succeed in passing the high school exit exam
- Initiate a relationship with the School of Medicine at Stanford for the encouragement of students to enter health care professions
- Complete a review of the facilities master plan to link it to the educational priorities and plans of the colleges. Provide oversight for the bond funded projects and complete the planning of the District land use project
- Continue to move forward on Land Use Determination
- Continue to work on move of District Office
- Create a feasibility plan for a MilpitasEducationalCenter
- Decide on future location for the LawEnforcementAcademy
- Incorporate the analysis provided by consultant Mike Maas into the strategic plans for the colleges and the district
- Review facilities plans vis-à-vis educational mission and cost effectiveness to the colleges
- Implement a District-wide Emergency Preparedness Plan
- Implement a District-wide Master Plan for Security
- Provide support for the implementation of a budget process as identified in the accreditation recommendations and that begins to link budget allocation to student needs and Board priorities
- Continue to provide professional development for administrators and managers to strengthen their skills and abilities to provide leadership for our students and employees
- Implement a revised evaluation process for managers and supervisors that includes expectations and standards for cultural proficiency
- Foster a culture of consultation and communication with community based leaders and promote this value in our district
- Promote a legislative agenda that is in line with our Board’s values
- Support legislation on SB 160, State Dream Act, concurrent enrollment
- Promote Federal advocacy of the Dream Act
- Strategize on connections with new Mayor and efforts to be San Jose-centered
- Explore the improvement of the role of our Foundation in generating grants and scholarships
- Develop a pilot program for international student recruitment and global education that is linked most directly to the communities we serve, starting with Southeast Asia
- Support the continued development of our Board of Trustees
- Continue training on various aspects of boardsmanship
- Provide training for our Board on cultural proficiency and popular education
- Assist the Board with identifying an appropriate number and scope of subcommittees
- Encourage our trustees to identify greatest contributions that they individually can make to District at this time
Adopted September, 2006
Exhibit 18-C