San Fernando High School
World History A and B Course Syllabus
World History, Culture and Geography
Mr. Rivas—Room 612
Textbook: World History: Modern Times (Glencoe)
Description: Students in World History study the major turning points that shaped the modern world, from the Greeks and the Romans and the Founding of Democracy through the present; including the American and French Revolutions, Imperialism, the Two World Wars, and the modern times. Students will trace the rise of Democratic ideas and develop an understanding of the historical roots and current world issues. Students will learn about the Democratic ideals and how they may not be practice everywhere in the world. Students will also develop an understanding of current world issues and relate them to their historical, geographical, political, economic and cultural contexts.
Requirements: Textbook is required each day during the school year. Three notebooks are required for the class, color pencils and glue sticks. Students will turn in all their work in their notebooks.
Class work/Homework: Chapter assignments will be given once a week school year. Although, not always possible a weekend might be given to complete all work assigned. Chapter assignments are expected to be finished on the day, date and time in which they are due. Failure to complete assignments on time will result in a 10% penalty per class hour and 30% penalty for next class meet and 50% penalty within two class meets. After the two class meets, assignments will no longer be accepted. If student is absent it is up to the student to ask what worked they missed and to make up that work within the time allowed by school and district. Grade will be earned based on the completion of chapter assignments, guided readings, quizzes, tests, vocabulary builders, presentations and other assignments.
Grading Scale:
A = 90---100%
B = 80----89%
C = 70 ----79%
D = 50----69%--A “D” is no longer a passing grade for 10th graders.
49% and below = Fail
After reviewing the information in this bulletin, please sign and return to Mr. Rivas
Student Signature Student Name (please print) Parent Signature
Email: Date______