San Diego Imperial - $50,000 Data Unlocked ApplicationDraft Summary 6/26/16 MW

College / Type of Support? / When? / $50,000 used for? / Funds will help how? / Pool Resources / Help find Consultant
Cuyamaca / Integrating data into college processes / Sept/Oct 2016 / Data clean up
maintenance / Examine & develop systems for TOP & SAM Code assignments
Reporting locally issued certificates
Reporting missing data elements, like flagging Perkins special pops / No / Yes
Grossmont / Data Clean up and maintenance / Sept/Oct 2016 / Data Clean up
maintenance / Examine & develop systems for TOP & SAM Code assignments
Reporting locally issued certificates
Reporting missing data elements, like flagging Perkins special pops / No / No
Imperial Valley / Data Clean up and maintenance / Open / Data Clean up
maintenance / Reporting missing data elements, like flagging Perkins special pops
Pay someone to provideadditional training
and facilitation on data integration
Pay someone to pull and format data from CTE data
tools to support program review,biannual
program evaluation, and accreditation
Pay someone to pull and format data from
CTE data tools to support program or sector
Pay someone to pull and format data from
CTE data tools to support college planning
/ No / Yes
Mira Costa / Assistance with using the data. The CTE deans are already over-worked and understaffed. We need people to assist with using the data and not the technology aspects. Having all of this data available is fine but we need the time and resources to analyze and use it for whatever purposes are required by the State and Federal Governments. / Open / Integrating
data into
processes / Pay someone to pull and format data from CTE data tools to support program review, biannual program evaluation, and accreditation / No / Yes
Palomar / Use technical assistance in a different way - Faculty training / Jan/Feb 2017 / Use funds for another
purpose / Yes
San Diego City / Integrating data into college processes / Open / Integrating
data into
processes / Pay someone to revise policies, processes,
procedures, and associated documents to
incorporate CTE data intocollege processes
Pay someone to provide additionaltraining
and facilitation on data integration
Pay someone to pull and format data from
CTE data tools tosupport program review,
biannual program evaluation, and
Pay someone to pull and format datafrom
CTE data tools to support program or sector
Pay someone to pull and formatdata from
CTE data tools tosupport college planning
Pay someone to pull and format datafrom
CTE data tools to support regional planning
/ Yes / Yes
San Diego Continuing Ed / Integrating data into college processes / Nov/Dec 2016
May/June 2017 / Integrating
data into
processes / Pay someone to revise policies, processes,
procedures, and associated documents
to incorporate CTE data into college
Pay someone to provideadditional training
Andfacilitation on data integration
Pay someone to pull and format data from
CTE data tools to support program review,
biannual programevaluation, and
Pay someone to pull and format data from
CTEdata tools to support college
/ No
San Diego Mesa / Integrating data into college processes / Sept/Oct 2016 / Expanding access to data in data warehouse / We would like to use the $50,000 for training faculty and staff on the CTE data tools and expanding access to data in the data warehouse. We feel that both pieces are key to our success with regard to having accurate data and training faculty and staff on how to access and UTILIZE the information available. / Yes / Yes
San Diego Miramar / Integrating data into college processes
Would like better to identify gaps related to reporting requirements for CTE; / Nov/Dec 2016 / Data clean up
maintenance / Examine & develop systems for TOP & SAM Code assignments
Reporting locally issued certificates
Reporting missing data elements, like flagging Perkins special pops / No / Yes
Southwestern / I would like help in determining how best to use technical assistance / I would like help in determining how best to use the $50,000