
ISSUE DATE:January2018

HAND IN DATE:12 noon, 11thMay2018

HAND BACK DATE:6thJune 2018.

Learning outcomes and pass attainment level:
Pass attainment level.
  • You must demonstrate knowledge and a clear understanding of relevant concepts and theories.
  • You will demonstrate the ability to apply theoretical knowledge and link it to practice to show insight to the real world situation.
  • You must demonstrate the ability to synthesize material from a range of sources in order to provide a critical analysis of key theoretical and empirical issues.
  • Arguments should be effectively communicated, with a balanced structure to the essay and appropriate referencing using the Harvard system.

Birmingham City Business School

BUS6012 Business Operations and Systems

Assignment 2018

Issued: January 2018

This assessment constitutes 100% of the assessment for the module

This is an individual assessed assignment. There is no objection to students discussing the content and approaches to be adopted but the final submission must be 100% your OWN work. PLAGIARISM WILL BE PENALISED VIA THE UNIVERSITY’S DISCIPLINARY PROCEDURE.

Dead line: 12 Noon, 14thMay 2018 - The assignments should be submitted electronically (MS Word file) using Moodle (instructions available on Moodle).

Please note your assignment will be checked on Turnitin system for similarity score.


All sources should be cited and referenced using the Harvard Referencing system. The principles of the Harvard Referencing system are detailed in the leaflets available in the library.You are NOTallowed to use the general internet references e.g. and Wikipedia etc. All references should be from the credible sources e.g. books, refereed papers, articles, journals, magazines etc..Your work should be referenced including in text referencing with appropriate literature and form a logical and concise discussion.


Formative feedback (collective) given in week 6 in seminars to help learners feed forward.


  1. Use Arial 12 point font.
  2. 1.5 line spacing or follow any set regulated spacing.
  3. Ensure that there is good usage of grammar and correct spelling throughout.
  4. Neatly present the final work.
  5. Do not include introduction or conclusion.
  6. Do not use tables, pictures or graphs in part one.
  7. Do not use pictures or graphs in part three, use tables only for the Balanced Scorecard.
  8. Appendix not allowed.

Word Limit: 3,000 words

Extensions: There are no extensions granted on the module. Any claim for extenuating circumstances must be made through the official University channel.Read for guidance.

Lecture notes and supporting material available on Moodle–BUS6012 Business Operations and Systems Module.

Birmingham City Business School

BUS6012 Business Operations and Systems

Assignment 2018

“CITY A.M. AWARDS 2017 Business of the year. With consumers’’ wallets increasingly squeezed, Lidl has been dining out on a switch to discount shopping. The German juggernaut, which now has over 670 stores in the UK, leapfrogged Waitrose this summer to become the UK’s seventh-largest supermarket. But its ambitions don’t stop there; Lidl has its sights squarely set on the British middle classes, hitting misconceptions of its food head-on with marketing campaigns about free range poultry and sustainable-farmed mussels”. CITY A.M. 3rd Oct 2017.


You may find the information for LIDLUK retaileronline, in Keynotes in the Library, Company reports, cases online, and the financial press. The literature sources should be books, journals, refereed papers and appropriate online sources. You should find the sources of information that you will use to deliver the three assessment parts within the first four weeks of the course. This is important and failure to complete this task will jeopardise your performance on the module. Your submission should address the following 3 Parts:

Part 1

Using the specific operations performance objectives it can be argued thatLIDLUK is focussed on satisfying its customers’ requirements for fast and dependable services at a reasonable market price, through strategic partnerships that assist its customers to improve the services they offer. Specifically you should:

  • Outline the essential components for ‘effective business operations management’(creating value for the customer) for LIDL’s operation within the UK.
  • Use a soft systems methodology to evaluate the issues LIDLUK might face if they decide to introduce hybrid facilities to allow their customers to continue shopping in store, as well as ‘order goods online and have these delivered to the door’ to compete in the market place.Support your discussion with appropriate business operations models (i.e. operation strategy performance (priorities) model, customer value, the service gap model, four v’s profile etc.).


  1. You should start with what LIDLUK are doing well compare to the sector (why customers shop at LIDL UK).
  2. Research the problems they may face changing their business model (going hybrid - the change) using Soft Systems Methodology (critical analysis of need/problem to be solved).
  3. Support your discussions with appropriate operations models (quality/depth).
  • You should compare and contrast different models used by the sector in which LIDLUK operates and recommend appropriate solutions to continue being competitive in the market, make easier for customers to select and buy their products (issues to consider centralised/decentralised inventory and delivery chain, customer value chain, cost implications, sustainability etc.).
  • Comparison of different solutions with costing and choose one solution to take forward with reasoning.
  • With reference to the parcel conundrum ( recommend how LIDLUK should respond to this conundrum (keeping in mind the possible technological and environmental (CO2) impact).
  1. Your academic enquiry should lead to synthesis of important issues around the problem and solution.
  2. Critical analysis and evaluation of customer’s digital experience, how the new model will enhance the customer’s experience.
  3. Innovative ways to serve their customers better.
  4. Consider the services which are unique and benefits to LIDL UK.
  5. Consider customer value for shopping online and in sore (which market sector are they chasing by changing the business model.
  6. Comparison of different solution with costing and choose one solution to take forward with reasoning.
  7. Following models not to be included in here Porter or Swot you may use these for your own research.
  8. Writing should be essay style (Synthesise) no bullet points, no graphs, no tables or pictures
  9. Appendix notallowed.

Part 2

For the new system you should include Root Definition, CATWOE andproduce a detailed “Rich Picture” (hand drawn) to fully illustrate your answer. Your rich picture must indicate the problemswell as the solution.(Not included in the word count).

By means of a Business Process Plan (BPP) illustrate the changes including “AS IS” and “TO BE”. Brief explanations of both plans are required and support your discussions with relevant literature.You must follow the Business Process Management (BPM) standards covered in the class. Part three is the implementation of the new process (“TO BE”); failure not to include the BPP may result in marks not awarded for part three. (BPP not included in the word count).

Tips: Structure for part two:

  1. Rich picture (fully illustrating part one, the problem and the solution).
  2. Root Definition (based on your chosen solution).
  3. Table for CATWOE (this is to test the Root Definition).
  4. “AS IS” process plan (include brief summer of the process plan).
  5. “TO BE” process plan (include brief summery to explain the process plan)
  6. Include these in the body of the assignment (follow the assignment structure)

Part 3

Discuss how the managers would turnperformance objectives into operations prioritiesand the resources that would be necessary for effective implementation of the new process(“TO BE” business process plan). (About six hundred words).


  1. This part should concentrate on the new solution only as discussed in part one and two.
  2. Analyse the resources required and costs for implementing the new process (“TO BE” Business Process Plan).
  3. Support your discussions with Performance Model, management of change etc. (not Maslow).

Using a Balanced Scorecard, discuss how the business performance can be measured post implementation (refer to the last three years of company annual reports and any other relevant data for improvement and target trends for LIDL UK).(Balanced scorecard charts are not included in word count but discussion on each prospective is included, about hundred words for each prospective).

  1. Balanced Scorecard is to measure the post implementation performance for the new process only.
  2. Create Table for each prospective.
  3. Under each table use the words to support your data, reference for the sources etc.

Your work should be referenced including in text referencing with appropriate literature and form a logical and concise discussion.

BUS6012 Business Operations and Systems
Assessment Guidance. / Suggested Words / Max. / Dates for draft completion
Part 1 /
  1. You should start with what LIDL UK are doing well compare to the sector (why customers shop at LIDL).
  2. Research the problems they may face changing their business model (going hybrid - the change) using Soft Systems Methodology (critical analysis of need/problem to be solved).
  3. Support your discussions with appropriate operations models (quality/depth).
  4. Your academic enquiry should lead to synthesis of important issues around the problem and solution.
  5. Critical analysis and evaluation of customer’s digital experience, how the new model will enhance the customer’s experience.
  6. Innovative ways to serve their customers better.
  7. Consider the services which are unique and benefits to LIDL UK..
  8. Consider customer value for shopping online and in sore (which market sector are they chasing by changing the business model.
  9. Comparison of different solution with costing and choose one solution to take forward with reasoning.
  10. Following models not to be included in here Porter or Swot you may use these for your own research.
  11. Writing should be essay style (Synthesise) no bullet points, no graphs, no tables or pictures
  12. Appendix not allowed.
/ 2000 / 35% / Week 6
Formative feedback (collective) provided in the seminar
Part 2 / Tips: Structure for part two:
  1. Rich picture (fully illustrating part one, the problem and the solution).
  2. Root Definition (based on your chosen solution).
  3. Table for CATWOE (this is to test the Root Definition).
  4. “AS IS” process plan (include brief summer of the process plan).
  5. “TO BE” process plan (include brief summery to explain the process plan)
  6. Include these in the body of the assignment (follow the assignment structure)
/ No word count / 25% / Week 8
Part 3 / Tips: Effective Implementation of the new process:
  1. This part should concentrate on the new solution only as discussed in part one and two.
  2. Analyse the resources required and costs for implementing the new process (“TO BE” Business Process Plan).
  3. Support your discussions with Performance Model, management of change etc. (not Maslow).
Tips: Balanced Scorecard
  1. Balanced Scorecard is to measure the post implementation performance for the new process only.
  2. Create Table for each prospective.
  3. Under each table use the words to support your data, reference for the sources etc.
/ 1000 / 30% / Week 10
Writing style / The writing style is important. You must show a good research trail. Consult many sources and give precise references. Finally, beware of passages that look like, or lead to, plagiarism. Appendices are not treated as part of your word count. Organise your reference list alphabetically (if you use one). / 10%
3,000 / 100%


Student Name: ...... Student Number:......

BUS6012 Business Operations and Systems - Assessment and Feedback Strategy

Assessment will be 100% course work. All course work will be individually achieved.

Module Assessment Criteria

Assessment Criterion / Level Descriptor
Fail(0-39%) / PASS(40-49%) / 2.2(50-59%) / 2.1(60-69%) / First(70-100%)
Demonstrating effective communication of ideas and techniques / Little or no attempt at describing issues / Basic analysis
Basic description of issue / Reasonable attempt at analysis at causes of issues - some wider coverage / Good attempt at analysis at causes of issues - some wider coverage / An in-depth analysis of cause and effect, demonstrating breadth of research and of thought.
Ability to analyse a business operations problem appropriately, showing ability to offer a constructive solution. / None or little attempt at analysis - description of 'suitable' techniques without support / An attempt at some of the 'more obvious' elements that the situation describes / Recognising the 'majority' of issues - showing how these may be related. Some supporting examples / Recognising the 'majority' of issues - showing how these may be related. Supporting discussion using direct and indirect examples / Situational analysis with clear description of relationships - recognition of alternatives with clear argument in support
Being able to evaluate alternative solutions to the task. / 'Leaps in logic' when moving from analysis to solution / A basic use of a 'methodology' in support / A structured approach to the problem(s) and solution(s) / Explanation of why analysis methodology is appropriate - possible comparison between ideas. / Comparison between ideas where appropriate. Clear, logical argument. Critique of techniques used - benefits and pitfalls
Demonstrating an ability to draw upon and to use a range of information sources. / None or very poor 'Audit Trail' to show argument for or against offered solution(s) / Initial attempt at describing relationships between issues, analysis and theory. / Some research - and or evidence of some further reading. development of 'theory - practice' relationship / Good clear links between theory and practice. / Strong links between theory and practice. Clear evidence of extensive further reading - clear identification of ideas (and sources)

Assessment will show if the student can:-

  • Communicate effectively showing appropriate skills
  • Analyse a business operations problem appropriately and been able to offer constructive solutions to presented issues
  • Evaluate alternative solutions to the task
  • Draw on and use a range of information sources.