Revised 2-29-2012
Samuel M. Bierner, MD
Samuel Bierner, M.D.
Middlebury College, VermontBA1980
University of TexasMedicalSchoolMD1983
University of WashingtonGraduateSchoolMRM1988
Texas Medical Board1983
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation1990
American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine1990
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation2004
Subspecialty-Certified in Pain Medicine
American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Subspecialty-Certified in Neuromuscular Medicine2008
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Southwestern MedicalSchool
UT Southwestern MedicalCenter at Dallas
Associate Professor2004-2008
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Southwestern MedicalSchool
UT Southwestern MedicalCenter at Dallas
Active Attending Medical Staff2004-Present
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Dallas, Texas
Active Attending Medical Staff2004-Present
UT Southwestern Hospital – Zale Lipshy
Dallas, Texas
Consulting Physician2004-Present
VA MedicalCenter
Dallas, Texas
Active Attending Medical Staff1989-Present
UT Southwestern Hospital – St. Paul
Dallas, Texas
US Med Group, PA/Concentra1997-2004 Dallas, Texas
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Member, Southwest Orthopedic Institute1992- 1997
Dallas, Texas
Medical Director, Physical Medicine Department1990-1992
Dallas, Texas
Private Practice1989-1990
Dallas, Texas
AMA Physician’s Recognition Award2002, 2006
Phi Beta Kappa Society
Alpha Omega Alpha Society
Teaching Attending of the Year,
Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation,
UT Southwestern Medical Center2005, 2008, 2010
Southwestern Academy of Teachers,
UT Southwestern Medical Center2009
Oral Board Examiner, American Board of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Oral Board Examiner, American Board of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Committee Member, American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine
Peer Reviewer, PM&R (Official Journal of the American Academy of PM&R)
Peer Reviewer, Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Peer Reviewer, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
Association of Academic Physiatrists Task Force on Goals and Objectives for PM&R Curriculum, Residency and Fellowship Program Directors
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology, Neuromuscular Medicine Examination Question Writing Committee, 2009- present
American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine
American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine
American Medical Association (Life Member)
Association of Academic Physiatrists
DallasCounty Medical Society
Texas Medical Association
Annaswamy TA, Bierner SM, Chouteau W, Elliott AC. Needle Electromyography Predicts Outcome after Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injection,
Muscle Nerve 2012 Mar; 45(3): 346-55.
Bierner S, Barreto J, Hembree J, Garrigues D, J Zahn.
Persistence and Prevalence of Pain in Adults with Hemiparesis: Prospective Observational Study of 51 Patients. Arch PM&R 2011 Oct; 92(10): 1715 (abstract)
Rogerson MD, Gatchel RJ, Bierner SM. A Cost Utility Analysis of Interdisciplinary Early Intervention versus Treatment as Usual For High-Risk Acute Low Back Pain Patients,Pain Practice 2010 Sep/Oct; 10(5):382-395.
Whitfill T, Haggard R, Bierner S, Pransky G, Hassett RG, Gatchel RJ. Early intervention options for acute low back pain patients: A randomized clinical trial with one-year follow-up outcomes. J Occup.Rehabil.2010 Jun; 20(2):256-63.
Chouteau WL, Annaswamy TM, Bierner SM, Elliott AC, Figueroa I: Interrater reliability of needle electromyographic findings in lumbar radiculopathy. Am J PhysMed Rehabil 2010 Jul; 89(7):561-9
Bierner SM, et al. American Association of Electrodiagnostic Medicine: “any willing provider” position statement: AAEM Economics of Practice Committee. Muscle & Nerve 1998 Feb; 21(2):250-1.
Hallett M, Dubinsky RM, Zeffiro T, Bierner SM. Comparison of glucose metabolism and cerebral blood flow during cortical motor activation. JNeuroimaging. 1994 Jan; 4(1):1-5.
Cohen LG, Meer J, Tarkka I, Bierner SM, et al. Congenital mirror movements: abnormal organization of motor pathways in two patients. Brain 1991 Feb; 114(Pt1B):381-403.
Hallett M, Cohen LG, Bierner SM. Mechanisms of prolongation of reaction time in Parkinson’s disease. . Electroencephalogr Clin Neurophysiol Suppl. 1990; 76:37P-38P.
Hatch JP, Bierner SM, Fisher JG. The effects of smoking and cigarette nicotine content on smokers’ preparation and performance of a psychologically stressful task. J Behav Med. 1983 Jun; 6(2):207-216.
Lectures given to the Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation residents:
Gross Anatomy of Spine – Anatomy Course November 2005
Gross Anatomy Posterior Compartment of Leg and Foot – November 2005
Pain Management, Teaching Conference, June 2004
EMG Lectures: Ulnar Nerve Lesions. Teaching Conference, August 2004
EMG Lectures: Motor Neuron Diseases. September 2004
Post-Polio Syndrome, Teaching Conference, February 2005
Lower Extremity Bracing. Teaching Conference, February 2005
Review of Residency Review Committee PM&R Program Requirements- 2006
Opioid Hyperalgesia- 2006
Risks and Benefits of Spinal Injection Therapies- 2006
Ethics and PM&R-2006
Clinical Vignettes (mock oral board examination in PM&R) – 2006 to 2009
Oral Examinations in PM&R-an Overview- 2006
Fatigue, Stress and Physician Impairment-2006 to present
EMG Lectures: Evaluation of weakness-2006
Cervical and Brachial Pain – 2007
Risks and Benefits of Spinal Injection Therapies- 2008
Exercise in Rehabilitation of Pain- 2010
Use of World Health Organization ICF in Practice -2010
Quality Improvement -2011
Business of Medicine-2012
Lecture given to the Department of Anesthesiology/Pain Management:
Cervical Brachial Pain –February 2006
Basics of EMG for Pain Physicians- 2006
Rehabilitation of the Pain Patient-7th Annual Dallas Pain Symposium, January 17, 2010
Rehabilitation of the Pain Patient-8th Annual Dallas Pain Symposium, Feb 20, 2011
Lecture given to the Department of Plastic Surgery:
Electrodiagnosis for Plastic/Hand Surgeons-2006
Lecture given to the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery:
EMG for Orthopaedic Surgeons- May 2007
Electrodiagnostic Interpretation for Orthopaedists – Sep 2011
Lectures Delivered to Other Organizations:
Analyzing the Scientific Validity of Claims, Invited Speaker, Workers’ Compensation Review Seminar, Dallas, TX 2004
Update on Myofascial Pain Syndromes, Invited Lecture presented to the Occupational Medicine Section, Annual Meeting of the Texas Medical Association, Grapevine TX; May 2005
Peer Review Activities:
American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
PM&R (Official Journal of the American Academy of PM&R)
Oxford University Press- textbook proposal review
Editorial Board, Journal of Applied Biobehavioral Research
National Committees:
Vice-Chair of Education, Medical Rehabilitation Council, American Association of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 2009-2014
American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, Neuromuscular Medicine Examination Question Writing Committee, 2009-2011
Website CME Committee, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 2007-present
Association of Academic Physiatrists Task Force on Goals and Objectives for PM&R Curriculum, Residency and Fellowship Program Directors Committee, 2007-2008
Economics of Practice Committee (Chair), American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1996-97
Professional Practice Committee, American Association of Neuromuscular and Electrodiagnostic Medicine, 1995-1996
UT Southwestern MedicalCenter Committees:
UTSW Medical Executive Committee, 2012-
Chair of Subcommittee on Citations of the Graduate Medical Education Committee, 2010- present
Graduate Medical Education Committee, 2005-present
Spine Center Planning and Operations Committees, 2005-2008
Medication Safety Committee, 2007-2008; 2009
Medication Safety, Nursing, and Pharmacy Outcomes Committee; 2009-present
Electronic Medical Records Committee, 2007-present
Southwestern Medical District Physician EMR Standards Workgroup, 2008-2010
Health System EMR Committee, 2010-present
EMR Physician Champion Committee, 2008-present
New University Hospital Information Resources Planning Work Group, 2010
Parkland Health and Hospital Systems Committees:
Outpatient Clinic Operations Committee, 2005-2006
AmbulatorySurgeryCenter OR Subcommittee, 2007-present
AmbulatorySurgeryCenter Planning Committee, 2006-2007
Pain Subcommittee of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee, 2006-present
Multidisciplinary Pain Subcommittee (Chair)
Electronic Medical Records Committee, 2008- present
OPC EMR Governance Committee, 2009- present
Multidisciplinary Pain Advisory Panel, 2009-present
Departmental Committees:
Chair, Educational Review Committee, Department of PM&R
Pain Fellowship Selection Committee, Department of Anesthesiology/Pain Management
Clinical Service Responsibilities:
Parkland Health and Hospital Systems:
Interim Chief of PM&R Services, 2011
Lead Physician, PM&R Clinic, 2005 -present
Lead Physician, PM&R Spine Clinic, 2005-2008
Residency Program Director, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation: June 2005 to present; oversee residency program (27 residents) and four fellowships: Pediatric Rehab, Spinal Cord Injury, Brain Injury Medicine, and Neuromuscular Medicine.
UT Southwestern Medical Center, Co-Director, Spine Center, 2005-2008
Grant Support:
AANEM Foundation: $50,000
Title: Needle EMG Examination Can Predict Response to Epidural Steroid Injection
Information at:
Prospective cohort study of patients with sciatica who undergo EMG examination and measure outcomes by the Pain Disability Questionnaire (R.Gatchel) and occurrence of surgical intervention over 6 months. We have completed this project, and several papers have been published or submitted.
National Meeting Presentations:
69th Annual Assembly of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, “Utilization, Predictors of Outcome, and Outcomes in Lumbar Epidural Steroid Injections,” San Diego, California; November 22, 2008.
Best Abstract Award, “Predictive Value of Needle EMG for Response to ESI in Patients with Lumbar Radiculopathy”, 56th Annual Meeting AANEM, San Diego, California;October 10, 2009.
70th Annual Assembly of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Trends in Utilization, Outcomes, and Predictors of Outcomes in Cervical Epidural Steroid Injections,” Austin, Texas; October 25, 2009.
Scientific Paper Presentation: “Consistency in Assessment of ACGME Competencies Between Faculty and Residents in PM&R,” 2010 Association of Academic Physiatrists Meeting, Bonita Springs, Florida; April 9, 2010.
71st Annual Assembly of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation: “Making your 21st Century Practice Live up to its Name: PM&R Outpatient Practice and Justifying Your Treatment” (Course Director) Seattle, Washington; November 6, 2010.
Association of Academic Physiatrists, Ernest W. Johnson Excellence in Research Writing Award, American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, (Co-authored with WL Chouteau, TM Annaswamy, AC Elliott, and I Figueroa) 2010
Persistence and Prevalence of Pain in Adults with Hemiparesis: Prospective Observational Study of 51 Patients, Presented at the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Meeting, Atlanta GA (October, 2011)
72 nd Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, “Wound Care-5 Things You Need to Know” (Course Director) Orlando, Florida; November 18, 2011
Local Meeting Presentations:
7th Annual Dallas Pain Symposium with Cadaver Workshop; UT Southwestern Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management: Rehabilitation of the Pain Patient, January 17, 2010.
8th Annual Dallas Pain Symposium: Rehabilitation of the Pain Patient-UT Southwestern Department of Anesthesiology and Pain Management, February 20, 2011.
Poster Presentations:
Persistence and Prevalence of Pain in Adults with Hemiparesis: Prospective Observational Study of 51 Patients, Presented at the Annual Assembly of the American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Orlando, Florida; November 17, 2011
“Case Report: Incomplete Spinal Cord Injury with Predominantly Posterior Column Loss Due to Spinal Arachnoid Cyst”; Scott, NA and Bierner, SM. Presented at UT Southwestern PM&R Scientific Day, May 13, 2011.
“Estimate of the Minimal Clinically Important Difference on the Pain Dysfunction Questionnaire Measured in a Cohort of Lumbar Spine Pain Patients” 71st Annual Assembly of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seattle, Washington; November 5, 2010.
“Neck Pain and Stiffness as Presenting Symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis in a 64 Year Old Man: A Case Report,” 71st Annual Assembly of American Academy of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Seattle, Washington; November 5, 2010.
“Consistency of Resident Evaluation- Prospective, Randomized Study of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Resident Performance Judged by Faculty and Peers,” Abstract presented at 2010 ACGME Annual Educational Conference, Nashville, Tennessee; March 7, 2010
“Consistency of Residents’ Evaluation- Prospective, Randomized Study of PM&R Resident Performance Judged by Faculty and Peers,” 2010 Annual Meeting of Association of Academic Physiatrists, Bonita Springs, Florida; April 10, 2010.
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