SampleEmployee Provident Fund Statement:

Name of company: Richardman Electrical Inc.

Year of establishment: 1936

The following is the employee provident fund statement for the year 2011. All information provided here has been double checked. However, in case of any discrepancy or doubt, the employee is requested to get in touch with the finance department without hesitation.

Employee provident fund statement for the financial year: April 2011 to April 2012

Name of employee: Samuel Daniel

Date of joining the company: 4thJune 2001

Position: Assistant Manager

Employee provident fund number: AR97435743

Opening balance in the employee provident fund: $100000

Employee’s contribution to the provident fund: $30000

Employer’s contribution to the provident fund: $10000

Rate of interest on the accumulated amount: 3.5% per annum

Non contributory period: June 2011 to August 2011

Withdrawals from the employee provident fund in the financial year specified: None

Total amount in the month of April 2012: $ 140000

Employee provident fund has been created by: Stella Rogers, Head, Department of finance

Signature of employee: ______

Signature of employer: ______

Date: 1stApril 2011

Place: Washington

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