Murrieta Mesa HS Research Packet
Creating Your Works Cited Page
Basic Set Up
1) Font is Times New Roman
2) Double spaced
a. Select “Format” at the top of the page
i. Select “Paragraph” from the menu
1) Find “Line Spacing”
a) Select “Double Space”
Setting up the header
1) Select “View” at the top of the page
a. Select “Header and Footer” (a box will appear at the top of the page
b. Move the cursor all the way to the right of the box
2) Select “Insert”
a. Choose “Insert Page numbers”
b. A dialogue box will appear; choose the following.
i. Position = top of the page
ii. Alignment = right
iii. Show number on first page
Add the Title centered (no special formatting i.e. word art, big font, new font, underlining, bold, etc.)
Press return and move the cursor all the way to the left
Create “Hanging Indentation”
1) On the ruler at the top of the page, drag the middle arrow (the hanging indent arrow) over half an inch.
2) Everything will now automatically be indented correctly.
Sample works cited page
Wuchner 1Works Cited
Atkins, Ryan S. “The Way to write good citations.” Los Angeles Times. 12 July 1998: B2. Print.
Grabe, Mark. "Writing Research Papers is Great." Time 44.2 (2005): 409-421. EBSCO. Web. 28 May 2006.
Johnson, Ryan S. The Way to Write a Quality Citation. New York: Really Big Publisher, 1980. Print.
Works Cited Information
Last Name, First Name. The Title of the Book Goes Right Here. City of Publishing: Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium.
Johnson, Ryan S. The Way to Write a Quality Citation. New York: Really Big Publisher, 1980. Print.
Lastname, First name. "Title of Essay." Title of Collection. Ed. Editor's Name(s). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. Pages. Medium.
Johnson, Ryan S. “This is a Great Essay.” The Collected Essays. Ed. Ron Wilson. New York: Really Big Publishing, 1987. Print.
Lastname, Firstname. “Title of Article.” Magazine Name Volume #.Issue # (year): Page #s. Database Service. Medium. Date Accessed.
Grabe, Mark. "Writing Research Papers is Great." Time 44.2 (2005): 409-421. EBSCO. Web. 28 May 2006.
Last Name, First Name. “Name of the Article.” Name of Website. Website Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium. Date accessed.
Ingle, Ryan S. “How to Cite an Online Source.” Latimes.com. Los Angeles Times, 14 Jan. 2004. Web. 18 Feb. 2006.
Name of person interviewed. Personal Interview. Date of interview.
Williams, Robert. Personal interview. 28 August 1999.
Last Name, First Name. “Name of Article.” Newspaper or Magazine Name. Date: Page(s). Medium.
Atkins, Ryan S. “The Way to write good citations.” Los Angeles Times. 12 July 1998: B2. Print.
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