ChrisCameron President 814-419-1319

Matt Cashdollar Vice President 814-266-8599

Stan Haberkorn Treasurer 814-266-3002

Chris Rubal Secretary 814-322-1558

East Hills Business Association

Monthly Meeting Minutes

March 21, 2013

President Chris Cameron welcomed everyone to Nyko’s for our monthly lunch meeting.

Opening Remarks

Members were asked to introduce themselves and to “spotlight” their businesses.

Chris then told everyone that the goal for this year would be to refocus our efforts to networking among our members so that each business could try to increase its customer base. We would be taking a break from fund raising.

The February minutes were read and approved by Barry Critchfield and seconded by Melinda Novak.

Treasurer’s Report

The treasurers report was read and approved as follows: Checking account balance $7,740.

We brought in $905 in February memberships and another $240 was paid the day of the meeting.

We paid $220.00 for lunch. 50/50 drawing netted $25.00.

Certificate of deposit that is $1614.25, rate .76% Maturity 12-7-2013.

Motion to approve report by Kevin Oleksa and seconded by Lois Spory.

New Business

Our 50/50 drawing was introduced and the winner (Karen Spencer) was gracious enough to donate her winnings back to the association.

We also tried to mix seating everyonefor lunch to give everyone a chance to start networking.

Matt Cashdollar showed us a 3 part referral slip that we can all use to refer a customer to one of our members to use as a new business contact. A good example would be: Matt has a State Farm policyholder that needs all the locks changed in their home for security reasons. He could use the referral form, and suggest they contact Spory Locksmiths for this service. Matt keeps 1 part, Spory’s gets 1 part and one goes to Matt’s policyholder.

An announcement was made that there will be an After Hours Mtg. on May 2, 2013. Location to be announced.

Thenext meeting is set for April 18, 2013 at Arbutus Park Manor. It was suggested that we park at the far right of the building and enter at that side of the building. It will save you a long walk.

Featured Speaker

Patti Hudson & Michelle Silk of Wessell & Co. were our guest speakers and in addition to their tax talk, also gave us a very useful referral sheet. Many thanks to Patti & Michelle for the Chocolate Wessell coins that were enjoyed by all!

Give Away

Free Lunch for April: Chris Cameron.


No other business to be discussed a motion was made to adjourn by John Riccilli and seconded by Lauren Presser.

Minutes submitted by Chris Rubal, Secretary, March 29, 2013.