Name Date of Birth
Social Security Number Phone Number
Home Address
City, State Zip E-mail Address
Emergency Contact Phone Number
Employed By (If Employed) Phone Number
May you be called at work? Yes No
Brief description of work: ______
Please list the times that you will be available to volunteer?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday / Saturday / SundayA.M.
Formal Education (highest year of school completed): ______
Do you speak a foreign language? Yes No If yes, which language ______
Do you drive? Yes NoDo you have regular access to a car? Yes No
Do you have a health condition we should be aware of in case of an emergency?
Yes No
If Yes, describe: (such as history of back trouble, heart, epilepsy, diabetes, fainting, etc.)
Is there medication you must take? Yes No
Is there medication to which you are allergic? Yes No
If Yes, medication is: ______
Medical or Hospital InsurancePlan:______
Emergency Contact: ______
Current community activities: ______
List current and previous volunteer work (list all previous volunteer work including brief description of duties and activities, dates of service.):
As a visitation volunteer, you may be required to attend court hearings to testify on your documented observations. Will you be able to arrange your schedule to attend these hearings? Yes No
Are you willing to commit to six-months of volunteer service? Yes No
What are your reasons for wanting to participate as a visitation volunteer?
Have you had any personal experience(s) involving:
Child Welfare Foster Care
Court System Other agencies offering services to a child
If so, please explain: ______
How did you learn of our program:______
Have you ever been convicted of a crime other than a traffic violation? Yes No
If yes, what charge? ______Date convicted: ______Where ______
Do you consent to a routine check of your criminal records? Yes No
Please list three references of people who know you well, two of whom are not related to you, preferably for whom you have worked in either a paid or volunteer capacity. If you are currently working, either paid or as a volunteer, please include the name of your supervisor.
NameAddressZip CodePhoneRelationship
1. ______
2. ______
3. ______
Children & Family Services reserves the right to make any checks deemed appropriate as to the suitability of anyone responsible for this confidential work. All information obtained will be held in the strictest confidence. I have been informed against and accept responsibility for any breach on my part respecting confidential information. I have read the Policy adopted by the Contra Costa County Board of Supervisors on volunteer programs. In return for the benefits provided by Contra Costa County in case of my illness, injury, death or third party liability while providing, or resulting from acts or occurrences within the scope of my authorized volunteer services, and for my right to authorized expense reimbursement, I waive any claim on my behalf of my heirs, representatives, and assigns against the County of Contra Costa any other agency governed by the Board of Supervisors, and any agent, officer or employee thereof for illness, injury, debts or without limitation, other harm arising from my volunteer services, whether or not authorized.
Under penal code 290.95 I am required to disclose if I am a registered sex offender upon submission of an application for a position involving children. My failure to disclose this fact could result in my arrest, prosecution, and likely fine and imprisonment. By placing my name below, I declare under penalty of perjury, that I am not required pursuant Penal Code 290.95 to disclose that I am a registered sex offender and that I have not suffered convictions for sex or drug related offenses or for crimes of violence, and there are no criminal charges pending against me.
I hereby release Employment and Human Services Department from liability for damage which may result from checking criminal background and references.
Applicant Signature Date
Children & Family Services
Volunteer Visitation Program, Rhonda Smith
40 Douglas Drive
Martinez, CA94553
(925) 313-1696 fax: (925) 313-1758