About our Playgroup:

When? During school terms. Please see next page for days and times.

Cost? 2016 fees are $70 per term ($60 concession) for one child plus a $30 ($25 concession) surcharge per family for additional children over 6 months old at the commencement of each term.

Payment must be received within the last 2 weeks of the preceding term or your place may be re-allocated. A late fee of 10% will be charged after the first week. Please come and chat with me as soon as possible if you are experiencing financial hardship or have any issues regarding payment.

No jab, no play policy: From February 2016 LCC will implement a new immunisation policy. To be eligible to attend playgroup a copy of each child’s proof of immunisation or medical exemption certificate must accompany each enrolment. More information on request.

Existing playgroup members (those enrolled in 2015): have first priority for a placement each term and for our 2016 playgroup. However, this is only once the 2016 enrolment form has been handed into the office with a $20 non-refundable deposit or full term fee no later than Friday 13th November This $20 fee will be used as part-payment of your Term 1, 2016 fees. After this date we cannot guarantee you will have a place in 2016.

New playgroup applicants for 2016: must complete a 2016 Playgroup Enrolment Form and submit it on or after Monday 16th November. Successful new applicants will be notified by phone or receive a placement offer in writing by Friday 27th November 2015. To accept this placement, a $20 non-refundable deposit must be paid by Friday December 4th 2015 otherwise your place may be re-allocated to another family. Applicants unsuccessful in the first round offers will go on the playgroup waiting list and will be contacted when a vacancy arises. (Please note that this waiting list only applies for playgroup placements in 2016).

Playgroup placements for 2016: Enrolment is for Term 1 only or the term you commence in. If you wish to continue in subsequent terms you must notify your playgroup leader and the office before the end of each term and make payment.

It is very important that if you will be away during the term for more than two weeks that you (PLEASE) advise your playgroup leader or Susan in the office to ensure you keep your place.

Refunds will not be given unless for medical reasons with a certificate.

If your circumstances change and you no longer need your place at playgroup, please let us know so it can be filled by another family on the waiting list.

Holding Fees: If you are unable to attend playgroup for a term or more in 2016 and wish to keep your playgroup place, you must pay a $40 holding fee for each term that you miss. Upon returning to playgroup sessions, you will then be required to pay the regular term fee.

Happy playing and have fun! Susan McLaughlin (Centre Coordinator)

2016 PLAYGROUP Enrolment Form:

Parent/s Name/s:


______P/CODE ______

Tel :- (home)______(MOBILE)______


are you happy to receive our MONTHLY newsletter via emaiL?

(Please tick) Yes No

Emergency Contact Person (eg partner, FAMILY OR FRIEND)

Name: ______Phone: ______

Carer’s Name (if applicable): ______

Children/s Name/s: AND Date/s of Birth:

Any allergies / medical conditions?

Please indicate BY WRITING 1st AND 2nd ON THE DOTTED LINES NEXT TO your First 2 preferred playgroups:

Monday 9.30 – 11.30 am

Tuesday 9.30 – 11.30 am

Wednesday 9.30 – 11.30 am

…………… WEDNESDAY 10.00 – 12 noon (JAPANESE GP)

...... Wednesday 2.30 – 4.30 PM (Chinese gP)

Thursday 9.30 – 11.30 am

FRIDAY 9.30 – 11.30 AM


I ______give / do not give (circle appropriate answer) my permission for my photo and/or my children’s photo to be used in the Livingstone Community Centre (L.C.C.) / Banyule Neighbourhood House Network promotional material, such as brochures, poster displays, power point presentations and the L.C.C. website.

Signed: ______Date: ______


·  Children, their parents and carers are encouraged to play and socialize together in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere. Parents and carers are responsible for the children they bring.

·  You are welcome to celebrate your child’s birthday by bringing party food (preferably individually wrapped and/or served) to share with others. However, due to allergies, please do not bring products containing nuts.

·  Bring a piece of fruit to share for children’s snack time; a sunhat and sunscreen for outside play.

·  To help our playgroups run smoothly, we would appreciate EVERYONE helping with the cleaning and pack-up at the end of each session.

·  In addition to our Playgroup Leader we have regular volunteers and students on placement that assist with the playgroup. Please make them welcome and if you need their assistance please ask.

The Livingstone Community Centre is a ministry

of the Ivanhoe Baptist Church.

The Centre seeks to strengthen community

in a safe and positive environment

and to nurture the social, intellectual, emotional, physical

and spiritual well-being of all who participate.

Invites you and your family to….

A safe and friendly place for all children

from birth to school age.

1 Livingstone Street, Ivanhoe, 3079

Phone: (03) 9497 2014


Website: www.livingstone.org.au

Please like us on facebook!