A. Introduction

  1. The Terms of Reference (TORs) for the Integral Environmental Assessment establish a guide of the main environmental – social requirements to be considered in the assessment to which the subprojects of the Modernization Program of the Water and Sanitation Sector of Paraguay (MPWSS) must be subjected; specifically in its Component 2, Water Supply and Sanitation in Urban Areas, Major Urban Works. The objective is to obtain reliable information for decision-making on technical and management aspects ensuring the solidity and environmental sustainability of the works which would be selected to be financed.
  1. The objective of the Environmental Assessment is to ensure that all actions and works proposed to be financed by the MPWSS are evaluated as a whole, so that the scope of the benefits, of the negative impacts and of the potential risks of the Programme and of the subprojects that make it up are evaluated in detail and that the knowledge in relation to the response of the receiving bodies of water to the effects of contamination be strengthened and integrated into said assessments, with a definition of the measures and actions that have been envisaged for each selected alternative, in order to prevent, control, mitigate, compensate or correct the adverse environmental impacts caused during the execution of the works and activities; as well as propose a follow-up and attention paid to the contingencies that may arise during the operation and functioning of the works and facilities of the subprojects.
  1. The TORs presented in this document stem from the Environmental and Social Management Framework(ESMF) of the MPWSS, therefore the objectives of the TORs are consistent with the predictions of the ESMF, which seek to ensure the socio-environmental sustainability of the subprojects to be financed with the resources of the Programme, to comply with the national environmental legislation and with the Bank’s Environmental Safeguard Policies.
  1. TheMPWSSfor urban areas includes subprojects that involve the construction of infrastructure works for the production of drinking water for supply purposes, on the one hand, and the collection of effluents and their treatment and final disposal, on the other. The quick and general environmental and social assessment and the revision of the Master Urban Water and Sanitation Plan indicate a first level of prioritization of major works and one of the two main areas of influence of the Programme; these works would be those relating to sanitation due to the high degree of environmentalcontamination (urban streams, underground waters of the Patiño Aquifer, streets and yards, etc.), to the number of population affected of about 892,000 inhabitants (that presents high density and an annual growth rate ranging from 1.0% to 7.2%, specially in the cities of the Great Asunción and riverside areas of the River Paraguay; unlike Asunción which is already densely populated) and due to its vital important for the development of the area.
  1. The Master Sanitary Sewer Plan of ESSAP S.A. was prepared in 1985, where the following works were initially defined:i. Immediate improvements and recommendations for the provision of the new relief sewersserving the drainage areas of Villa Victoria, Vista Alegre and L. A. de Herrera; ii. Three separate plan to improve the existing sewer systems in Varadero, Tacumbú and Bella Vista; iii. Fivesubprojects to provide sewer collection systems in new areas: Itay, Lambaré, Mariano Roque Alonso, San Lorenzoand Luque.
  1. This Plan represents an important contribution in the identification of the needs of priority sanitation infrastructure, however, it needs to be updated on the basis of the special studies that will define the types of final solutions of the works to be executed in each subproject.This priority works include, for Asunción, Great Asunción and Caacupé,the construction, expansion, rehabilitation and/or improvement of: i. sewer systems and/or sanitation network; ii.Possible effluent treatment systems; iii. sewer collectors; and iv. the actual discharge of the sewage of Asunción into the River Paraguay through the construction of a subaqueousoutfalls at each discharge point for the best dilution of the effluents in the river mass.
  1. Due the focus on the approach to the works of the ESMF, theseTORs will mainly consider 2 areas of influence of the subprojects in urban areas;i) the area encompassing Asunción and surrounding districts, called the “Great Asunción”; and ii) the area encompassing the city of Caacupé.Nevertheless, brief references will be included for the other MPWSS subprojects that are not included in these areas of greater interest, but which have been envisaged for execution in later stages after the implementation of the works of greater priority.
  1. TheTORs presented in this document are established on the basis of the general knowledge of the types of works that will make up the subprojectswhich could be financed by the MPWSS. The information provided here represents an initial basis that requires rigorous information attained by carrying out in-depth studies to assist decision-making on the most viable alternative solutions, the fine-tuning of probable site areas and the potential environmental and social impacts that will be generated in each particular case. The Integral Environmental Assessment will be complemented with the Environmental-Social Management Instruments envisaged in the ESMFof the Project: the Involuntary Resettlement Framework and Acquisition of Property and the Management Framework of Indigenous Peoples, as well as the actions generated upon notification of the Project, these TORs and others suggested by riverside countries of the MPWSS.
  1. The preparation of the Integral Environmental Assessment will be ruled by these TORs according to the preselected subprojects, first and foremost based on the updating of the Master Sanitary Sewer Plan of the Area of Influence “Great Asunción”. The information provided in this document includes generic references that need to be confirmed and evaluated for the drinking water and sanitation subprojects.


Present Situation of the Provision of Drinking Water and Sanitation

  1. The coverage of drinking water service presented the following percentages to2002: Asunción, 96.3%; Lambaré, 90.1%; Fernando de la Mora, 87.1%; Mariano Roque Alonso, 77.6%; San Lorenzo, 76%; Luque, 64.2%; Villa Elisa, 85.1%; Caacupé, 83.4%. In Asunción, 100% of the service is provided by ESSAP S.A., while 28% of the total service in the Central Department is provided by ESSAP S.A., 36% by SENASA and 36% by neighbourhood commissions, private water providers (aguateros) and others. In Caacupé, 83.4% of the coverage is provided by ESSAP S.A.
  1. According to information of ESSAP S.A., about 75% of sanitary sewers of the city of Asunción are being collected by collector networks and discharged through 12 outfalls directly and untreated into the River Paraguay,causing contamination, specially of fecal coliforms on the shores of the River Paraguay, which places the inhabitants living on the riverbanks and fishermen who are always in contact with the water at great risk, also in detriment of this region’s touristic activities[2].
  1. The percentages of coverage of the sanitary sewer network in some of the districts of the Great Asunción up to 2002[3] are as follows: Lambaré, 16%; Fernando de la Mora, 7%; Mariano Roque Alonso, 0%; San Lorenzo, 9%; Luque, 7%; Villa Elisa, 0%. In these districts there is an extensive use of cesspools as a solution for the disposal of sewage; nonetheless the effluents collected and untreated and a percentage of uncollectedeffluents are directed to nearby streams, except for San Lorenzo that has a treatment plant prior to the discharge, albeit collapsed at present. Another practice that is still observed is the discharging of sewage into streets and yards.
  1. The excessive amount of coliforms has been observed in the beaches of the River Paraguay in this area of Great Asuncióndue to the lack of treatment, in fact several thousands of coliforms per 100ml; while the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends less than 500 UFC/100ml (coliforms/100ml) as the maximum for beaches. In Asunción the sewer service is administrated and provided by ESSAP S.A., not so in the other districts where networks are managed by the neighbourhood commissions and other community associations themselves.In the case of Caacupé, the coverage of the sewer network is 0%and sewage is directed to cesspools or adjacent streams.
  1. In this section any unknown relevant information must be revealed, and/or any information already existing in reports of the previously prepared Environmental Impact Assessment, such as the one performed by Halcrow[4] in1995, in relation to the sanitary situation that involves:
  1. The deterioration of the quality of life of urban inhabitants in the possible areas of influence of the subproject;
  2. The statistics of morbidity and mortality due to diseases caused by the water;
  3. The degradation of aquatic and land ecosystems and the loss of biodiversity in the possible areas of influence of the subproject;
  4. The devaluation of property;
  5. Limitation of the recreational opportunities, in particular of the less privileged social classes;
  6. The sanitary and social situation of marginal neighbourhoods with unmet basic needs, in particular those living in floodable areas and informal settlements without effluent collection services;
  7. Limitations and restrictions to urban and touristic development, resulting from a degraded environmental situation.

Background of the Project

  1. In 1985, through an Technical Cooperation Agreement, the Government of Paraguayrequested the British Government to provide a Consulting Service for the preparation of a Master Sanitary Sewer Plan, including a feasibility study for Asunción and surrounding areas. The British Government supported Paraguayand in 1985 the Draft of the Master Sanitary Sewer Plan was initiated and completed in 1987. As per the prioritization of the different works of the Plan, the preparation of the Executive Project of the Sanitary Sewer of the ItayBasin was initiated in 1993, which was awarded to the Halcrow firm and finalized in October 1995. That same year, through Loan Agreement Nº 3842-PA signed by IBRD and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay, what was CORPOSANA at that time had initiated the construction of the works of the Sanitary Sewer System of the Itay Basin.
  1. The works had been organized into six contracts, of which only one was executed, i.e. the construction of the Tunnel of 3.5 km length directing the volume of effluents collected in the Basin to an outfall that would direct them to the River Paraguay.The remaining works have been pending due to the suspension of IBRD financing. The GoRP decided to complete the Project and for this purpose existing studies need to be undated, including the Master Plan, and new credit needs to be obtained.In relation to the case of Caacupé, an Execute Subprojecthas been carried out for the city which initially included the construction of sanitation works in two stages. The sewer network has been completed, however it has not been used due to disputes emerging from local populations in relation to the definitive location of the planned treatment system and the selected recipient body of water for the discharge point, which is the Tobatí stream.

Scope and Justification of the Subprojects

  1. Theobjectives of the sanitation subprojectsare to increase and/or improve the coverage of the sanitary sewer system in Asunción, its Metropolitan Area and the cities of the interior of the country, and improve the correct disposal of sewage collected by the network. Furthermore, the purpose of the drinking water subprojects is to increase and/or improve the coverage of the drinking water system in the cities of the interior of the country.
  1. The works included in the sanitationsubprojectsof theMPWSSand their scopes are as follows:
  1. Itay Basin.Works:i)expansion of the sanitary sewer system; ii) construction of outfalls to the treatment system; iii) construction of subaqueous outfall; iv) construction of an effluent treatment system.
  1. The subprojectwould directly benefit about 175,870 persons settled on a surface area of 4,980 has., and would include a treatment and disposal solution not only for the effluents collected by the future sewer system projected for that area, but also for those generated in other basins proposed within the Master Plan, such as San Lorenzo, Luque and Bella Vista, the latter encompassing 270,000 inhabitants and the catchment area of the Mburicao stream, one of the most degraded streams and consequently, the most important contributor of contaminants to the River Paraguay in Asunción[5], which would imply benefiting about 391,315 persons more.In this way, important parts of the areas would be cleaned up, the streams crossing the area would be decontaminated, the living conditions of the population would improve and urban development, which is now restricted due to the lack of sewer systems, would be enabled[6].
  1. Of the initial components of the Itay subproject, a Tunnel with a diameter of 1.6 meters and a length of 3.5 kilometers has already been constructed to conduct sewage to the RiverParaguay. Before being discharged into the river, the sewage will be treated. The level of treatment required shall be established by the study and modeling of the River Paraguay.
  1. San LorenzoBasin. Works: i) expansion of the sanitary sewer system; ii) construction of thepump station; iii) construction of impulse pipelines to the main effluent collector of the ItayBasin.
  1. With this expansion of the network a surface area of 677 has. will be covered with a population of about 77,835 persons, which would increase coverage in the entire city to 29%. At present, the treatment system of San Lorenzohas optional lagoons for the reconversion of the collected effluents; however, their capacity is insufficient and are at a standstill, and need to be expanded. Furthermore, the effluents of the treatment system are discharged into the San Lorenzo stream, which is highly contaminated, as a result of which effluents would be collected and directed to the main collector of the Itay Basin to be conducted to its treatment system and finally be discharged into the River Paraguay so as to improve the stream’s condition.
  1. LuqueBasin. Works: i) expansion of the sanitary sewer network; ii) construction of the pump station; iii) construction of impulse pipelinesto the main effluent collector of the ItayBasin.

21.With the expansion of the network system, a surface area of 487 has. would be covered with a total population of 43,480 persons, increasing sewer coverage to 17%. Additionally, as the effluents are not treated in the area at present, they would be collected, pumped and directed to the main effluent collector of the ItayBasin, to then be treated with all the other effluents of the basins and finally be discharged into the River Paraguay through the mouth of theItayBasin.

  1. Mariano Roque Alonso. Works: i) construction of the sanitary sewer system; ii)construction of outfalls to the treatment system; iii)construction of the subaqueous outfall; iv) construction of an effluent treatment system.

22.In the town of Mariano Roque Alonso, an entire sewer network needs to be built as there is no sewer drainage and cesspools are the individual solution that is mostly used. The viability of the application of the municipality’s own effluent treatment system and the response of effluents once in the water mass, after their discharge into the River Paraguay, need to be analyzed. An alternative option for Mariano Roque Alonso would be to direct the sewage collected by its sewer system to the treatment system of the ItayBasin. A surface area of 686 has. would be covered with the works of sanitary sewer with an estimated population of 25,000 persons, thus increasing coverage in this municipality to 26%.

  1. LambaréBasin.Works:i) expansion of the sanitary sewer system; ii) construction of outfalls to the treatment system; iii) construction of subaqueous outfall; iv) construction of an effluent treatment system.
  1. The subproject intends to cover almost the entirety of the town of Lambaré and the areas of the San Pablo, Terminal and Nazaret neighbourhoods of Asunción, totaling a population of 300,000 persons in an area of 3,861has. The plan includes addressing the construction of the sewer system of this area since it is experiencing a relatively significant population growth. As well as the network, the plan includes the construction of some kind of solution for the clean-up of the effluents collected through a treatment system and an discharge outfall into the River Paraguay. The effluent treatment system needs to be evaluated in relation to the river’s dilution capacity.
  1. Downtown Asunción. Works: rehabilitation of sewer effluent collectors. The sewer system of downtown Asunción is old and undersized due to the small dimension of the diameters of the pipelines and the overload of present volumes of flow. The rehabilitation of the sewer system of Asunción will be carried out by replacing the parts of sewage collectors in order to conduct the currents, as per study of the most critical segments.
  1. Discharges into the River Paraguay. Works: improvement of 7 effluent discharge outfalls into the River Paraguay. At present these outfalls discharge the effluents collected in the banks of the River Paraguay, generating high levels of environmentalcontamination, health ailments in the nearby population, restrictions to recreational activities and complete deterioration of the landscape. Improvements would be carried out through the installation of subaqueous pipelines at each discharge point in order to obtain the best dilution of the sewage.
  1. Viñas Cué. Works:i) expansion of the raw water intake on the River Paraguay; ii)expansion of the water treatment plant for supply purposes.
  1. Thesubproject consists of expanding the Viñas Cué Treatment Plan in a Module of 110,000 m3/day in order to cover the demand for drinking water that is envisaged with the expansion of the coverage in the Metropolitan Area of Asunción. The increase envisaged will serve 50,000 new connections in this way covering the supply for about 250,000 inhabitants.
  1. CaacupéBasin.Works:i) construction of an effluent treatment system; ii) electromechanical equipping forpump stations of the sanitary sewer network in existence, but out of service.
  1. The sanitary sewer system is built on a surface area of 283 has., but it is out of service due to the resistance of a social group to the construction of a treatment system of collected effluents, of which the initial solution consists of stabilization lagoons in order to avoid direct discharge into the River Ortega. Ifsewer network were to be allowed, it would cover a population of about 20,000 persons, which represents 40% of the population of the municipality (urban and rural).
  1. The works included in the drinking water projects of ESSAP SA are the following. They are listed and briefly described for if in case they might be analyzed within the MPWSS. If they are to be studied, the necessary information will be added or in the general context of this EIAI or separately in the TORs of the EIA. The scope of the works is as follows:
  1. Villarrica and Coronel Oviedo. Works:rehabilitation and expansion of adductorsfrom the water treatment plant of Tebicuary-mi to the towns of Villarrica and Coronel Oviedo.These adductorswere set up in 1978 and lately numerous breakages have occurred; consequently it is advisable to replace them. Furthermore, the hydraulic capacity is insufficient to transport a larger volume of sewage, and this would be accomplished with an expansion of the treated water pump station and of the treatment plant. It has been estimated that in this way the subprojectwill enable an expansion of the areas of coverage benefiting about 70,000 inhabitants.
  1. Concepción.Works:i) expansion of raw water intake; ii) expansion of the water treatment plant; iii) construction of raw water adductor. At present there is a treatment plant and deep wells, however, they do not meet the demand, specially in summer time. Thesubprojectwill benefit 35,000 users, which would cover 56% of the population of the town of Concepción.
  1. Ciudad del Este.Works:i) construction of raw water intake; ii) construction of pump station. This subproject envisages the construction of a new raw water intake on the River Paraná, where a new pump station will also be set up which will direct the raw water to the treatment plant located at the side of the República Lake in Ciudad del Este. These works will solve the cyclic problems of critical lack of water in the area in times of intense heat and will also reduce the present production costs per m3 produced since the quality of the water of the River Paraná is comparatively higher than that of the RepúblicaLake. Furthermore, it will be possible to reduce the present high index of loss at the plant. All the above will directly benefit the users of ESSAP S.A.in said town, both in terms of water quality and in available volume throughout the year. The subprojectwill benefit the present 10,000 users, and might even cover a larger area due to the planned production capacity or sell the envisaged surplus that the plant will have in the short term as bulk water.
  1. San Estanislao.Works:i) construction of raw water intake; ii)constructionof pump station; iii)constructionof water treatment plant. These works will solve the available water deficit problem for present ESSAP users in the town of San Estanislaoas well as for other inhabitants still waiting for the opportunity to connect and use this system. At present the system is supplied by four deep wells, one of which is out of service and the other three suffer of certain problems associated with the area’s hydrogeology. These works will replace the wells of the present supply system and said wells would be used as reserves for possible problems and/or emergencies. Thesubprojectwill benefit the current 6,000 users, but with possibilities of expansion to areas within the area of service, as well as the possibility of providing water to the other private systems of the area which suffer of the similar problems of supply from deep wells.
  1. Pilar.Works:i) expansion of raw water intake; ii) expansion of the water treatment plant. The drinking water system of the town of Pilaris experiencing serious operation and maintenance problems. These workswill enable the improvement of the quality of the service provided at present, as well as carry outthe necessary expansions to cover new areas with the service. The subprojectwill benefit the present 27,200 users as ESSAP S.A., the sole provider in the entire urban area, covers practically 100% of the urban population.

27.Each subproject will include a description of the timeline of the advances of the works, as well as an identification of associated subprojects.Both for sanitation and drinking water, a description and assessment of other proposals for alternative solutions will be included for water supply, collection and disposal of the effluents of previous studies, subprojects and/or programmes.