TASK: You and your group mates are new game designers at Hasbro. You have been hired to develop a table top/board game to take advantage of the new Edutainment trend – Games that Teach – based on the science of biology. Your evil boss, Mr. Markley, has given you deadline of Thursday, December14 to have a complete and working prototype of the game.
Your Evil Boss has several guidelines that MUST BE FOLLOWED for the new game to be acceptable prior to being tested:
This means:
- All pieces required to play with 6 players
- Instruction booklet that clearly explains how to play the game, how to set up the game, how to win.
- Game Board* is production ready (all graphics on the board are complete)
*Game does not necessarily have to have a board; however, it must be able to be
playedwithout electricity.
* Must fit on a table top - A functional box (meaning it closes completely) with sample box art and game name.
Game must be EDUCATIONAL:
- Players must use their knowledge of biology to win @ your game!
- The game CAN NOT BE a direct copy of another game in existence. This means:
- Biology Monopoly (with the exact game play as monopoly)
- Biology Trivial Pursuit/Pictionary/Headbands/Sorry
- Biology Twister (THIS NEVER WORKS NO MATTER HOW YOU MODIFY IT) - The game may use similar mechanics to other games, but remember it can’t be a direct rip off of another game.
The development and building phase ends on December 14th. On the 15th, your prototype will have been evaluated by your boss, and be submitted for testing by actual human children that are reviewing for their Biology final. These players will be providing feedback for your game.
Project Assigned -10/19
Questions and Answers accuracy check – 11/17
Prototype due – 12/14
Prototype testing – 12/15
(by Target Sheet)
Below is a list of the target sheets from the class that include all of the material that is fair game for the questions in your game.
Be sure to have questions from each of the target sheets listed below, so that as players of your game answer the questions, they are reviewing for the final.
Science Basics
8/18 – 9/1
(date range of the material covered)
9/6 – 9/23
Cells – Processes and Systems
9/26 - 10/26
10/31 – 12/15
Group Roles
For every project in this class, and in the work place, the group members will take on specific roles. For this project there are two different roles: Project Leader, and Worker. Each role has different responsibilities that comes with perks and potential pitfalls.
Project Leader (1 per group):
This person will be in charge of the group and MUST HAVE MEANS TO CONTACT ALL WORKERS. S/He will make the final call on decisions being made by the group in regards to the prototype. This final word decision perk DOES NOT EXTEND TO SCHEDULING MEETING TIMES OUTSIDE OF THE CLASS to work on projects. This person will make sure there is a consistent level of excellence achieved throughout the prototype, this usually means that s/he will need to work with each of the workers on their various portion of the prototype. After the prototype has been turned in, the project leader will fill out a review for each of the workers in the group based on each worker’s contribution to the project, cooperativeness, and overall teamwork ethic.
Project Leaders can earn ±20 points than the group based on the final product AND the reviews of the project leader written by the workers.
Worker (2-3 per group):
These members of the group are responsible for efficiently completing the project under the direction of the project leader (who will be working with them and NOT JUST sitting back and watching them work). During work periods and meetings, workers are expected to help by putting forth ideas for the board game, following the decisions and instructions by the Project Leader, and being cooperative in making the items the best that they can possibly be. After the prototype has been turned in, the workers will INDIVIDUALLY evaluate the Project Leader based on his/her: Ability to Lead, Respectfulness, Helpfulness, and work ethic (these reviews will help determine any bonus or penalty points awarded to the project leader).
All workers will score no worse than the score earned by the prototype. However, workers can earn up to 10 bonus points based on their reviews from the Project Leader.
------Tear off and Turn into Mr. Markley ------
Group Leader: ______(can earn -20 to +20 bonus pts)
Worker 1: ______(can earn +0 to +10 bonus pts)
Worker 2: ______(can earn +0 to +10 bonus pts)
Worker 3: ______(can earn +0 to +10 bonus pts)
- Writing is easy to read (if applicable)___/5pts
- Spaces/Movement well defined___/5pts
- Constructed to withstand repeated use___/5pts
- Clear Start point___/5pts
- Aesthetically Appealing___/5pts
Instruction Booklet
- Spelling and Grammar___/5pts
- Explains how to set up the Game___/10pts
- Explains how to play the game___/10pts
* including what happens on special spaces/cards
- Explains how to determine who gets to go first___/5pts
- Explain how to finish the game (Win conditions)___/5pts
- The booklet is neat and clean___/5pts
- Booklet is designed for repeated use___/5pts
Parts and Pieces
- All parts and pieces needed to play the game with___/5pts
6 players are present
- Part and Pieces are designed for repeated use ___/5pts
- Game fits into the box___/5pts
- Title of the game on sides and top of the box___/5pts
- Unique Box Art___/5pts
- Durable Box ___/5pts
Questions/Task Cards
- Biology Knowledge important part of the game___/10pts
- Questions and answers are accurate___/70pts
- Cards are durable___/5pts
- Functionality of the cards ___/5pts
- Enough cards present for 6 players to play___/10pts
without the need to reshuffle.
Quality of Work
- Does the prototype look like a month of work was ___/50pts
put into it, and is the overall quality that of something you
would expect high school students to make or better.
TOTAL SCORE: ____ / 250
Group Leader: ______Point Deductions: ______Review: ______
Worker 1: ______Point Deductions: ______Review: ______
Worker 2: ______Point Deductions: ______Review: ______
Worker 3: ______Point Deductions: ______Review: ______