Scattering Rights Certificate # Date Purchased: Contract #
Scattering Rights Holder(s): The Scattering Rights Holder(s) listed below have the right to direct/consent to the scattering, and memorialization associated with the scattering rights in conjunction with the cemetery by-laws.
Rights Holder Name: [Record the Rights Holders Information]Rights Holder Name:
Postal Code:Postal Code:
Cemetery Name: Name as shown on BAO licence
Cemetery Address: ABC Cemetery address and postal codeCemetery Phone Number:
Interment Right Location: Detailed description of the location with lot & plot numbers Scattering Right Type: One scattering rights holder/ more than one
scattering rights holder
Price: Example $500.00Care & Maintenance Contribution: Show the greater of 40% and $100 (if one scattering rights holder) or greater of 15% and $25
(if more than one scattering rights holder) of the purchase price that has been contributed to
the Care and Maintenance Fund
Area: Example: Show area (2.23 square metres) or show dimensions (0.91 m wide x 2.45 m in length)
Scattering Rights Capacity: [As specified in accordance with your Cemetery By-laws]
Memorialization Permitted: [As specified in accordance with your Cemetery By-laws]
Refer to the Cemetery By-laws provided to you at the time of purchase for a complete listing of by-laws that apply to your specific Interment Right
[Include a statement as to whether the cemetery operator will permit private transfer or resale under the cemetery by-laws, or the cemetery by-laws prohibits private transfer of the Scattering Rights, allowing the Rights Holders) to only transfer their Rights back to the cemetery operator for the current amount in effect on the cemetery’s price list at the time of transfer. Include a statement that the Scattering Rights certificate must be returned to the cemetery operator if the Rights Holder(s) chooses to resell or transfer the Scattering Rights to a third party purchaser. Include a statement that a new Scattering Rights Certificate will be issued by the cemetery operator to a third party purchaser upon registration of transfer.]
[Include a statement that the Scattering Rights Certificate must be returned to the cemetery operator if the Rights Holder(s) wish to transfer their rights to a third party purchaser, a transferee, or back to the cemetery operator. If the original Scattering Rights Certificate is misplaced the cemetery operator must issue a duplicate certificate in order to complete the transfer of ownership of the Scattering Right, and the cemetery operator is entitled to charge an administration fee (as shown on the cemetery’s price list) for the issuance of a duplicate certificate.]
[The Certificate should be signed by a person legally authorized to[Date the Certificate was issued]
act on behalf of the cemetery operator]