1. The question paper comprises two Sections A and B .You are to attempt both the sections.

2. All questions are compulsory.

3. There is no choice in any of the questions.

4. All questions of section A and all questions of section B are to be attempted separately.

5. Question Numbers 1 to 3 in Section A are one mark questions. These are to be answered in one word

or in one sentence.

6. Question Numbers 4 to 6 in Section A are two marks questions. These are to be answered in about

30 words each.

7. Question Numbers 7 to 18 in Section A are three marks questions. These are to be answered in

about 50 words each.

8. Question Numbers 19 to 24 in Section A are five marks questions. These are to be answered in about

70 words each.

9. Question Numbers 25 to 33 in section B are multiple choice questions based on practical skills. Each

question is a one mark question. You are to select one most appropriate response out of the four

provided to you.

10. Question Numbers 34 to 36 in section B are two-marks questions based on practical skills. These are

to be answered in brief.


1)Among the following which one have a a triple covalent bond?

C3H8, C2H2,C4H10 (1)

2)Mention the most easy method to detect water pollution? (1)

3)Name any two oxidizing agents for alcohols? (1)

4)How myopia can be corrected ?Explain with a diagram.


5)Arrange the following elements in increasing order of their atomic radii

(i) Li , Be ,F,N

(ii) Cl, At, Br, I (2)

6)Name two factors which leds to speciation . (2)

7) ; Explain the terms analogous and homologous organs with examples?

8)(a) Whyethenedecolourisesbromine water,butethanenot.

(b) Writedownthe relevantchemicalequationinvolvedindecolourisation? (3)

9) Draw well labeled ray diagram when the object is placed in front of a convex mirror.


10) Describethree methodsof plantpropagationwhichare commonlyusedfor growinggardenplants? (3)

11) Draw aheatlabeleddiagramof longitudinalsectionof a typicalflower? (3)

12) Explain the importance of fossils in deciding evolutionary relationships ?


13) What are the new Cartesian sign conventions? .Explain Diagrammatically?(3)

14) Whatare the consequencesof ozone layer depletion?(Anythree) (3)

15) Whatismeantbydispersionof white light?Draw araydiagramtoshow dispersionof whitelightbyaglassprism?Whydowe getdifferentcolours? (3)

16) A. Why are human beings who look so different from each other in terms of size, color and look said to belong to same species ?

B. Give an example of characteristics being used to determine how close two species are in evolutionary terms?

17) Atomic numbersof the three elementsA,B andCare givenbelow.

Element Atomic number

A 5

B 7

C 10

Identifythe groupandperiodinwhichthese elementsbelong? (3)

18) Whyshouldwe conserve forestandwildlife?(Anythree points) (3)

19) Bydrawingraydiagrams,showtheformationof image, whenanobjectis placedonthe principalaxisof a concave mirroratthe followingpositionsandwrite about thenature ofthe image ineachcase.

(a) Atinfinity

(b) Beyondthe centreof curvature

(c) Atthe centre ofcurvature


(e)Betweenthe pole andfocus (5)

20) A. What is meant by multiple fission? Explain the process and give example.

B. List two differences between pollination and fertilization?


A.  What is vegetative propagation? Where this method of reproduction find its application?

List the advantages of vegetative propagation?

B.  Write the full form of IUCD ? Name any one IUCD and describe its function.


21) Anorganic compoundAiswidelyusedasapreservative inpicklesandhasa molecular formula C2H4O2.Thiscompoundreactwithethanoltoformasweet


(a) Identifythe compoundA

(b) Writethechemicalequationforitsreactionwithethanol

(c) Name the productsformed

(d) Name the processinvolvedinthe reaction

(e) Howcanwegetbackthe compoundAfromB (5)


Complete the following reactions-

i)  nCH2=CH2à------

ii)  ii)CH3-COOH+NaHCO3à ------

(b) Whatisthe causeof hardnessof water? Whysoapdonotformlather with hardwater?Mentionthe disadvantageof cleaningclotheswithsoapin hardwater? (5)

22. (a) Distinguishbetweenhomologousandanalogousorganswithone example each

(b)Define F1, F2generations

(c)Define the termvariations (5)

23) Give reasonsfor the following

(a) Colourof clear skyisblue

(b) Suncanbe seenabouttwominutesbefore actualsunrise

(c) Trafficlightsignalsare ofredcolour

(d) Starsappearstotwinkle

(e) Planetsdonottwinkle (5)

24) : A. Why did Mendeleev’s leave gaps in his periodic table?

B. State any three limitations of Mendeleev’s classification ?

C. How does electronic configuration of atoms change in a period with increase in atomic number?




25) Whatwouldbeobservedwhenadropofdilute ethanoic acidisputonablue litmuspaper?

(a) Changestored (b) NoChange

(c) Changestogreen (d) Changestowhite

26) Avirtualerectandmagnifiedimage of anobjectisformedbyaconvexlens.

The positionof theobjectis

(a) betweenFand2F (b) between2F andinfinity

(c) atthe focus (d) betweenFandopticalcentre

27) . A student obtains a blurred image of object on a screen by using a concave mirror in order to obtain a sharp image on the screen .he will have to shift the mirror-

a. towards the mirror.

b.away from the screen.

c. either towards or away from the screen depending upon the position of the object. a position very far away from the screen

28) . A student obtained a sharp image of the grill of a window on a screen using a aconvex lens for getting better results the teacher suggested focusing of distant tree instead of the grill . In which direction should the lens be moved for this purpose.

a. away from the screen.

b. very far away from the screen.

c. behind the screen.

d. towards the screen

29) Amoeba undergoingbinaryfissionisdepictedbythediagram


(a) I (b)II (c) III (d) IV

30) Ram adds acetic acid sol. to solid sodium carbonate . He would observe that

a.  A white precipitate is obtained

b.  A blue colored sol. Is obtained

c.  A gas is evolved with brisk effervescence

d.  The mixture turns milky.

31) Whichoneof the followingseeddoesnothave endosperm

(a) Maize (b) Rice

(c) Wheat (d) Gram

32) Whichoneof followingdicotseedconsistof thinflatcotyledons

(a) Castor seed (b) Redkidneyshapedbean

(c) Gram (d) pea

33) A light ray travels from medium A to medium B in fig. the refractive index of medium B relative to A is?

a. greater than unity. B

b. less than unity.

c. equal to unity. A

d. 0

34) To determine the focal length of a concave mirror, a student focuses a classroom window, a distant tree and the sun on the screen with the help of a concave mirror. In which case will the student get more accurate value of focal length?

What will be the nature of image formed by a concave mirror for a distant object?

35) Which gas is evolved when ethanoic acid reacts with sodium hydrogencarbonate?

And How will you test to identify liberated gas.

36) Name the phenomenon which occurs during the formation of rainbow. Explain with the help of diagram.


1.  C2H2 1

2.  MeasuringPHvalue usinguniversalindicator 1

3.  Alkalinepotassiumpermanganate and Acidifiedpotassiumdichromate ½ + ½

4.  Correct diagram 1

Correct explaination 1



5.  F<N<Be<Li


6.  Geographical isolation and genetic drift with explanation

( 1+1)

7.  analogous organs :the organs which have different origin and structural plans but appear similar and perform same functions are called analogous organs.e.g.,wings of birds and wings of insects.

B) Homologous organs :the organs which have common origin and same fundamental structure but different functions are homologous organs.e.g.,forelimbs of frogs and wings of birds.

8.  (a) Ethane being an unsaturated hydrocarbon add bromine and change to colourless 1,2- dibromoethane. 1

But ethane is saturated hydrocarbon and no addition reaction with bromine. 1

(b) CH2=CH2 + Br2 à CH2Br- CH2Br 1

9.  Diagram(NCERT Book) 3

10.  Grafting–brief description (1)

Cutting- briefdescription (1)

Layering- briefdescription (1)

11.  Diagram–withlabeling,

Stigma,style,ovary,anthev,filament, petal,sepal (1½ + 1½ )

12A) modes of preservation of ancient species [1Mark]

B) fossil help in establishing evolutionary traits among organisms and their ancestors .

Explanation with examples [2Marks]

C) fossils help in establishing the time period I n which organisms lived

13.  Correct explanation with example [2Marks]

14.  Diagram (NCERT Book)

15.  [1] Temperature changesandrainfallfailures (1)

[2] Lossofimmunityinhumans (1)

[3] Destructionofaquaticlifeandvegetation(1)

( Anyother pointsalso)

16.  A)chromosomal no is fixed for particular spices for human beings this no is 46.the no of genes on the chromosomes are same but they may be of different types

B) Homologous organs, analogous organs, vestigial organs helps to identify evolutionary relationships among the species. Example of analogous organs, homologous organs to explain evolutionary relationship in species. [2+2 )

17.  A-group 13 , period-2, B- group-15 , period-2, C-group-18, period-2 1+1+1

18.  ) [1] Essentialfor ecologicalbalance


[3] Prevention of flood or any other points 1+1+1

19.  Each ray diagram with nature of image 1+1+1+1+1

20 . A) Defination Mutliple fission [1Mark]

Explanation with diagram [2Marks]

b)  Two differences between Polination and fertilization [2 Marks]


a)  Defination of vegetative propagation [1Mark]

2 Uses of vegetative propagation [2Marks]

2 advantages of Vegetative Propragation [1Mark]

b)  IUCD-> Intra Uterine contraceptive device+ 1 function [1 Mark]

21.(a)CH3-COOH(ethanoic acid) 1

(b) Chemical equation 1

© ethylethanoate 1

(d) esterification 1

(e) saponification 1


(a)  Reactions- 1+1

(b)  Presenceof Ca2+ionsandMg2+ions 1

Formationofinsolublecalciumandmagnesiumsaltswithsoap (1)

Soapgetwastedsimplyas itdonotlatherwithsoap (1)

22a, Homologous--Organswhichperformdifferent functionsbuthavesimilar structureandorigin.

eg :- armofmanor anyother.

Analogous--Organswhichhavesimilar appearance andfunctionsbutdifferentstructure andorigin.

Eg:wingsof a butterfly (1+1)

b.F1generationisthe generationof hybridsderivedfromacross betweentwogeneticallydifferenthomozygousindividuals.

F2generationisthe generationproducedasaresultof interbreedingbetweenthe individualsof F1generation. 1+1

c. Variationsaredifference foundinstructure,function,behaviors andgenetic make upof differentindividualsof same parentage,variety, race andspecies. 1

23.  correct reasons- 1+1+1+1+1

24.  17A) Mendeleev left gap in his periodic table for the undiscovered elements like germanium, gallium.

1) Anamolous pairs: Mendeleev ‘s couldn’t explain the presence of anamolous pairs in which an element with more atomic mass preceded the element with lower atomic mass, e.g., Co and Ni.

2) Position of isotopes: it was based upon atomic mass yet, no separation positions were there for different isotopes of elements.

3)Position of hydrogen : there was no fixed position of hydrogen since its properties resembles both with group I elements and group VII elements.

C) with the increase in atomic no. in a period an electron is added successively increasing

from 1to 8 to outer most shell . While in a period no. of shells remain the same. [1Mark]

25.  A

26.  B

27.  C

28.  D

29.  C

30.  C

31.  D

32.  A

33.  A

34.  image of Sun, Real and inverted 1 +1

35.  CO2 gas, pass this gas in lime water, lime water turns milky. 1+1

36.  Dispersion and refraction, correct diagram. 1+1

QUESTION PAPER DESIGN FOR CLASS TENTH (2015-16) / Typology of questions / Learning outcome / vsa / sa / vas / Long answers / Total marks / Weightage
CRITICAL THINKING / 3 / - / 1 / 1 / 11 / 15%
2. / UNDERSTANDING / - / 1 / 4 / 1 / 19 / 26%
APPLICATION / - / - / 4 / 1 / 17 / 23%
4. / HOTS / - / 2 / - / 1 / 9 / 12%
5 / EVALUATION / - / - / 3 / 1 / 19 / 25%
TOTAL(THEORY BASED QUESTIONS) / 3X1=3 / 3X2=6 / 12X3=36 / 6X5=30 / 75(24) / 100%
PRACTICAL BASED / 9X1=9 / 3X2=6 / - / - / 15(12) / -
TOTAL / 12X1=12 / 6X2=12 / 12X3=36 / 6X5=30 / 90(36)