Sample Press Release Template For Prize Winner Announcement



Ex. ABC Inc Announces $100,000 Prize Winner As Mr. XYZ from NY

Ex: Mr. XYZ Wins $100,000 Prize Money in a Lucky Draw Announced by ABC Inc.

Description: (optional) This is a very short description about the press release. Many PR distribution sites will ask for this. [This description should go expanding the title in not more than 2-3 lines. Ex. XYZ Inc is pleased to announce the Winners of 2007 Software Contest for the $100,000 prize money held at NewYork.]

[City, State] -- [Date] -- This is the opening introduction of the body. Write here about the prize event, who conducts it, when it took place, and who the winner is/are and the total prize money won.

[Narrate here in detail what the contest is all about. (Ex. Open Source Software Contest where participants were asked …..). Describe more about the contest like number of entries, participants, rules, mode of selection etc. You can also mention about donations or funding sources responsible who made this prize event possible. You can also say about judges/committee persons involved if they are from reputable background.]

[Here goes very short background of the winner and what he intends to do with the money in the future]

[Write here about the firm or company or organiser who is responsible for prize contest. Write a short note its activities and some background. Write here two quotes from spokesperson in your company in direct speech. Ex. John (CEO) said “….”]

[Always provide a reference source such as website link in the concluding section of the body where readers can find more detailed information. Ex. More information about this contest can be found at {your website link} or can be reached Mr. John by phone at {phone no}]

About Company

[This boiler plate section providing independent background on the issuing company, organization, or individual. Write here history, background, activities and other future goals etc.]

Contact Information:

[Personal or Company Name]





(This mark lets the reader know that it is the end.)

[Editors Note: optional]