Sample Online Syllabus

Course Prefix/Course NumberCOMM XXXXOnline

Course Title:Business and Professional Communication

Credit Hours:3


Professor: Kelly Quintanilla, Professor of Communication

Office: FacultyCenter 203

Phone: 361-825-2659

Email: Via BlackBoard mail found in BlackBoard course on the course toolbar (left). I will respond to all email and discussion postings within 24 hours (M-F) unless you are informed of any exceptions. The same response time is expected from you. Please do not assume that I will respond as promptly on weekend or holidays.

On-Line Office Hours: I will be available by phone (361-825-2659) Mondays from3:30 – 6:30 p.m. or by appointment. Also, I will be available through ‘Chat’ during these times as well. You may post a general question or topic to the “Prof’s Office” discussion board on the course website. Please direct confidential messages to my private email in Blackboard.


Upon successful completion of the course, students should be able to:

Identify the key terms and major theories relevant to business and professional communication;

Create a resume to enhance individual career and/or educational marketability;

Use effective interviewing skills and techniques;

Integrate communication and research skills to create a professional presentation;

Produce effective business and professional writing (reports and memos) samples;

Apply theory in order to effectively communicate as both a team member and as a leader; and

Evaluate the performance of team members based on clearly defined objectives and present that assessment in an honest, yet constructive manner.


COMM XXXX Online is designed to investigate the role of communication in professional life. Attention to interviewing, workplace culture, interpersonal and team communication, technology professional presentations, leadership, and work life balance. Students will learn practical skills via presentations, research, resumes, interviews, meetings, and professional writing grounded in communication and business theory.


Quintanilla, K. & Wahl, S. (20142015). Business and Professional Communication: KEYS for Workplace Excellence 2e. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.

Access the Instructor and Student Companion Site here:


• Internet Access

You are not required to login at specific times each week. However, you are expected to login three to five times per week. The most successful students login to the course daily. Internet Access from home, work, and/or school is necessary to ensure your success in this class.

• Other Hardware and Software

Distance speaking requires a variety of technologies. All students must have access to a video camera. To deliver your speech from adistance you will need PowerPoint software. Also, you will either need a web cam or a built-in microphone on your computer. If you do not have this hardware and don’t want to purchase, another option is to videotape your speeches and send to me through snail mail and/or upload to the Internet for viewing (Youtube, Veoh, etc.) I am open to other options; however, you need prior approval before submitting speeches differently than assigned. PowerPoint is available to you in the on-campus computer labs. However, microphones and video cameras are not provided. If you have access to or want to purchase the technology required for the assignments, you should withdraw from this course.

If using a video camera (versus the built-in software in BlackBoard, which requires a built-in microphone and/or web cam), acceptable formats include:

  1. VHS Tapes
  2. Digital tapes (mini and 8mm)
  3. DVD

Mail tapes to:6300 Ocean Drive

Corpus Christi, Texas78412

(Please mail so that the tape arrives by the assignment deadline)

  1. Upload to YouTube
  2. Upload to

Note: the last two options are preferred, but not required. Additionally, I am open to other possibilities, but permission is required before submitting.



I will communicate with you via e-mail on a regular basis. You are encouraged to check your e-mail every time you login to the course.


Please pay close attention to where assignments should be submitted. Every Discussion and Learning Activity will have a new topic area, so it’s important to be sure you are posting to the right area to ensure you receive credit.

The technology can be a little overwhelming to some, especially if you are new to online learning, but it’s important not to give up. If you are having problems and/or don’t understand something, please call me or shoot me an email.

All deadlines will be posted to the Course Calendar.

Posting on the Discussion Boards

It is important that your postings be relevant, grammatically correct and professional in order for your ideas to be understood and taken seriously. The tone, thoughtfulness and legibility of your posts will be considered in your bulletin board participation grade. “Flaming” and other defamatory communication will not be tolerated. Your grade will suffer if you choose to submit rude, sarcastic, condescending, generally unprofessional or poorly written posts.

* Do not use all capitalization in a posting. This is equivalent to screaming at

someone in a face-to-face interaction. Do not use slang or IM/texting acronyms.

Though emoticons are encouraged, be careful not to use them too much.

* Always provide a subject in your email messages and discussion postings.

*Read the syllabus, discussion postings, and email messages before asking a

question. In many cases the question will have already been addressed.

*Please proofread your posts before submitting them. They should be clear, insightful and error free.

Posting Learning Activities

The learning activity assignments should be saved as word documents or pdf files and posted in the Assignments section of BlackBoard.

Audience Convened by Student Instructions

For your informative presentation you must convene an audience of at least ten adult audience members. You can actually convene the audience in your own home -- if there is enough room; however, it can also be at a public location (church, coffee shop, etc). If the speech takes place in a public setting – you must have the audience’s undivided attention. In other words – it can not be a situation where audience members are eating/talking and are unaware of what the speaker is doing.

Videotaping Instructions

When the student delivers the speech, the speech MUST be videotaped and mailed to the instructor or uploaded to the Internet for viewing. The student must have someone else do the videotaping and give them specific instructions to scan the audience before during and after the speech. The camera can never be turned off and back on at any time during the speech. The person videotaping should be instructed to keep a medium shot at all times. Finally, the quality of the audio and video must be high enough so that the speech is gradable.


Attendance/Participation:COMM 3330 Online is an interactive online learning experience. Students are strongly encouraged to login to the course 3-5 times per week, read the assigned chapters and lecture notes, communicate with the instructor and other students as instructed, and submit all assignments when due. COMM 3330 Online is not an independent study, which means that course activities must be completed at the pace defined by the instructor.

Proctored Experience: One proctored experience, an informative speech, is required for this class. The speech must be delivered in front of at least 10 people, videotaped and uploaded to your instructor for grading. If you deviate – in any way – from the audience and videotaping assignment, you will receive a zero on the speech and an F in the course; therefore, it’s vital that you read and follow all directions.

Late Work: Deadlines will be posted on the Blackboard course calendar and will be strictly enforced. Every day an assignment is late, it is a letter grade off. Make-ups are handled on a case-by-case basis.

Scholastic Dishonesty Statement: Plagiarism is considered serious academic misconduct. All assignments presented should be the work of the student enrolled in the course. Proper documentation should be made of materials cited from all sources. Instructors determining that a student has plagiarized will assign a failing grade for that assignment and may elect to pursue disciplinary proceedings against the student.

Failure to Participate versus Formal Withdrawal: Withdrawing from the course is the your responsibility. Instructors cannot withdraw students. Do not assume that you will be withdrawn from this course if you stop participating. If you decide to withdraw, please complete the proper paperwork with TAMUCC ; otherwise, your final grade for the course will show as an F.


Learning Activities (10%)

Learning Activities are posted every Monday and will be due by the following Monday. Learning activities should be posted in the Assignments area.

Discussion Postings (10%)

Participation in bulletin board discussion assignments is required. If you can’t participate regularly in the required discussions, you should withdraw from this course.

Exams (20%; 10% for each exam)

Two examinations will be given during the semester. These exams are designed to test your knowledge of the course readings and lectures. Each exam will incorporate multiple choice and true/false questions.

Mock Interview (5%)

For this assignment you will be required to take part in a mock interview* via phone or video conferencing with the professor. Following the interview you will be required to take part in a critique of your performance. Your grade on this assignment will be credit/no credit.

* You must schedule your interview at the beginning of the semester. Failure to do so may result in your inability to complete this assignment.

Cover Letter and Resume (10%)

Find a job posting for a position you would be interested in applying for after graduation. Create a cover letter and resume customized for this position. You should use this job posting and resume as the basis for your mock interview. Feel free to receive feedback from the Career Planning and Placement counselors on your resume, prior to turning it in for a grade.

Presentation (15%)

You will present a 10 minute informative speech on a pre-approved topic related to Business and Professional Communication in the Workplace. This presentation must include all the components of an effective speech discussed in your textbook. Additionally, you must be delivered used an extemporaneous delivery style.The speech must be delivered in front of at least 10 people, videotaped and uploaded to your instructor for grading.

This speaking assignment is intended to develop your skills in delivering an informative speech. Your general purpose is to inform your audience about a pre-approved topic. Be sure that your topic is one that can be covered in the allotted time (6-8 minutes). Make certain this topic is challenging. You will be required to include at least 3 documented sources. Your main points should be clear and fully supported. And finally, provide the audience with an easy to follow organizational design. (Don't forget to develop smooth transitions.)

For this presentation you MUST speak from an outline or without notes. You can NOT use a manuscript. Anyone using a manuscript will not pass this assignment. Work to maintain eye contact with your audience and use an extemporaneous speaking style.

Team Report (15%)

You will be randomly assigned to a virtual team consisting of 4members. As a group you will develop policies, including division of labor, virtual meeting times, and participation. Your team will develop a report on a topic related to communication excellence in the business and professional context. During the planning phase your group will assess the problem/situation, select a topic, develop a plan of action, and take any needed steps in preparation for the implementation phase – writing the report (7-10 pages) based on your research.

Memos (10%)

You will write a performance appraisal of your fellow teammates. Specifically, you will write a memo in which you appraise your teammates performance as both leaders and team members. All discussions must be tied to the theories and concepts covered in this course. Specific examples must be cited; therefore, you must keep a log of group meetings and progress. This log must be turned in with the memos.

Each memo should include the following.

  1. Describe and evaluate contributions. Be specific. Make certain to focus the evaluation on communication excellence.
  2. Identify an area(s) for performance improvement. Then make suggestions for improvement based on what you have learned about communication this semester.
  3. Your financial officer has informed you that each person can receive up to $100 in bonus salary. In the concluding paragraph assign the bonus amount. The amount must be justified by the content of the performance appraisal.

Peer Evaluation Average (5%)

The bonus score you receive from your teammates will be averaged together and that score will become 5% of his or her final grade in this course.


Percentage Points

Exam One10%100

Learning Activities10%100

Discussion Posting10%100

Mock Interview5%50

Cover letter and Resume10%100

Informative Presentation15%150

Team Report 15%150


Peer Evaluation Average 5%50

Exam Two10%100

There are 1000 points broken down as follows:

A = 900-1000

B = 800-899

C = 700-799

D = 600-699

F = 599 or below

There are 1000 points possible, broken down as follows:

A = 900-1000

B = 800-899

C = 700- 799

D = 600 - 699

F = 500 or fewer


To successfully complete the course students must read the text, participate in class discussions, and complete assignments according to this course schedule. Deadlines will be posted to the Course Calendar. Again, I will respond to your email within 24 hours and I ask that you do the same – unless it’s a week-end or a holiday. Though I encourage questions, please don’t wait until the last minute to ask questions regarding an assignment due.

Week 1: Topic: Introduction to the Course

Week 2:Topic: Business and Professional Excellence in the Workplace

Learning Activity:

Sender and Receiver

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Nonverbal Communication OR

Space, Proxemics and the Workplace

Reading Assignments:

Chapter One1; Articles 1 & 2

Chapter 2

Other Assignments:

Begin looking for a job posting for a position you would be

interested in applying to after graduation

Week 3:Topic: Landing the Job

Learning Activity:

Research Your “Dream Job

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Editing Your Resume OR

Evaluating Resumes and Drafting a Cover letter

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 24; Journal Articles 3 & 4

Other Assignments:

Begin Preparing Resume & Cover Letter

Schedule Mock Interview

Week 4:Topic: Getting to Know You Diverse Workplace

Learning Activity:

Learning Your Workplace Culture

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Cultural Diversity Awareness & Cultural Competence

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 35; Journal Articles 5 & 6

Other Assignments:

Work on Resume and Cover Letter

Week 5:Topic: Building Relationships Through Interpersonal Communication

Learning Activity:

Gossip versus the Grapevine

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Building Relationships through Interpersonal Communication

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 4 3; Journal Articles 7 & 8

Chapter 6

Other Assignments:

Work on Resume and Cover Letter

Week 6:Topic: Strengthening Connections through Team Communication

Learning Activity:

You will be randomly placed in a team for your

presentation and written report; each team will develop policies for

performance; each team should establish a meeting schedule

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 57; Journal Articles 9 &10

Other Assignments:

Study for Midterm Exam


Week 8:Topic: Communicating Excellence with Technology

Learning Activity:

Communicating Your Personal Identity Through Technology

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Communicating Excellence with Technology

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 68: Journal Articles 11 & 12

Other Assignments:




Work With Your Teams

Week 9:Topic: Writing with Professional Excellence

Learning Activity:

Saying Thank You

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Evaluating the Professional Context

Reading Assignments:

Readings: Chapter 79; Journal Articles 13 & 14

Other Assignments:

Work with Your Team

Week 10:Topic: Leading with Professional Excellence

Learning Activity:

No activity this week

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):


Reading Assignments:

Chapter 810; Journal Articles 15 & 16

Other Assignments:


Week 11:Topic: Presenting in the Workplace

Learning Activity:

Supporting Materials

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Analyzing the Audience

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 9 11 and 1012; Journal Articles 17, 18, 19

Other Assignments:

Work on your presentation

Week 12:Topic: Delivering a Speech With Professional Excellence

Learning Activity:

Introductions OR

Visual Aids

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

The Role of Nonverbal Communication in Presenting a Speech

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 1113; Journal Article 20, 21, 22

Chapter 12-: Journal Article 23 & 24

Other Assignments:

Work on your presentation

Week 13:Topic: Balancing Work and Life Through Communication

Learning Activity:

Developing Time Management Skills

Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Work Life Balance

Reading Assignments:

Chapter 13 & 14

Other Assignments:

MEMOS due (include your meeting log)

Week 14:Discussions (weekly discussion board assignments):

Do you think the KEYS approach impact your communication as a professional?

Other Assignments: