Links to Examples on the Internet

Sample Online Learning Center Surveys

Student Surveys

  • City College of San Francisco
  • University of Southern California Center for Academic Support
  • Berry College Academic Support Center Tutorial Services
  • University of Cincinnati Learning Assistance Center Smarthinking Survey
  • Mission College Santa Clara Tutoring Center Survey

Faculty Surveys

  • Goshen College Academic Support Center (from LRNASST Archives)

LC Staff Surveys

  • City College of San Francisco Learning Assistance Center

Sample Learning Center Annual Reports/Evaluations Available Online

  • Florida State University Academic Center for Excellence 2014-2015
  • Clemson University Academic Success Center
  • Ball State University Annual Report 2013-2014
  • University of Arizona Think Tank Highlights 2013-2014
  • University of Louisville REACH 2013-2014
  • Texas A&M Student Learning Center Annual Report
  • Miracosta College Tutoring and Academic Support Center Annual Report
  • Henry Ford Community College Biannual Report 2011 – 2013

Tutor Training Materials/Web Sites

  • City College of San Francisco LAC
  • NC State Videos and Textbook Put the Pencil Down
  • CRLA Tutor Training Handbook
  • University of Richmond Training for Tough Tutorials

Learning Center

Policies / Tutor Manuals

  • University of North Carolina Wilmington University Learning Center Tutor Handbook
  • Madisonville Community College The Learning Space Policies
  • Penn State Lehigh Valley Learning Center Policies
  • Purdue Student-Athlete Academic Support Services Tutoring Program Handbook
  • University of Wisconsin-Madison Greater University Tutoring Service Handbook (for volunteer tutors)
  • ERIC #:
  • A unique accession number assigned to each record in the database; also referred to as ERIC Document Number (ED Number) and ERIC Journal Number (EJ Number).ED386838
  • The name assigned to the document by the author. This field may also contain sub-titles, series names, and report nTutor Resource Manual: Tutoring Students in the Community College, Includes Section on Disabilities
  • Carleton College Prefect Handbook (SI)
  • University of Hawai’i Hawai’i Community College, The Learning Center Tutor Handbook
  • Harvard University Bureau of Study Counsel Handbook for Peer Tutors

Advisory Board Example

  • Los Angeles Mission College Learning Center

Evaluation/Evaluation Planning

  • CRLA White Paper Assessment of Learning Assistance Programs: Supporting Professionals in the Field by Jan Norton, University of Iowa, and Karen S. Agee, University of Northern Iowa
  • Free Resources for Program Evaluation