Attendance / Modupe O Aiyedogbon Burger KingPhil Bale EQRA
Martin Bilham Go-ahead London
Michael Carnuccio Southwark Council
David Clark Southwark Carers
Tony Davies Southwark Council
Alastair Hanlon Southwark Living Streets
Patrick Horan SDA
Peter Howarth TfL (Surface Transport)
William Kirby Herne Hill Society
Cllr Paul Kyriacou Southwark Council
Ish Lennox SLAM / SE5 Forum
Mark Mihajlovic Camberwell New Road Shopping
Simon Phillips Southwark Council
Barbara Selby Southwark Council
Emma Shannon TfL (London Rail)
Rob Smith Network Rail (Thameslink Programme)
Action points
Item 1
Welcome, Introductions and apologies for absence / Cllr Paul Kyriacou, Executive Member for Environment, chaired the meeting.
John Barcock
Eileen Con
Cllr Barry Hargrove
Sharon Hedges
Yvonne Leslie
Cllr Caroline Pidgeon
Tom White
Item 2
Minutes of the previous meeting and matters arising / The minutes of the meeting held on 10th September 2009 were agreed without comment or amendment.
Item 3
Update from rail transport operators / Southern Rail – Yvonne Leslie supplied a written update (attached)
East London Line –
Q. Are all the stations on the East London Line Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliant?
A. The four new stations are DDA compliant.
Further information is to be provided regarding Rotherhithe Station.
South London Line –The long list has been reduced to a short list for further investigation and will be reported to the stakeholders’ meeting on 24th November. / Emma Shannon
Item 4
Update on Thameslink / Thameslink will provide major north south capacity increase. Rob Smith will provide pdf of presentation for distribution.
Q. Regarding Disability Discrimination Act (DDA) compliance of stations from Herne Hill to Blackfriars?
A. Northbound – no problem same platform cross, southbound DDA compliant, lifts and escalator. Also increasing frequency from some stations on the loop, no loss of existing frequency from remainder. Longer 8 car trains from Tulse Hill.
Q. Details were requested regarding the Denmark Hill to north London route which is currently getting some new (diverted) services, the London Bridge to Charing Cross route and the Bromley South through route?
A. No engineering reason why the additional services cannot continue post 2015. Further answers will be provided by Thameslink.
Q. South London Line – could this run through London Bridge to terminate at Charing Cross?
A. Could be issues around Thameslink passing South London Line. To be checked.
Q. Retention of services to Bromley south?
A.Would be up to the train operating companies as to how they use the infrastructure. DfT consultations on 2015 service patterns will start in 2013. / Rob Smith
Item 5
Update from bus operators / Go-ahead
New contracts awarded on the following routes; 21, 63, 345,363 and 521. New or refurbished vehicles to be used on these routes. There will also be increased frequency on these routes. Road works have affected reliability.
Q. What was the extent of the vehicle refurbishment?
A. Mechanical and internal layout.
Q. Are articulated buses to be withdrawn?
A. Yes, but a Transport for London decision
Item 6
Update from Transport for London / Transport for London
There have been changes in the borough advocate role in that it has been expanded to include all TfL surface transport issues
Bus Service revue undertaken by consultants KPMG. Results show generally “fit for purpose” and good value for money. Details of the 34 detailed recommendations made, report will be given at the next meeting.
“Countdown” signs, internet linked and giving real time information, are being installed at the 2500 busiest bus stops. A discussion followed as to this being the best policy for the introduction of the new service. The following questions were raised;
Q. What action can be taken if a bus fails to stop when requested to do so?
A. Make a complaint direct to the bus company with details of time, date and bus route.
Q. Can more thought be given to the location of bus stops to ensure the best possible service for customers?
A. The constraints on the location of bus stops are many and varied but every effort is made to locate a bus stop in the best place given these constraints.
Q. Example – Red Post hill southbound bus stop is a long way from Herne Hill junction and therefore very close to next stop. Could it be moved nearer to Brixton?
A. Will report back to next meeting
Concern was expressed about bus diversions without prior notice.
A. If the diversion was caused by planned highway or utility works prior notice was available. If the diversion was caused by an emergency situation there was often little opportunity to give advanced warning. Will report back on specific issue raised about New Kent Road.
An Autumn Review is to be carried out on the following bus routes;
68, 468, N68, X68, 171, 196, N171, P5, 12, N12, 37, N37, 53 and N53
. / Peter Howarth
Peter Howarth
Item 7
Update from London Travelwatch / To be asked to attend next meeting
Item 8
The Mayor’s Transport Strategy / The Mayors Transport Strategy is 340 pages long and only available on the internet. The Strategy covers the following; key improvements, economic development and population growth, quality of life, safety and security ,transport opportunities for all, climate change, London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics Games, Impacts of the strategy and the next steps.
Needs to include more on speed control particularly enforcement and lower limits on the TLRN
Concern over funding for van driver and cyclist training
Policy on car ownership is in conflict with other initiatives
Item 9
Update on Local Development Framework / The timetable for the Core Strategy was given together with information regarding the Aylesbury Area Action Plan, the Canada Water Area Action Plan and the Borough Bankside and London Bridge Supplementary Planning Document.
Item 10
Any other business and closing remarks / An interesting discussion was held about the negative impact of Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ) on retail activity. This was with particular reference to Camberwell New Road.
In a discussion about speed reduction It was stressed that all speed controls must be enforced. This was particularly important near hospitals.
Feedback from SSEP rep at next meeting
1st December is the centenary of the south London Line.
Item 11
Date and time of the next meeting / To be advised.
Contact: Transport Planning Group, Southwark Council.
020 7525 5317