_____(Name of Person Being Mentored)_____MENTORSHIP PLAN
Learning Objective / Lesson / Date(s) / Resource(s) / Methodology / Measure- State the elements of “connecting” as a leadership trait and demonstrate its application
2 hours / The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership (2007, John C. Maxwell) / Review and discussion / Teach a small group of leaders (3-5) the elements of the trait and how these elements are operationalized
- Demonstrate ability to facilitate a group through an issue or project – 1st session
3 hours / JPANDA Facilitator Guide; “Facilitation at a Glance!” (2nd Ed., GoalQPC) / Review and discussion of reading / Identify process steps, roles responsibilities of leader facilitator, and overcoming 5 common facilitation challenges
- Demonstrate ability to facilitate a group through an issue or project – 2nd session
8:00 a
2 hours / “Facilitation at a Glance!” (2nd Ed.) “Coaches Guide to the Memory Jogger II” (GoalQPC) / Review and discussion on applying the concepts of this and previous session / Identify the common facilitation tools and their use; prepare a table with the tool, use, pros and cons
- Demonstrate ability to facilitate a group through an issue or project – 3rd session
8:00 a
3 hours / Previous learning & resources; mock team scenario (provided day prior to practice session) / Facilitate a small group/team / Participants evaluate the performance of role and handling of “issues”; follow-up discussion in honing skills to overcome identified improvement opportunities
- Apply the concepts of time management as they pertain to prioritization
2 hours / “First Things First” (Covey); “Time Management for Unmanageable People” (Cooper) / Reading Review & discussion, identify most useful ideas from these works / Devise a plan to implement the concepts of prioritization for a period of 30 days and implement
- State the elements of an effective process for overcoming a lack of commitment in the pursuit of building a functional team
2 hours / The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni); Sample Commitment List tool / Review and discussion of reading / Analyze current team for lack of commitment; prepare an analysis of the team, evaluating the 3 aspects in the lesson and an approach to dealing with them
- Analyze organization’s state of resistance to change & determine corrective action through comprehensive discussion of principles associated with change management from perspective of 3 authors (4 works)
10:00 a
2 hours / Johnson’s Who Moved My Cheese; Kotter’s Leading Change Our Iceberg is Melting; & Quinn’s Deep Change / Review principles proffered in each of the 4 works / State principles and their contribution toward managing change with 2 examples of organizations in change resistance state