Dear Colleagues,

What a thrill to see Canada House fill up with TLAers last week. 105 people across the four groups! Despite our usual limitation of time, the first round of dialogue groups yielded lively conversation and some emergent themes. Thanks to Mike, Kari, and Jesse's help in scribing and Mike's expertisein reading the notes for patterns, I have a set of highlights to send you - please see attached. These highlights can help inform your dialogue for next week.

We are finalizng the mini-dialogue groups (based on the survey information)sowhen you arrive next week, you will get to see who your dialogue chums will be for the rest of the quarter. Of course, we will continue to reserve the last 15 minutes for a whole group exchange and build in opportunities to cross talk, so you will get to hear what others think, too. And we are working on freeing up some more seating in Canada House so we're not quite as *cozy* as we were in some groups last week.

Also wanted to let you know about a few upcoming teaching-learning events:

* Using Cases in the Classroom, faculty seminar sponsored by The Center for Excellence in Management Educationon Wednesday October 18th at 4PM in Parks Hall 441. Panelists include Craig Dunn.The panel will lead a discussion of topics such as the appropriate use of cases; integrating cases intoa course,getting the most out of a case, andselecting the best case for the topic.

* Critical Conversations, an informal and interactive discussion group for present and future teachers sponsored by the Center for Educational Pluralism (CEP), is sponsoring a series of events to promote educational equity. On Nov. 2, the topic is "Teaching as if Democracy Matters, a follow-up to the Nov.1st Distinguised Speaker, John Goodlad. All discussions take place at the CEP in Miller Hall 240, 6-7:30 p.m. Students, faculty, staff are all welcome.

Looking forward to continuing our dialogue next week,


Carmen Werder, Ph.D.

Director, Teaching-Learning Academy

Director, Writing Instruction Support

Affiliated Faculty, Communication

Western Washington University
