LESSON PLAN 5 – Haley Moe
Class level / Low / Lesson date / 1/27/14
Classroom / Aula 4 / Lesson duration / 45 min
Progress expectation / The students should be able to distinguish between countable and uncountable nouns and how to describe the amount using quantifiers
Subject / Countable and uncountable nouns with quantifier expressions
Topic / Determining countable and uncountable nouns and how to quantify them appropriately without numbers
Aim / Prepare student to be able to quantify nouns and understand whether they are something they can count with a number or not, and if not how else to quantify them.
Objective / Students should be able to state whether a noun is uncountable or countable and be able to use an appropriate quantifier.
Knowledge assumed / Hopefully even if they students don’t know the terms countable and uncountable they can recognize the similarity of given nouns in each category in order to be able to understand the concept
Material & equipment / Audio of Madonna’s “Love Profusion” with a gap fill worksheet having the students listen for instances of “too much” and “too many” in order to distinguish between the countable and uncountable nouns
Learning assessment / Based on the final worksheet with sentences where they must choose a quantifier based on a given number and correct the noun I will understand whether they grasp the concept of the meaning of specific quantifiers and whether the nouns are countable or uncountable based on the nouns plurality corrections they make.
Post lesson notes / The lesson did go to plan and the students were more responsive than I had anticipated. They did seem to be at the right level, they could understand the topic but the worksheet was somewhat challenging. It seemed by the end the students did understand the concept of countable and uncountable nouns but the appropriate quantifiers which go with each were still unclear and which numbers correspond with the quantifying expressions. The students seemed interested and attentive for the majority of class. I think this was a good student lead class and the times I did speak were to ask questions for clarification of their knowledge and I needed to make my language much simpler when asking these types of questions; I also need to wait longer when eliciting these responses before just giving them the correct answer. I need to make sure students have an easy task for listening the first time and have them check with a partner for the gap fill answers before going over them all together. Susana seemed to understand the material the best and at some points was being a bit over bearing with responses, I should have politely shushed her in order for the other students to have a chance at responding. I ran out of time to go over the worksheet very well with them and I think they cot UCN and CN but not the correct quantifiers.
Phase / Duration / Topic / Teacher activity / Student activity / Resources
1 / 10 min / Listening and Gap Fill / Explain listening activity instructions to students clearly, they are listening to fill in the blanks with the correct lyrics. Listen twice and go over correct answers with students / Listen to the song twice and try to fill in the blanks with the correct lyrics / Madonna “Love Profusion” and Gap Fill Worksheet
2 / 10 min / Board Nouns into Categories / Using the nouns from the song lyrics separate them into either countable or uncountable and try to elicit these terms from students, emphasize is..much goes with UCN which are ALWAYS SINGULAR and are…many goes with CN which can be singular or plural. Have each student provide one countable and one uncountable noun example to add to the board. Drill pronunciation. / Determine what the nouns in each category have in common ie. Can we count them? Provide instructor with an example of each a countable and uncountable noun to go on the board.
3 / 10 min / Quantifiers / Board: “How many desks are in the room?” and “How much furniture is in the room?” Elicit terms countable and uncountable from students for desks/furniture. Highlight many/are for CN and much/is for UCN again. Board answers and the multiple quantifying expressions that could be used. Repeat the same process with drawings: “How much water?” and “How many houses?” / Answer the questions instructor has boarded, trying to answer without a number. Take note of the verb and quantifier combinations for UCN and CN.
4 / 15 min / Correction Worksheet / Explain to students they are to write new sentences without using a number ie. Using a quantifier and making sure the noun plurality is correct. Go over the students answers carefully as the plural “s” is difficult for them to hear / Write new sentences using an appropriate quantifier expression and correcting the noun.
Name / Notes
Jorge, Susana, Carlos, Fernando / Susana and Carlos seemed to be at the same level so it was helpful to pair one of each of them up with the lower students
Sample Lesson Plan Your Name