Sample lesson plan #1

This lesson plan is designed to teach students how to talk about what they do on their vacation. It also introduces students to the Euro if they have never seen it. Students get the opportunity to work in pairs and in a group activity. They will be listening, reading, speaking, and writing during the 50 minute lesson.

The lesson begins with the instructor sharing the daily learning objectives and the agenda.

Daily learning objectives:

I can identify vacation activities

I can describe my dream vacation

I am familiar with European currency

In the target language, the instructor presents a PowerPoint with pictures and text identifying and explaining the following:

Les vacances

  • The differencebetweenles vacances scolaires et les congés payés

Students are asked to repeat new vocabulary (eachhavingitsownslide): visiter un monument historique, assister à un festival, visiter un musée, faire du ski, partir en croisière, et faire de la plongée sous-marine

  • There are pictures and video clips from the instructor’s trip to Paris showing some of these activities
  • Students are asked if there is an activity not in the lesson they would like to know how to say

Next, students are introduced to the question “comment sonttesvacances de rêve?” This is explained by a picture of someone imaging a vacation. Students are asked to repeat the question.

Students are provided with an example:

  • Comment sont tes vacances de rêve?
  • Je vais faire de la plongée sous-marine, visiter un musée, et visiter les pyramides.

Students are then asked to find a partner and role play by taking turns asking and answering this question.

The instructor follows-up by having students role play in front of class. They can do this from their seats.

Group work: this activity assumes that students can already identify different kinds of weather and different types of clothing. The worksheet is provided below. The instructor can follow up by having groups report on their vacation destination and discuss what they will wear.

After the lesson, the instructor revisits the daily learning objectives and asks the class whether or not they feel they can complete them.

Nom ______Date ______

Les Vacances en Groupe

You’re going on a week-long vacation with a group! Since it would be most affordable and safe to travel together, you must all approve of the destination. Your choices will be between Pointe à Pitre, Guadeloupe; Ivalo, Finlande; and Dakar, Sénégal. Descriptions of each destination can be found in the group catalog. Answer the following questions with your group (but remember to turn in your own paper):

1. Qui (who) est dans ton groupe? Nomme toutes les personnes.



2. Quelle est la destination que ton groupe a choisie?


3. Quel temps fait-il généralement là (there)?


4. Quels sont les sports et loisirs qu’on peut faire là?

Modèle: Il y a…de la planche à voile. Il y a un espace de tennis.




5. Est-ce qu’on peut nager ou (or) faire du ski là?


Les Vacanceset Les Vêtements

Each group will be given a stipend of 600 euros, so each person will have 150 euros. You must use this money to buy an appropriate outfit for the trip (at least one top, one bottom, and a pair of shoes). If it is generally pretty hot at your destination for example, you won’t want to buy a big coat.

If someone does not use all 150 euros he or she may share with another person in the group who needs a little help. There are two catalogs (men and women) you can choose clothes from. Record your choices and their cost in the table below.

Vêtement ______Prix: ______

Vêtement ______Prix: ______

Vêtement ______Prix: ______

Vêtement ______Prix: ______

Vêtement ______Prix: ______

Total: ______