Civics and Economics 2016-2017

Delaware Academy of Public Safety and Security

Mr. Brendan Coughlan

(302)322-6050 ext. 205

Course Overview

This course will focus on both economics and American government. The economics portion of the course will focus on major economic systems, market level and international economic interactions, and international trade. Cadets will participate in market simulations and discussions in class centered around those major economic themes.

Civics will focus on how and why people create governments, as well as the origins of the American system of government. Cadets will also learn more about civic participation, political systems, and their rights and responsibilities as citizens in the United States.

Textbooks and Classroom Materials

Cadets wishing to take a copy of the classroom text home will be required to check one out with Mr. Coughlan. Cadets can be held accountable for lost or damaged textbooks. Additional copies will be left in the classroom. Cadets should expect homework at least once a week, at least 4 quizzes and a test per marking period.

Preparation is crucial for success in this course, as a result cadets will be expected to bring the following materials with them to class each day:

  • Green, three-ring binder to hold all classroom materials, including handouts and graded assignments.
  • 3 Tab dividers for Classwork, Homework, and Tests and Quizzes
  • Notebook for Journal Entries and Class notes. (An additional section in your three ring binder with loose leaf paper will also meet this requirement)
  • Pen/Pencil
  • A Positive Attitude.

Classroom Policies and Expectations

The following rules will always be in effect:

1.Be on time. When the bell rings you are to be in your seat working on the warm-up for the day.

2.Be prepared for class. You will always need your notebooks and a writing instrument.

3.Be courteous and respectful.

4.No food or drink in class, except water in a clear plastic container.

Failure to meet these expectations, or others established by the class, will be handled at the discretion of Mr. Coughlan.

Grading Policies

Graded assignments will be determined at the instructor’s discretion. Cadets should expect to have at least one graded assignment per week. Grades will be determined by the percentage of points received on an assignment out of the total number of points available. Cadets should expect a graded quiz each week. Not all classwork and homework will be graded, but cadets should be sure to complete all assigned work, as any assignment can be collected for a grade at the time it is due. There will be one notebook check each marking period worth one test grade.

Grades in this course will be determined following the academy grading scale:

A: 90-100%

B: 80-89%

C: 70-79%

D: 60-69%

F: 59% and below.

Honors Section

Being enrolled in an honors class at DAPSS is a privilege reserved for those cadets seeking additional academic challenges. Cadets in this section can expect to move at an accelerated pace, and have additional assignments and projects assigned throughout the year. These extra responsibilities are designed to enhance the academic rigor of the course for those cadets who are up for the challenge.

Absent and Late Work

All cadets will be responsible for getting work missed while absent from the absent work bin. Cadets will have as many days as they were absent to complete missed assignments. Any assignment received after it is due will automatically receive a 10% deduction per day that it is late. Any assignment turned in a week or more late without an excuse note will be worth no more than half credit.

Extra Help

All cadets are encouraged to seek extra help whenever they are having difficulty with a topic. Cadets needing extra help should arrange a date to stay afterschool with Mr. Coughlan.