Sample Harms Outline

Resolution: My partners and I stand firmly resolved that the United States Federal Government should pass a law making factory farming should illegal.

We offer the following Case against the status quo:

Contention I. Harms/Needs

  1. Factory farming is extremely cruel.

1.Evidence: The animals are confined to the point where suffocation is common. Most of the animals never see direct sunlight, smell fresh air, and some never even touch the ground. Animals are mutilated and modified. Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012.

2.Evidence: The circumstances don’t allow the animals to act in natural ways.Branswell, Helen. "Flu Factories." Scientific American 304.1 (2011): 46. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

  1. Due to factory farming, health risks for people have grown significantly.

1.Evidence: Overcrowding of animals in factories spreads epidemics quickly.

Branswell, Helen. "Flu Factories." Scientific American 304.1 (2011): 46. MAS Ultra -

School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

2.Evidence: The factory farms are filled with so many antibiotics and hormones that it is common for diseases, bugs, and infection to pass to humans.

Branswell, Helen. "Flu Factories." Scientific American 304.1 (2011): 46. MAS Ultra -

School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

  1. Factory farms poison the land, air, and water.

1.Evidence: Animal waste is stored in large pits or “lagoons” where it poses a serious threat to the land, air, and especially the water.

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School

Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

2.Evidence: Three-quarters of U.S. factory farms are subjected to no state pollution controls.

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

3.Evidence: Factory farms generate enormous amounts of waste , which can leak into the ground water, and put residents at risk of exposure to infectious and potentially deadly bacteria

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School

Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

4.Evidence: Runoff from industrial farms can also spread antibiotic-resistant bacteria, and contribute to dangerously high levels of heavy metals such as nitrates into wells and public water supplies.

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School

Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

Contention II. Inherency

  1. No direct laws protecting animals from factory farming
  2. Evidence: The Federal Animal Welfare Act regulates the treatment of animals for commercial purposes but does not apply to farm animals unless they are being used in research or for exhibition. This creates a gap.

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012

  1. Evidence: There are no federal laws that protect farm animals from even the most harsh and brutal treatment as long as it takes place in the name of production and profit.

Tale Of Two Cattle. (Cover Story)." Time 174.8 (2009): 34. MAS Ultra - School Edition. Web. 9 Jan. 2012