Microbiology 250

Chapter 7Outline and Study Guide

Textbook Readings

Brock Biology of MicroorganismsChapter 7Textbook Pages: 215-244

Genetic regulation provides a useful window into the prokaryotic life style. Understanding regulation of genes and enzymes is a key to understanding how prokaryotic microbes respond to the environment with swift and appropriate metabolic changes. In this chapter we will survey the most important forms of gene regulation and begin to look at how these are integrated into a “physiology” for microorganisms.

Assigned readings includeall Sectionsin Chapter 7 from pg 215 through 244.

The material may be a review for some of you but for others it will be new.

Other Readings and Assignments

No other readings or assignments at this time. Other reading/writing/viewing/internet assignments may be made later. You should be able to describe and explain the main types of gene regulation that we cover in Chapter 7and relate them to the organisms and studies that we have read about in earlier readings assignments (eg news articles and scientific reports discussed in class).


The mini-quizzes scattered throughout this chapter are important! Use these mini-quizzes in assigned reading sections as ways to assess your understanding of concepts as you read.

Big Ideas

The Big Ideas at the end of the Chapter (pg. 242) are important! These big ideas articulate and emphasize the main point of each chapter sub-section. You should be familiar with and understand these big ideas in each of the assigned reading sections..

Key Terms

You will need to have a solid understanding of the Key Terms presented on page 243. These vocabulary terms are the building blocks for your understanding of the principles of microbiology. Many of the terms from Chapter 7 may already be familiar to you from other classes but it might be helpful for you to review them anyway.

Review and Application Questions

The Review and Application Questions on Page 243-244 are important. You should use these questions to help guide you in your study of microbiology and your preparation for course exams. These questions help you to look at facts, concepts, big ideas and key terms in different ways and they also help you to understand relationships. The most important questions on page 243 are: Review Questions1-9, 11 plus 14, 15 on page 244. Important Application Questions on page 244 include1, 4, 5. You should take time to work on these Review and Application Questions as you prepare for the exam.

For the Exam

Mini-Quiz, Big Ideas, Key Terms, Review and Application Questions material as described above may appear in some form on one of your course examinations. Other lecture material, writing and homework material may also appear in some form on the exam.