


Chief Complaint/ Symptoms: ______


______Sx Post Rx:______

Symptoms: New -OR- Since last visit: Resolved Improved No Change Worse

Pain Bleed Constip Diarrhea Swelling Prolapse Itching IBS Sx Incomplete Evac Leakage

Previous Treatment: LL RA RP Other______NONE Fissure

Band used: standard latex-free

Reviewed History Patient Family Social No change since last visit

Physical Exam: WNL AB N/E WNL AB N/E WNL AB N/E

General Gastrointestinal (abdomen) Genitourinary (male)

Skin Constitutional Chest (breasts)

Lymphatic Respiratory Musculoskeletal Eyes Cardiovascular Neurologic

Neck Ears, nose, mouth, throat Psychiatric

External Exam: Tags Ext. Hem Rash Fistula Lesion Other ______

Digital Exam: Spasm Fissure (Post) (Ant) Lesion Abscess Poor Tone Other ______

Internal Hemorrhoid Location: RA RP LL Other__ Notes:______

Anoscopy Procedure Depth:______Stool in vault: Descrip.______

Internal Hemorrhoids: RA: Grade____ RP: Grade____ LL: Grade____ Other:______

Fissure: Location______Polyps: Location______Masses______Other:______

Procedures: Band:______I&D Excision Biopsy

*marking ‘band’ and placing a location abbrev. indicates a hemorrhoid ligation by rubber band was performed

Meds Used During Procedure: NTG Lido Other ______

Meds Prescribed: 0.125% NTG 0.2% NTG 0.4% NTG Diltiazem Nifedipine

Lidocaine Hydrocort Lotrisone Lotrimin (clotrim.) Miralax (PEG)

Other Rx:______

OTC Meds:______

Assessment / Plan
Int. Hem. Ext. Hem Anal Fissure Anal Spasm
Pruritis Ani Skin Rash IBS Constip. Diarrhea
Fistula-in-ano. Fecal Incont. Abcess Thrombosed Hem OTHER: / Patient provided with:
Post-band Fiber Rx NTG Instructions Rx Written
Kegels Wound Care OTHER:
F/U ____ Days ____ Weeks____ Months___ PRN

Instructions Given to Patient ______


______Referred To: ______Colonoscopy Other ______

Reviewed By:______Date ______

Provider Signature