TEAM NUMBER:_931____

STUDENT NOMINEE NAME:_ Elena Wylie______



EXPLANATION IN SUPPORT OF NOMINATION (Including reference to the student’s: Leadership

and commitment to the ideals of FIRST, interest in and passion for a long term commitment to FIRST and

its ideals, overall individual contribution to their team, technical expertise and passion, entrepreneurship

and creativity, ability to motivate and lead fellow team members and effectiveness at increasing

awareness of FIRST in their school and community.

Team 931 is proud to nominate Elena Wylie for the FIRST Dean’s List Award.

Elena joined the FRC team for the 2007 season during her sophomore year and has been with the team ever since and has participated with the FTC teamssince 2008. During her tenure, the team has been to 6 Regional competitions and qualified for the World Championship twice. During her junior year, she was voted team captain, and was on winning teams for KC in FRC and St. Louis – FTC. This year, Elena was an FTC manager for all 3 FTC Teams, and a Senior mentor during FRC build season. She helps the underclassman fabricating parts for the robot, and keeping all of the teams well organized.

Elena has taken the Project Lead the Way Course Work at Gateway and will graduate as Engineering major. She plans to attend college and seek a Career in Engineering; the field is still to be determined. As a mentor for the last 3 years, I have seen the importance of Elena to the team. The new members look to her for advice, and guidance. Mentors and other members know that Elena will have the answers about the current Game. Most importantly she is a great ambassador for FIRST.

She has been instrumental in the mounds of paperwork, scouting, building, fundraising for the team over the last 3 years. During her second year, she was elected a team captain by the students and was in charge of media relations. She took control over the chairman’s award submission (2007 Winner – ST. Louis Regional), worked on sponsor presentations, scouting, helped build the costume and created the Team’s First Blog. This year she has also been very helpful in showing the new team members how to fabricate parts. Elena has helped to get more Girls involved, working to help create the G.I.R.L.S. poster we now use to recruit.

Elena has participated in countless presentations to sponsors including AB-INBEV, and MasterCard, the St. Louis Science Center, and many more showing the values of FIRST to all that we encounter. At MasterCard, the team brought their 2007 FTC winning robot for demonstrations at their Bring your Kid to work day, and showed the kids how to work the robot. They loved getting a chance to play with and operate a student built robot.

Elena has shown the values of FIRST to her parents and her step father has been mentoring FTC and FRC teams for two years. He said, “We never had anything like this when I was in school, it’s Awesome!” The family company has also become a sponsor and helps whenever needed. She also recruited another team mentor in a local architect. The team tried new fundraisers this year behind the enthusiasm Elena brought to the ideas. We held a pancake dinner and sold Yankee Candles. She has ensured that Thank You letters and Team pictures go out to all supporters, and mentors.

Elena recognized the needs of the team and the coaches. She is a voice for the students, brings team concerns to the mentors, and makes sure we are completing our tasks as mentors. She stands up for Robotics. Elena has gone to PTA and School Board meetings seeking additional support, and spreading the accomplishments of the team.

Last year, Team 931 had its best year, winning the Kansas City Regional, making the semi-finals in St. Louis as a top 8 team, and in Archimedes – the robot finished in a tie for 2nd, again as an Alliance Captain. Elena was instrumental in building relationships with other teams to ensure they knew our strengths and had a solid relationship that ensured success.

Elena is truly a gracious professional. She has been recognized as a team leader. We know she will be successful at whatevershe takes on, and truly understands the opportunities FIRST have given her. She has applied for scholarships, and visited many colleges that support FIRST and engineering. She will be a great leader, and has many of the values and characteristics of a leader.

It is with great respect and admiration of Elena Wylie, that Team 931 nominates her for the inaugural FIRST Dean’s List Award.