World Café Ideas

November 4, 2010

What Do Our Students Need:Birth-Five Years


World Café Ideas: Birth-Five Years, NeedsPage 1 of 5

  • Family time
  • Model/ example/Adult Mentor or reads to them or provides support (8)
  • Mentor for adults/parent modeling (5)
  • Affordable (free), quality day care/preschool for all children. (49)
  • Parents As Teachers (22)
  • Parent participation (6)
  • Parenting classes/training (25)
  • Transportation (3)
  • Nutrition (18)
  • Dental Care/Medical Care – immunizations, eye exams (11)
  • CRIB program at high schools
  • Vocabulary words at 22,000 words generally are more successful than children who posses 8,000 words or less + Early Reading/Literacy (20)
  • Adult Literacy/Financial Literacy (5)
  • Teach children to read the same way they learn to talk
  • Strong parental/ guardian support
  • Feel valued/ supported
  • P.A.T. – more diversity* cultural differences
  • Nurturing environment impacts life-long learning
  • Preschool gives socialization experiences
  • More spirit to help kids like that of folks have in sports
  • Rewards for daycare to take on kids
  • Need extended families
  • Need more help from employers
  • More activities to help families
  • Standing Committee on Education at the School Board
  • Giving voice to those who don’t have power…those who are receiving birth – 5 gap
  • Head Start – increased support
  • Connect parents that need help via area schools
  • Social interaction opportunities
  • Social evaluations early
  • Supportive family members help child develop
  • Teachers – where preschoolers exist
  • More aggressive agencies to benefit communities
  • Standing committees on Education & School Board
  • Birth – 5 - What can we do after school?
  • To direct students where and how they can help
  • Develop our children into advocates for themselves
  • If you have a need, seek out the solution
  • Positive messages
  • Something for single moms/ uneducated learned a lot from PAT
  • Can’t learn math it seems if can’t read
  • Early on positive reinvestment of self esteem
  • Universal Pre K over Parents As Teachers (PAT) with limited funds
  • Resources to help parents prepare their children
  • Sense of identity/ self-esteem
  • Parents as Teachers: Under educated
  • Parent mentoring?
  • For all school personnel to have a better understanding of available resources for students in need
  • Resources for parents
  • Set expectations early
  • Communication
  • Tutoring and literacy program
  • Help parents
  • Parenting coach / mentor
  • Educate parents – enhance the level of parents education
  • What are the true needs?
  • Good parents – who know how to be parents
  • Connection among local preschools basic needs
  • Collection/ List of all services, agencies that are available in our community (Book used to be available; not sure of source)
  • Solid base at home
  • Educational resources
  • Parent first teacher
  • Parents to be encouraged, uplifted, motivated
  • High expectations
  • Strong connection with all preschools to unite in discussion and solve community needs
  • More support for parents
  • Greater support for teachers as parents
  • Restructure PAT as a MN model (school like)
  • Literacy centers in higher poverty areas
  • Book of Resources available for Boone County
  • Good Preschool Books!
  • More support for families
  • Exposure to cultural/social items/activities in town
  • Comprehensive support
  • Volunteer support
  • Children connect parents and family and schools to one another meaning all are made aware of what can be offered to families
  • Professionals need education on what is out there, example 211
  • Can’t be exposed to drugs, alcohol
  • Greatest learning period – stability
  • Taught respect at a young age
  • Safety
  • Teen parents must have parent education to stop the cycle of kids having kids!
  • Are there regular opportunities for pre-schools, CPS Pre-K to dialogue
  • Public push – it is cool to be smart in school
  • Keeping students in schools instead of moving school to school
  • Please give us a list of what is out there for parents and kids?
  • Resource list?
  • Listing of resources
  • Credentials for at home
  • Need to educate parents about finance & literacy programs
  • Public campaign to show that it’s ok to look smart in school
  • Kindergarten training
  • Books in the homes – books
  • Books in Buddy Packs
  • Literacy classes in the schools
  • Lessons in how to talk with your child
  • Need to expose our children to multiple opportunities to stimulate learning
  • Reach out to families – Community events – allow students who are persistently poor to develop social skills
  • Connection between city schools
  • More resources for young parents
  • Public campaign to combat perceptions that being smart is bad
  • PAT program funded – think outside the box – implementing services in groups in schools???
  • Books in home
  • Educational resources
  • Get the word out – high expectations reinforced along the way
  • Cigarette tax!
  • Bridge between school levels
  • High expectations for parents and children
  • Attention paid to children
  • Education for caregivers
  • Early childhood education
  • Educational resources – to help teach
  • Supportive parents
  • High expectations from parents/others
  • Funding for the great programs
  • Structure
  • Tradition
  • How do we help people become aware of opportunities?
  • Info to parents about services
  • Resources
  • Role models (young) for teen moms
  • Make education fun
  • Community Communication
  • Daycare in High School
  • More qualified and caring teachers
  • Positive reinforcements
  • Education resources
  • Stable academic climate
  • No excuses
  • High expectations
  • Language Development
  • Greater ELL at K-5 level
  • *Strong language immersion
  • Home school communicators & Outreach Counselors
  • Address the whole gradient of need based AND excelled 4 year olds
  • Continued home visits
  • Role models & Leadership in Community
  • Family advocates – Liaisons in schools
  • Support for teenage moms
  • Program to present kids from having kids
  • Programs that target the help that is needed
  • 24.2% Boone County Teenage Pregnancy
  • Love
  • Socialization
  • Physical care
  • Relate to different cultures
  • Keep the kids excited about learning the basics
  • System to triage need
  • Nurturing parents
  • Language development
  • Sociology
  • Health education
  • parent education more
  • Sense of belonging
  • Preschool program within a school
  • 5 day preschool – Sharon Glasker - Barnette
  • Birth – 5 – where do we put our money?
  • Teacher training
  • Community involvement – getting kids together to learn social skills
  • Don’t let an obstacle become a barrier to your success
  • Support for parents all ages – even teen parents
  • Extra help for kids without resources
  • Language development
  • ELL in preschools & parents – language immersion programs K-12 or before?
  • Social workers
  • Lack of free preschools
  • System to triage – NEED
  • Language development
  • Language immersion programs for parents & students (K-12)
  • Assistance for teenage pregnant Mothers
  • Home school communications
  • Personnel to establish communication with family
  • Math & Science develop programs
  • Nurturing home
  • Solid role models
  • Internetwork of parents to play a supportive role for other parents
  • Language
  • ESL for young children
  • Refugee services for young child
  • Mental health help for parents
  • Address universal level not just at risk, tier 3
  • Collaboration between teachers at different grade levels
  • Leadership/ role models
  • Accredited programs
  • Universal support – more subsidies
  • Child Development in High School/ Junior High School
  • Parent Coaching
  • Child development and parent education classes
  • Forums that would allow/provide opportunities for parents to learn what academic skills are necessary at each level
  • Link between day cares and public schools (Co/Op)
  • More government funding and local, people to help funding
  • More social services that speak up and actually give
  • Education for teachers to tell parents what is needed from the starting student. I.E., Reading, Writing
  • More teachers to allow personalized instruction
  • Child Care – Link to CPS – systematic
  • School Social Workers
  • Unity between agencies and families
  • Build community
  • Coordination between daycare and public schools
  • Orientation to Expectations at Preschool / Kindergarten
  • The teaching of cultural values and social norms
  • Feeling of security
  • Sense of self
  • Secure identity
  • Funds for all preschool age children
  • School social workers
  • Parents as first teachers
  • Reduced funding is a problem
  • Need to align preschool childcare regulations, etc., with school readiness and standards
  • BUT some daycares do not have to be licensed (religious, church, etc.,)
  • Help them grow a strong sense of identity and self-esteem starting early
  • Lack of jobs – under employed, and have to work multiple jobs
  • Create positive peer pressure
  • Positive role model groups
  • High expectations – parents set
  • Stable security
  • Parents need support
  • Home preschools need to have a regulated curriculum
  • Churches should have Child Care/ Day Care Head Start Programs
  • Hospitals should teach new parents about their kids. How to give care of kids.
  • Funding for parents to afford daycare
  • Day camp a week before back to school to prepare at risk youth for the beginning of school
  • Let parents know what is expected of parents
  • Publicize Title I Preschool
  • Stable home environment – not moving around a lot = security
  • Expectations – need limits – boundaries
  • Deal with emotions – respond to stressors
  • Parents who read to them
  • How to problem solve
  • Encourage them to access the resources
  • Deeply engaged moms *from birth
  • High expectations
  • Connection for services
  • Outreach for above
  • Elementary students need more home school communicators
  • Early intervention
  • Relationships with higher expectations
  • $$
  • Moving ahead
  • Need the same ménage – The Children’s Project
  • Resources to speak out
  • More $ for early identification of special needs
  • Mobility
  • Come to Kindergarten on equal terms
  • Focus resources on early education
  • Multiple points of finding pre-K kids – Food Bank, Library, Hospitals, VAC, Churches, County, Housing Authority/Projects, Clinics, Schools
  • Need a “lead agency” to identify and lead and coordinate all pre-K services
  • Teach families
  • Multi-media approach – (BIG PRINT) flyers, radio
  • Educate parents about how to know their child is in trouble ad how important that is NO SHAMING + NO STATISTICS
  • Not ready for school – get to them early or ease them
  • Language development
  • Access to books
  • Print motivation
  • Conversations
  • Table time
  • Books into homes
  • Support ideas into homes
  • Contact with community
  • Getting more students involved
  • Spend time with child
  • Use technology to help all learn
  • Higher pay for Early Child Ed Teachers

World Café Ideas: Birth-Five Years, NeedsPage 1 of 5