How to use QCapture-Pro

Olympus CX41 Fluorescent Tissue culture Microscope

1 Switch on the Olympus UV bulb (U-RFLT50 ) or the cooled | Check the mercury bulb hours are under 100 | see the BAIR facility if the hours are higher.

2 Switch on the computer | Log onto the computer | Select workstation only | User name install and no password | Click OK

3 Double click on the QCapture-pro icon on the desktop to open the software

4 Set up sample on the microscope and focus | Move blocking plate slider at back of microscope to let light through from bulb | Select filter set required ( filters sets on microscope for GRP and RFP) | Change the light path from eyes to camera.

5 Click on the camera shortcut icon from the top shortcut menu. This will open the acquisition controls.

6  Click on Preview to get live window

7  Set exposure on Exp Pvw The Exp Acq should change to match this setting.

8  Select binning only if required.

9  Focus again on the image

10  Select snap to grab image

11  Select the contrasting tools form the short cut icon menu and brighten the image if required.

12  Right hand mouse click on the image and select Tint color.

13 To save image select edit convert to RGB 24. This will create a second image. With this image highlighted select File | Save as and save as jpeg of tiff.

13  To over lay two colours snap the first image and select Tint color. Snap the second image and select tint colour. The software will overlay them as soon as you select the second tint colour. The image can then be saved directly from the File | save as menu and saved as a tiff or jpeg. Save to USB.

If you have any problems using this system please see a member of the BAIR Facility Staff. Margaret or Tom can be contacted on ex 6872 or paged at the front office.
