Your Site Name Here
Region and Division
National Ski Patrol
Month Year
SUBJECT: Ski Area Lost Persons Search
1. Purpose. To provide a guide for conducting a lost person search at the ski area.
2. Execution. Upon notification that someone is lost, the person receiving the report should complete the worksheet at Appendix A (Lost person interview sheet). Appendix B (Execution Checklist) should then be used as a guide to go through the necessary response actions. Appendix C lists all of the local points of contact which may be used in conducting a search. Appendix D shows a sample organization, based on the Incident Command System, which would be appropriate for a fully developed search operation at the ski area. Appendix E describes the main duties of the personnel in the sample organization. (It is also recommended that any plan include a map packet with accurate local maps appropriate to coordinating a search, in sufficient quantities to provide to all personnel. Among other things it is useful to superimpose a series of checkpoints on such maps to allow for accurate communications and for identifying search grids and areas. It is also recommended that an area review standard ICS forms and include any which may be of use.)
3. Responsibilities. It is the responsibility of area management to initiate and initially manage and a lost person search. Through prior coordination this responsibility may be delegated to a particular office at the ski area such as the ski patrol or a local public safety agency. Each locality has an agency which is legally responsible for conducting search and rescue. This is normally the State Police, local police, or fire department. This designated agency should be involved in the planning process and needs to be brought into the search process when initial, local efforts at the ski area have not found the person.
4. Training. It is recommended that these procedures be reviewed and rehearsed at least once a year early in the ski season.
Appendix A - Lost Person Interview Sheet
Appendix B - Execution Checklist
Appendix C - Contact List
Appendix D - Sample Organization Chart
Appendix E - Duties and Responsibilities
Appendix F – Daily Command Log
Appendix G - Map packet (attach copies of area/regional maps with key points pre-identified and plotted. Provide sufficient copies for a complete search).
Appendix H - Incident Command System Forms
Appendix A (Lost Person Interview Sheet)
Month Year
(* for phone numbers indicate C=cell; H=Home; O=Office; L=Temporary Lodging or Local Number)
Note - Maintain Positive control of all witnesses. They may assist in the search but do not let them depart the search area without being checked out.
Date: Time:
Person Taking Report. Name: Organization/Position:
Person Making Report.
Name: Age:
Permanent Address:
Phone Numbers:
Local Address:
Relationship to Missing Person:
Part of a group? YES/NO
Group Name and Contact Information:
Group Leader. Name and Contact Information:
Last known contact, location, time:
Do you have a photo of the missing person?
Any computer/smart phone tracking system available to locate the person?
Where/how has the witness already searched, called, tried to find the missing person?
Missing Person
Name: Age: Sex: M/F
Permanent Address:
Phone Numbers:
Local Address:
Person have a vehicle? YES/NO Description and Location?
Height: Weight: Hair Color: Hair Style/Length: Eye Color:
Sideburns? Beard? Moustache? Balding?:
Facial Features/Shape:
Distinguishing Marks (scars, etc.):
Race/Skin Color and Complexion:
Any known mental/physical problems:
Any known alcohol or drug use:
Person Last Seen: Date/Time/Location:
Contact person/parent/guardian if underage:
Other useful information and contacts:
Clothing (outer primarily but include inner shirt and pants):
Hat? Color & Style:
Shirt Color & Style:
Jacket? Sweater? Color & Style:
Gloves or Mittens:
Sunglasses or Goggles?
Scent Articles Available? Where?
Mode of Transport
Snowboard or Skis? Color, Type, Brand:
Snowshoes? Color, Type, Brand:
Bike? Color, Type, Brand:
Equipment Rented or owned?
Pack? Color, Style, Brand?
Tent? Color, Type, Brand?
Sleeping Bag? Color, Type, Brand?
Water Bottle/Canteen?
Food? Amounts?
Fire Starting Capabilities? Type?
Fishing Equipment?
Firearms? Type?
Ice Axe/Skis/Snowshoes/Poles?
Other Equipment?
Trip Plans
Trip Destination and Purpose?
Planned Route and Alternate?
Planned Date/Time for Return?
Group Affiliation? Transportation?
Trip Starting Point and Time?
Car Description and Location?
Alternate Car or Alt. Pickup Plans?
Last Seen Details
When? Where?
By Whom? (Name, Location, Phone)
Going Which Way?
Special Reason for Leaving?
Any Unusual Comments on Leaving?
Familiar with the Area?
Outdoor Experience Level?
First Aid/Scout/Military?
Ever been lost before? Where? When?
Actions when lost before?
Ever go out alone?
Stay on trails or go cross-country?
Who would subject contact on reaching civilization?
(Name, Address, Phone Number)
Include friends, relatives, habitual bars or restaurants, arcades, stores, friend’s houses
General Condition?
Any physical handicaps or limitations?
Psychological or psychiatric problems?
Any Medications? Amount carried?
Consequences of loss?
Eyesight without glasses/contacts?
Carry spares?
Recreational drugs:
What type/brand? How much?
Consequences of withdrawal?
(include tobacco, alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, narcotics, prescription drugs)
Particular outdoor interests?
(e.g. “likes to follow streams because he is a fisherman”)
Job history?
Recent problems at work or school?
(Confirm with co-workers or teachers.)
Relationship with spouse, family, or significant other(s)?
Any recent changes?
Closest relative?
Closest other friend/confidant?
Who had last significant conversation wit subject? What about? When?
Any recent mail that might be relevant?
Religious preference and beliefs?
Priest, minister or other religious leader who might provide information?
History of problems with law? When?
Locations where born/raised?
History of depression? Ever run away from home?
Leader or follower? Give up easily?
Hole up and wait, or keep going?
Outgoing or quiet?
Like to be alone?
Likely response to searchers?
Hitch-hike often?
For Children
Dogs? Horses? Farm animals?
Wild animals? Darkness? Being alone?
Training for what to do if lost?
Actions when hurt: Cry?
Quiet and withdrawn?
Temper tantrums?
Talk to strangers?
Accept rides?
Active or passive?
For Groups
Personality clashes?
Any leader-types other than designated leader?
How strong were group goals (making summit, getting to next shelter, etc.?
What actions would members take if separated?
Names, contact info and experience of other members (indicate if need for separate MPQ for any other members)
Misc. Notes:
Continued on back of sheet or other sheet? YES NO
Appendix B (Execution Checklist)
Month Year
Execution Checklist:
EVENT / NOTES (Note When Accomplished and by Whom)Notify Management and Ultimate Authority (Start Phone Tree)
Start Chain Of Command (i.e. in VT, State Police is in charge of all SAR)
Interview all witnesses/person making rpt
Inform Parents/Guardians/Group Ldrs
Conduct initial meeting with
Management and/or publicize search information.
Ski Patrol
Lift Operator Representative
Ski School Representative
Leader appointed, search organized
Notify all area personnel with lost person identifying information.
Ski Patrol
Lift Operators
Ski Instructors
Groomers & Snow Makers
Lodge/Restaurant/Bar Personnel
Check Ski Racks (if appropriate) for gear
Check Rental Shop (If appropriate)
Check Parking Lot (If vehicle known)
Check Contact Locations -
Home, Hotel, phones
Make PA announcement in Ski Area/Lodge/Bar. Use other area information tools
Have ski patrol begin hasty search of slope and adjacent area.
Notify local bars, shops
Notify local agencies/ request assistance
Search and Rescue / Appx. 2 hours after event beginning or earlier if nightfall approaching.
Hand off command as appropriate to proper legal authority
Conduct thorough search of areas adjacent to ski runs.
Account for all search assets following SAR
Conduct after action review following SAR
Appendix C (Contact List)
Month Year
Contact List:
Local search agencies or agencies with more manpower (List 24x7 contact information and assets available):
Statutory Search Agency (The agency with legal authority to conduct Search and Rescue operations):
Other assets:
Local Emergency Management Agency:
Local Search Dog assets:
Neighbor ski areas willing to help:
Local Search and Rescue organizations:
Appendix E (Duties and Responsibilities)
Month Year
Note: These positions are indicative of a fully activated search and rescue operation. Not all positions would need to be filled in all situations.
Position / Who Reports To / Main Duties / Notes (Name of person when assigned & Contact Method)Incident Commander / Area Management / Command of Incident
Liaison Officer / IC / Liaison with all agencies, businesses, organizations, outside of ski area
Information Officer / IC / Media Relations
Safety Officer / IC / Safety of rescuers and workers
Operations Section Chief / IC / Organize and Run the Operations Section
Ski Patrol Branch Chief / Ops Section Chief / Ski Patrollers
Management Branch Chief / Ops Section Chief / Control all area personnel less patrol and instructors (lifts, groomers, rental shop, restaurant, etc…)
Instructor Branch Chief / Ops Section Chief / Instructors
Search Team
Chief / Ops Section Chief / Manage all off slope search teams
Search Team A
Leader / Search Team Chief / Search Team A (off slope)
Search Team B Leader / Search Team Chief / Search Team B (off slope)
Search Team ## Leader / Search Team Chief / Further Search Teams as needed (off slope)
Dog Team Leader / Search Team Chief / Run dog team
Planning Section Chief / IC / Organize and Run the Planning Section
Situation Unit Leader / Planning Section Chief / Maintain current status of search operations
Resource Unit
Leader / Planning Section Chief / Run check-in/check-out and track all search assets
Documentation Unit Leader / Planning Section Chief / Log all actions and activities. Track information and prepare after action report.
Logistics Section Chief / IC / Organize and Run the Support Section
Communications Unit Leader / Log Section Chief / Organize all incident communications
Facilities Unit Leader / Log Section Chief / Organize the support site for all searchers and the SAR operations.
Medical Unit Leader / Log Section Chief / Organizes base medical spt for the searchers and to react when the lost person is found.
Finance Officer / IC / Record all costs associated with the SAR
Appendix F
Rescue Council / Daily Command Log
Name: / Operational Period
(Date/Time): / IC
Time: / Major Events:
Date: / Check here if more pages for this log: / Page __ of __