Sample Discussion Threads and Messages
You’re about to see a facilitator in action. She has a naturally informal and conversational style and she uses the ‘grammar of conversation’. This may not work for you, the trick is to find your own authentic voice which fits your personality and represents the tone you want your students to emulate.
Within the following discussion threads, there are examples of these 5 tips for good discussion facilitation:
- Describe topic subjects clearly and give a practical, plain English explanation of the purpose of each topic.
- Sound like yourself, use a ‘genuine’ voice and model the style and tone of the ‘conversation’ you expect from your learners. You can also model the depth and extent of information you are expecting them to provide on a given subject.
- Be explicit about your expectations for participation and give clear instructions for specific tasks. Indicate to learners that they will own this space and that you will not be the sole source of wisdom and information.
- Summarise key netiquette rules. You can also point learners to additional resources on this and other useful communication tips such as using acronyms and emoticons (smilies).
- Use plenty of white space and if you can, use different colours and fonts to enhance clarity and identify key pieces of information.
Sample Discussion Messages
▼Subject: Congratulations! You have arrived!
Well done for successfully navigating through the maze of user names and passwords to get to our discussion area.
This is where we can share information and ideas, solve problems and build our skills as online learners.
To begin with, a quick word about online manners, the most important of which is to simply ‘remember the invisible but very real human’ who is on the receiving end of your cyber communication.
1. Please everyone check out this set of netiquette guidelines, to review some commonsensical rules for being clear and polite online.
2. Reply to this message quoting one of the netiquette rules which seemed sensible and useful to you.
3. Click on the topic called Icebreaker and share your first bit of web based information with the group.
Good luck! If you get stuck you can get help by e-mailing me or by using some old fashioned but useful technology to call me on my landline number.
▼ Subject: Share a favourite web site here
As a first step to sharing information and getting to know a bit about each other, please reply to this message with the address of a web site that you like to visit.
Give the URL (address of the site) and a brief description of why this site appeals to you.
is one of my favourite sites to visit to improve my fluency in speaking in smilies :-) and acronyms (FYI). It is a comprehensive dictionary of ‘netlingo’!
▼Subject: Ask about your assignments here
If you have a question about your assignments or any other aspect of what we are doing, this is where you put that question :-).
If you think you know the answer to someone’s question...jump in and post a reply...don't wait for me to respond...there may be chocolate involved ! LOL!
▼Subject: ‘Paperwork’ goes here
This is where I will post up course outlines, schedules and any other notices about how this course will operate. I will also hand out hard copies in class.
If you misplace your hard copy of any of the course documents, you can always find a replacement here :-)
▼ Subject: Interesting info goes here
This is where we can let each other know about great web sites, articles, events, media coverage of our subject...anything interesting and intriguing that is likely to enhance our learning and add interest and new angles to what we do here...
To start the ball rolling and to perhaps save some of us hours of painful two fingered is a link to a free typing tutor for anyone interested in improving their speed on the keyboard.
▼ Subject: Which button do I click?
This is where you YELL for help with the getting to grips with the techie bits in our online course...such as how to add attach a file to a discussion message, manage your mail or upload a file to your student space.
You can also using the page specific help... (found on extreme top right of your screen) I know you probably won’t believe this is actually pretty you may want to give it a bash and remember...we are here to back each other up in moments of technical hair tearing.
▼ Subject: Share your know-how here
This is where we can make our lives more colourful, interesting and efficient by sharing what we know about using computers, studying effectively, finding work or any other common activity we are involved in which lends itself to this type of public discussion :-)
So if you have the urge to escape from basic black and post your messages in bold pink or any other rainbow colour have a read of the attached HTML basics! Then test your skills in your next message…
▼ Subject: Put your virtual feet up here
Welcome to our goof off zone...this is where we can tell jokes, tear our hair out and generally unwind at the end (or during) a stint of online happens in 'real life relaxing zones' don’t be surprised if some of our best and most inspirational work develops here.
I've attached a virtual chocolate fish which you might like to munch on while you work...if you have a favourite food or drink might like to attach it to your first posting. is just about time to head back to my desk after a reviving afternoon coffee …so see you all here some time soon