
In this activity you will determine the rate of change of volume of a Tootsie Roll Pop/Blow Pop(TRP/BP) as you consume it.During this activity you are expected to focus on being a flexible and self-directed learner. Specifically, you are expected to:

  • Understand and commit to the objective of this activity
  • Work independently so that I can monitor, define, prioritize and complete the task without direct oversight
  • Contribute to accomplishing each goal in a timely manner
  • Manage your own behavior so that you remain focused
  • Contribute positively to the learning environment

Equipment Needed:

• Tootsie Roll Pop/Blow Pop

• Ruler

• Graphing Calculator

Part 1 - Data Collection:

Step 1: Determine the initial radius of the TRP/BP. (Assume it is a perfect sphere.)

Step 2: Take the TRP/BPand suck on the lollipop for 30 seconds.

Step 3: Measure the radius and record all your data into a table.

Step 4: Repeat step 2 and 3 as many times as possible.

Time / Circumference / Radius

Part 2 - Data Analysis:

You are expected to demonstrate your abilities as a practical problem solver, by specifically,

  • Synthesizing and making connections between information and arguments
  • Extending or transferring what you have learned to new situations
  • Applying the steps necessary to carry out the solution strategy (effectively analyze and evaluate your data- see below)

Using the data from your table, graph the radius as a function of time. From this graph determine the rate of change of the radius of the TRP/BP for your mouth power. Use a line of best fit to calculate the rate of change if data appears to be linear and check that your value is reasonable using the linear regression capabilities of your graphing calculator.

Using these results and what you learned about related rates from Calculus class, determine how fast the volume of the TRP/BP is decreasing when the radius is three-fourths its original value. Be sure to include all calculus support and calculations.

Part 3 - Lab Write–Up/Poster Presentation (20 points)

As you demonstrate your ability to be an effective communicator, you will:

  • Organize and Convey information and ideas accurately
  • Choose and use multiple forms of media to convey what has been learned
  • Choose visual that effectively engage my audience and convey my ideas

Your lab report should contain the following:

-Title and Purpose (define problem clearly and accurately)


-Procedure (include how you measured the radius)

-Data and Calculations (table, graph, show samples of all calculations, etc…)

-Analysis, Conclusion and Reflection

To be included in the conclusion and reflection: A well-known calculus text states that when sucked a TRP gives up volume at a rate of 0.8 cubic centimeters per minute. Based on your experiment, comment on the reasonableness of this value (percent error). Discuss any assumptions made and/or any difficulties you had, that may contribute to the reasonableness. Discuss how well have you attended to the behaviors associated with being a 21st Century Learner as listed in this lab.

NOTE: This lab report should stand on its own. The instructor should not have to look at a copy

of the instruction page in order to understand what is happening. This lab sheet is not to be turned in with your lab.