P.O. Box 1420, Sykesville, MD 21784

Dear Sir/Madam,

Hello, we are the Delmarva Sika Deer Association (DSDA). We are reaching out to local businesses that are supported by consumer traffic which is driven by this wonderful resource, the Delmarva Sika deer.

The mission of the DSDA is to ensure the future of wild sika deer, other wildlife, and their habitat. In support of this mission the DSDA is committed to: Promoting the sound management of wild, free-ranging sika deer, which may be hunted orotherwise enjoyed;Conserving, restoring and enhancing their natural habitats;Fostering cooperation among federal, state and private organizations, and individuals, in wildlife management and habitat conservation;As well as Educating members and the public about wild sika deer and their habitat, the value of hunting, hunting ethics, and all wildlife management.

Sika deer are a species that historically inhabited Japan, China, Taiwan and Formosa. Their many sub-species were introduced into England, Scotland, Denmark, Ireland, France, Austrailia, New Zealand and the United States. Maryland’s sub-species, the smallest, come originally from Yakushima Island in Japan. Clement Henry introduced Maryland’s sub-species onto James Island in Dorchester County in 1916. A Dr. Charles Laws, of Berlin, MD, after purchasing some of the animals from a man in Cambridge, released them on Assateague Island off of the Worcester County mainland in the early 1920’s.

We are hoping that you would be willing to serve as a sponsor of the DSDA. As a sponsor, you will be helping to support a local valuable resource, both economically and ecologically.We understand that times are tough due to the current economic situation.However, as a sponsor, you will be helping to support a local valuable resource, both economically and ecologically. We are currently offering a single level of sponsorship with a minimum of only $100 but larger sponsorships would bewelcome.In exchange for your sponsorship the DSDA will provide you with advertising on our website by displaying your businesses logo and/or linking your web site.

The formation of the DSDA was crucial to support a local economic resource that does not currently have a voice. Local commerce is improved because of the Sika deer through naturalists and hunters alike travelling to the region. We are hoping to utilize the voice and power of local businesses, individuals/ naturalists and hunters to ensure the survival and improvement of both Sika deer and their habitat. This is why we are reaching out to you sponsor the Delmarva Sika Deer Association.

We thank you very much for your time and support.


The Delmarva Sika Deer Association

Sponsorship Levels and Benefits:


  • Inclusion of business name/logoand/or web link. Please provide us with you web address and/or an image of your logo.

Cut along line and return bottom portion with payment to: Delmarva Sika Deer Association, P.O. Box 1420, Sykesville, MD 21784

Amount: ______

Name: ______



Phone:( ) ______--______

Thank you for your support of the Delmarva Sika Deer Association!

I’ve researched writing a sponsorship letter and here is some information I’ve found that might be helpful. What do you all think about this stuff????

5. Create a sponsorship form they can complete and return. It's amazing how many non-profits ask for money, but don't make it simple for the corporation to give it to them. Include a sponsorship reply form and a return addressed letter. Asking for corporate sponsorship is easy, but make it even simpler for the company you're asking.

6. Put together a nice solicitation package. When the letter is completed, add it to a solicitation package that includes your 501 (c) 3 letter, your financial statement, a copy of a brochure from a past event so they can see the sponsorship incentives past sponsors got, a list of major donors and other corporations to your organization, and a sheet detailing the programs your agency offers. Add your solicitation letter to this package and mail it off.

7. Wait a week and follow-up. In your solicitation letter, you mentioned you would follow up with a phone call. Make sure you do that. It's amazing how many organizations forget and sometimes the company is waiting for them to call to discuss the donation they're going to give.