Sample Action Plan & Template

Sample Action Plan

The following is a sample action plan related to outdoor spaces and buildings, developed by the City of Revelstoke based on their age-friendly assessment.[1]

Recommended actions / Suggested lead agency
1.  Winter Conditions
Develop and maintain ‘Seniors’ Walking Routes’ between the places where seniors live and services in the downtown core with priority (see Appendix C):
·  Sidewalk construction and maintenance
·  Snow removal and sanding (by 11 am)
·  Placement of grit boxes
·  Benches installed at periodic intervals along routes / City of Revelstoke Public Works
Mature drivers workshops / RCMP
Target snow removal in specific locations
·  Sloping curbs; postal box locations; mounds of snow between parking & sidewalks / City of Revelstoke Public Works;
Private businesses
Improve public transportation options / City of Revelstoke Transit committee
2.  Benches and Sidewalks
Promote increase of bench dedication program; target specific locations on Seniors’ walking routes (see Appendix B page 33) / City of Revelstoke
Set priorities for sidewalk improvements
·  6th St between Selkirk Gardens & Mackenzie Ave
·  4th St between Mackenzie Ave & Rokeby Ave
·  Front Street / City of Revelstoke Public Works


3.  Accessibility
Increase number of handicapped parking spots in specific locations; begin to enforce parking regulations / City of Revelstoke Planning, Building & Bylaw
Larger, more visible parking signage at Seniors’ Centre parking;
Seniors’ association issue parking permits to members;
Designate more parking spots for seniors; Enforcement / City of Revelstoke Planning, Building & Bylaw;
Revelstoke Senior Citizens’ Association
Increase # of electric doors on public buildings as resources become available / City of Revelstoke
Prepare ‘age-friendly’ brochure for store owners; Accessibility guidelines for commercial properties / Chamber of Commerce;
City of Revelstoke Planning, Building & Bylaw
Continue food bank accessibility policy / Community Connections
Provide ground floor meeting space when necessary for civic input / City of Revelstoke
4.  Safety
Continue Bear Aware program / Revelstoke Bear Aware



The following is an action plan template for your community’s use and modification as needed.

GOAL 1: (e.g., Improve accessibility to public buildings)
Objectives / Assumptions / Constraints / Performance Measure/Target
Actions / Priority
(Low, Medium, High) / Budget / Responsibility / Timing
Objectives / Assumptions / Constraints / Performance Measure/Target
Actions / Priority / Budget / Responsibility / Timing


[1] An Age-friendly Plan for Revelstoke and Area, pp. 22-24. To view the full report, visit