Audio Sample 3.1

Sample 3.1: Conversation with a girl of 1 year, 11 months

Subject (S)

Subject’s Grandmother (GS)

Female Transcriber (FT)

(S) Pai jive Etta day

(FT) Ya but Etta’s at work

(FT) Maybe when Etta comes home she takes you…because Patty doesn’t have a car seat for you, so I can’t take you ti see the fishies

(GS) you have to tape her Patty?

(GS) Yeah

(S) pais go? A go jinastics

(FT) Yeah one day

(GS) See I tol you Patty was coming

(FT) (laughs)

(S) Pati

(FT) One day I take you to gymnastics

(S) See see Pati

(FT) What am I looking at?

(GS) Wheneva you ready

(FT) Ok

(S) Pati look

(FT) What’s that?

(FT) What’s that?

(S) I’m

(FT) What’s that?

(S) mosa

(FT) moses?

(S) yeah, mosi

(FT) and who’s that?

(S) Anjoe, a anjoe

(FT) An angel

(S) Wha dat?

(FT) That’s a sheep

(FT) What’s that?

(S) Dats a howse

(FT) Is it a horse?

(S) Ya

(FT) And that’s Mary

(FT) What’s that?

(S) What’s dis?

(FT) What’s this?

(FT) Do you know what that is?

(S) eyen gunna get some…..

(FT) what are you gunna get?

(S) Oh no its broke

(FT) Oh no its broken

(FT) That’s ok

(S) See

(FT) Ya I see it

(S) I’m get anuda one

(FT) Oh look what I found

(S) Oh

(FT) What’s that?

(S) A sheep

(FT) A sheep

(S) Whairs anuda one?

(FT) I don’t know. Should we put thuh sheep with thuh rest of his family?

(S) Ya

(FT) Let’s go do that

(S) Let’s go do dat

(FT) let’s go do that, oh what a wonderful family

(S) Whairs anuda one

(FT) There’s another one, oh I don’t know where it is

(S) Nuda one

(FT) Let’s keep looking

(S) Key lookin

(FT) Let’s keep looking

(FT) Come on sheep, come out, come out, wherever you are

(FT) Do you see him?

(FT) There it is

(FT) Who’s that?

(S) Ai know

(FT) You don’t know?

(S) Dats joesip

(FT) That’s Joseph

(S) He y eyena pud it

(FT) Your gunna put him with his family?

(FT) Wow, they look nice there

(S) I gunna ut dem der

(FT) What are you gunna put there

(S) Snaiyul

(FT) A snail?

(S) Kime on tee a snaiyul, see

(FT) You want me ti climb on thuh tree?

(S) Ya

(FT) No way, silly monkey

(FT) You wanna climb in thuh tree?

(S) Ya

(FT) No way, no way

(S) Whairs anuda snaiyul?

(FT) Wheres another snail?

(FT) Look here’s uh snail

(S) He’s uh snaiyow

(S) Oh no

(FT) Oh no

(FT) You pu, put thuh snail in thuh garden

(S) Ya

(FT) There’s another snail

(S) Des anuda snaiyow

(FT) Theres one, two, three, four snails, wow that’s a lot of snails

(S) Whairs anuda snaiyow?

(FT) I don’t know, you look fer one

(FT) Do you see another one?

(S) Un da flawuh

(FT) Ya, do you see thuh flower?

(FT) What color is that flower?

(S) Look I see anuda snaiyow

(FT) You see another one? High five

(S) Uh, can weach

(FT) You see another one, high five

(S) Uh I can weech

(FT) High five, you can’t reach

(S) Paie weech da

(FT) Pati reached for you

(FT) Wow uhnother snail, now we have 5 snails

(S) Dairs anuda snaiyow

(FT) Do you see another snail?

(S) En da twee

(FT) You see uh tree

(S) En da twee

(FT) Ya that’s uh tree

(S) Eyena find a

(S) Eyena find i unda i

(FT) Your gunna find it in the dirt another snail

(S) No eyena find i

(FT) Lets look

(FT) Should we sing our snail song?

(S) Oh oh a can you see a wock

(FT) Where?

(FT) Ya you found uh rock

(S) A wock fow da, fowda wada

(FT) Your gunna put thuh rock in thuh wader

(FT) A rock for thuh wader

(S) Yeah

(S) Dairs anuda one

(FT) Oh look you got all full of dirt

(FT): No no no no lets not wipe it on your shirt

(FT)Were gunna wash yer hands after

(S) See anuda one

(FT) Another one, another rock fer thuh water

(S) Yeah

(S) I gon pud i in

(FT) Yer gunna put it in thuh fountin

(S) In da fountin

(FT) Ya, this is called uh fountin

(S) Fountin, fount

(FT) When you when you throw yer rocks in thuh fountin your supposed to make uh wish

(S) Do uhgan me

(FT) Ya, throw thuh rock in

(S) Woo

(FT) Woo

(FT) I like that throw

(S) Aw gone

(FT) (coughs twice)

(S) Snaiyow

(FT) That’s not uh snail

(FT) That’s a rock

(S) Dads a

(FT) Oh look what I found


(FT) Another snail, oh he’s crawling, do you see that snail?

(FT) Look he’s out of his shell

(FT) Do you see him?

(S) ya pud em dayuh

(FT) You wanna pud em where

(S) Dair

(FT) What’s that called?

(S) Uh sheep, wee

(FT) You wanna pud em on thuh dirt

(FT) Oh look look look look at his eyes, look at his eye

(FT) Do you see his eye?

(S) Dats a fishies eye

(FT) A fishies eye, there on his head

(S) On his head

(S) Pati der

(FT) Ok

(S) Pati

(FT) Look bella, look at thuh snail see how hes moving

(FT) Wow look ad em crawling

(FT) Look hes pudding his head way up to thuh sky

(FT) I think he wants to say hi to you

(S) Hi

(FT) Hi Alyssa

(S) I ged anuda wok

(S) Anuda

(FT) Uh, you cant reach the rock

(S) (noise)

(S) Eyen gunna fow dat

(FT) You throw the rock

(FT)Wow, good job look at the snail

(S) I ana pud em

(FT) You wanna pud it where

(S) White der

(FT) Right there on thuh floor

(S) Ya

(FT) Say here you go snail

(FT)I’ll let him crawl off my hand

(S) Oh no

(FT) What’s wrong

(S) No padi

(FT) Yeah

(S) Padi wadu doing

(FT) I’m letting the snail crawl onto thuh dirt

(S) Cwal on dirt

(FT) Ya

(FT) And hes gunna go sit with his friends

(S) Sit awn did fends

(FT) Yeah

(FT) See now thuh snails on thuh dirt with his friends

(S) Where’s anuda one

(FT) Where’s another one, I don’t know we godda look

(FT) Do you see another snail?

(S) I keep looking

(FT) You’ll keep looking, that’s uh good idea

(FT) Snail come out come out wherever you are

(S) I found anuda snail

(FT) Did you find another one?

(S) Yeah

(FT) Where?

(S) See em see em

(FT) That’s not a snail

(S) Dats uh

(FT) That’s uh pit

(S) Pit

(FT) Cherry pit

(S) Where’s anuda one

(FT) Another snail

(S) Dis is anuda snail

(FT) No not in there

(FT) Is that another snail?


(FT) Yeah, woohoo

(S) Padi wairs, padi wares anuda snail

(FT) I don’t know we have to look

(S): Godda look

(FT) Snail come out come out wherever you are

(S) It’s in hey

(FT) It’s in there

(S) Yeah

(FT) Under thuh tree

(S) Nope

(FT) Should we look?

(S) Yeah

(FT) Lets look

(S) It’s ova dare

(FT): What’s over there

(S) Ders mickey

(FT): Mickey. Where’s mickey