Unapproved LHC October 1, 2014 Min,

Quorum: Dennis McClary, Katie Gallagher, Caroline Cross, Mike Sweeney, Bud Ross, Andrea Cheeney, Carole-Anne Centre, Lorraine Chaffee, Cliff Oster

Acknowledged Guests: none

Sept. 3 min.: Caroline motioned to approve, Mike seconded, approved by all LHC members

Treasurer Report: Katie reported LHC checking account balance $11,385.08. FallFestival results:50./50 = $76.00 Winner Harry Lasell donated his winning, $38. Back to LHC. Photo sold $8.00 plus $15.00 membership paid to Friends of Langdon Heritage to Adele & Steven Smith.

Correspondence: 1.Lorriane will continue to email Donna Winham regarding her interest in passing along genealogy information for Langdon files 2. Historic Resource Annual Monitoring Report will be completed by Mike and Dennis 3. “Share Your Story” request from the NHCF for the Monadnock Fund and Putnam Fund grant was completed by Dennis with assistance from LHC members. The end of year report will be due in December and Dennis will complete that. 4. Discussion to contact Bruce Bellows to set up a tour of the Alstead museum and find out what historical items they have about Langdon. Dennis will contact Bruce, 5. Suggestions to contact Jane Land about finding out specific information that might be found in the diary of George Porter. Andrea suggested having a subject in mind that Jane can research in the diary. 6. Due to budget restraints the Selectboard said no to a request for a historic style cast iron heat registers in the town hall. 7. Carole-Anne will send a thank you note will be sent to Harry Lasell for his donation of the 50/50 prize money.

Archival Update: 1. An inventory of the town safe will eventually be made by Andrea and the Angela, the town clerk. 2. Kate and Lorraine are still working on the Town Report reading project 3. Kate suggested she ask Ruth Kemp if she would be interested in saving any articles from local publications regarding Langdon 4. Kate suggested we contact local Langdon authors for copies of their books to archive and also research any books with a connection to Langdon: ie “Sargent in Charge” by Dr. George Porter.

Web/ Facebook update: 1.LHC will review the efforts of Granite State Web who maintains the LHC web site. Possible change might be to combine the LHC site with the town site or have a volunteer to maintain the site. 2. Andrea continues to update facebook 3. Andrea will be taking courses through the Cheshire Historical Society and will be able to help LHC with her PR skills.

Fund Raising/Social Activities: 1. Public announcement of grant recipients will be made on December 5th. 2. Fall Festival 2015 possible activities discussed. Kate suggested several ideas for special displays on the stage which included involving community organizations and will work on that for the 2015 fair. Andrea suggested that LHC plan their activities earlier so that if there is any fundraising activities we can get more publicity. 3. Discussion about the possibility of recognizing the farming activities of Langdon with a “Farming Event” held at the town hall over the winter. The 100 Anniversary of the Farm Bureau is being celebrated and the president of the bureau, Jeff Holmes, is a Langdon resident. Ideas of a historic display, showing of the video the farm bureau has produced and a social for the community. Oral histories can be taken and if old photos brought in Andrea can scan them for the archives,

Meetinghouse rehab update: Dennis reported several of the heating vents have been put in and that the new heating systems is being worked on by Landry,

New Business : 1. LHC suggested to Bud he bring up a few items up for review by the selectboard. After any town hall event the bathrooms should be cleaned Septic tank should be checked especially after major events like the fall festival , 2. Discussion of 2015 fundraiser. The idea of an historic car tour raffle in a Cliff Oster vintage car with commentary by local historian Caroline Cross and catered lunch. The raffle can be launched at the March town meeting, 3. Kate brought up the suggestion of having the Salt Shed cleaned, organized and a cement floor put in so all the community organizations can utilize the space safely and more efficiently. There might be some items of historic value in there. 4. Date and details of farming event to be determined.

Adjourn : Lorraine motioned to adjourn, Carole-Anne second, all approved

Submitted by: Carole-Anne Centre