Sam Houston Student Dress Guidelines
Sam Houston will be promoting a standard of dress that will be both campus specific and compatible with other schools in the district. The standard dress code policy at Sam Houston will also offer choices but will be limited to:
Dress Code Guidelines:
●Uniform clothing must be these approved solid colors without any type of logos
●Shirts – red, white, and navy blue (red-8th, white-7th, and navy blue-6th)
●Pants, skirts, skorts, shorts – khaki, black or navy
●Sweaters – cardigan, pullover, or vest worn over approved shirt. All must be approved solid school color
●Collared shirt or blouse must be tucked in at all times. (Must be tucked in, not rolled over)
●Approved Sam Houston student T-shirt may be worn on Fridays only if on Jeans List
●Sweatshirts and/or turtlenecks must be approved solid school color (white, navy blue, red,) – No Logo
●Skirts/Jumpers/skorts/shorts – hems and slits may not be more than two inches above the knee
●Pants – khaki, navy or black
●No sagging, oversized, or baggy pants allowed
●NO leggings or spandex
●Bottoms cannot be frayed, cutoff, torn, or ripped
●Only Sam Houston school hoodie may worn in building
●Jackets, other than Sam Houston hoodies, will NOT be worn in the building.
●Hoods may NOT be worn while in the school building
●All students shall wear shoes to school and to school sponsored or school related activities.
●Shoes that are deemed inappropriate include, but are not limited to house shoes, flip-flops, and roller shoes.
●NO flip-flops – No house shoes –NO athletic slides
No unnatural hair styles/color may be displayed, nor symbols or gang-style haircuts if it interferes with the educational environment as determined by the campus administration.
* Students failing to meet the dress code requirements will either call home to request a change of clothes, borrow uniform items (only if available) from the clothes closet or be placed in in-school suspension until an acceptable change of clothing is available. Repeated/persistent dress code violations may result in out-of-school suspension
* Students must be in uniform while on campus.
* Students are not allowed to change into non-uniform clothing after school.
The dress code will be strictly enforced. All students will be expected to follow the dress code exactly as written.