ENVI 485:
Salton Sea/Southern California Water Resources Questions
Other Salton Sea Project Deadlines:
- By Wednesday 3/28/07: Group Topic Approved
- Tuesday 4/17/07: Outline and complete reference list due
- Week of 4/23/07: Meet with Dr. Gray for a practice talk
QUESTIONS: Use the field trip readings and the following web sites to answer the following questions
1)The following years are significant in the history of the Salton Sea. What occurred with respect to the Salton Sea during each of the following years: 1700-1750; 1905; 1961; 1985; 1992; 1996; 1997; 1998; 1999; 2000.
2)What is meant by the “California Water Wars”? When was the Los Angeles Aqueduct and from where did it derive its water? Why did this cause controversy?
3)What is the significance of Mono Lake to the water history of southern California and what gave rise to a series of lawsuits against LADWP in the 1980’s & 1990’s?
4)What is the MWD? When did they build the Colorado River Aqueduct? How much water does the Colorado River Aqueduct deliver to southern California?
5)What is the SDCWA? When did San Diego begin to import water and through which aqueducts does its water travel? What percentage of San Diego’s water supply is imported?
6)What is the IID? Summarize the following aspects of the water transfer agreement between the IID and SDCWA: a) amount of water, b) time frame of the agreement, c) cost, d) support of environmental research.
7)Describe the canal lining projects. How much water will be saved for San Diego as a result of the canal lining? What are some negative environmental and human consequences of the canal lining project?
8)What is the Salton Sea Authority (SSA)? Discuss its objectives and the events leading up to its formation.
9)According to the SSA website, what would be some of the major consequences of not restoring the Salton Sea (i.e., letting it die over the next 15 years?) Discuss the consequences for wildlife, economics, air quality, recreation & tourism, etc.
10)According to the SSA, what would be the benefits of a restored Salton Sea?
11)Describe agricultural production in the Salton Sea area. What types of crops are grown? Why is it such a great area for agriculture? What is the economic impact of agriculture?
12)Why is air quality an issue around the Salton Sea?
13)What will be the impact of the water transfer agreement between the IID and SDCWA to the 1) elevation of the Salton Sea and 2) the exposed area of the lakebed?
14)Describe some of the current projects that the SSA is undertaking now to improve the Salton Sea.
15)Read about the Salton Sea Integrated water management plan (you can find it through the “fact sheet” button across the top of the SSA website). What is the plan and what techniques does it employ? How would it benefit the geothermal industry? How many acre-feet of water would be produced? How much would it cost?
16)Five major alternatives to the proposed Salton Sea Restoration project are discussed in the Bureau of Reclamation Report that is part of your field trip readings. List the alternatives and summarize each alternative in a few sentences
17)List the sources of pollution to the New River. and summarize some programs that are being implemented to reduce pollution.
18)Explore the USGS website for information on earthquakes and faults in the region of the Salton Sea. What are the major faults/fault segments that intersect the Salton Sea region? What is the movement or slip rate along those segments? List the date and magnitude of some large earthquakes (and their magnitude) that have occurred in the Salton Sea region.