Salem Youth Soccer Association

Inclement Weather and Field Usage Policy


The purpose of this policy is to ensure the safety of the youth, coaches, managers, referees, board members, and parents in the Salem Youth Soccer, to maximize field use by preventing excessive damage when the fields are most vulnerable, and to provide a clear communication policy to support these goals.

Implementation of Policy:

The Salem Youth Soccer Association will designate one person to be responsible for field inspection and cancellations due to inclement weather or unsafe playing conditions. This person will be referred to as the ‘Designee’. For the 2007-8 season Paul Giandomenico will be the Designee. If the named Designee is unavailable (out of town etc.), SYSA will appoint a temporary Designee. This will be done with the approval of the Recreation Director one week prior to any scheduled absence.

The designee is required to complete the following process for determining unsafe playing conditions.

  1. Check the Recreation Department voice mailbox three (3) hours prior to the start of the practice or game for any cancellations.
  2. Check the weather bureau for forecasted weather in the area
  3. Inspect each field to ensure safe playing conditions
  4. Assess the impact of normal play (cleats and equipment) on the playing surface
  5. Assess the Salem Youth Soccer’s ability to create a safe playing environment through the use of specialized field equipment

Field conditions that require cancellation of games, practices, activities, and casual use include but are not limited to:

  • Standing water on the field
  • Footing is unsure and slippery
  • Ground is water logged and ‘squishy’
  • Length of rainfall, intensity of rainfall, rain all day
  • Thunderstorms and/or lightning
  • Severe weather warnings issued by the National Weather Service Bureau
  • Field moisture conditions that contribute to unsafe play

Special considerations for cancellations and cancellation times will be given under the following circumstances:

  1. Special tournaments (Local, District, State, and Regional)
  2. Activities that include attendance from individuals traveling more than 1 hour.

Communication Process:

The designee must provide a hard copy of the inclement weather policy to players, parents, coaches, manager, umpires, referees, and board members. The designee is also responsible for posting the inclement weather policy on the Salem Youth Soccer Association website.

The designee will make a decision on whether to cancel games, practices, and/or activities at least two (2) hours prior to the scheduled start times (3 hours for travel games) All field cancellations will be announced using the Salem Youth Soccer’s voice mailbox system by calling 1 (888) 715-5592. The voice mailbox will provide the time, date, and an update for each field on the schedule.


Coaches are required to check the Salem Youth Soccer Association voice mailbox two (2) hours prior to the start of the practice or game. If the field they are going to use is cancelled they are required to immediately notify the players (or the parents of their players) via the phone number provided.

Players (Parents):

Players are required to check the Salem Youth Soccer Association voice mailbox two (2) hours prior to the start of the practice or game. If the field they are scheduled to use is cancelled the player is not required to attend the game.

Enforcement and Penalty:

Any member of the Salem Youth Soccer, including players, parents, coaches, managers, referees, umpires, board member or town resident has the ability to inform the designee or Executive Board of unauthorized use of the fields.

The designee shall investigate all claims of unauthorized use and immediately notify the Recreation Director of the potential unauthorized use.

Members of the Salem Youth Soccer, including players, parents, coaches, managers, referees, umpires, board members, and teams that are found in violation of policy and use the field during inclement weather or unsafe playing conditions will be subject to the following disciplinary action.

First Offense:

Written warning of violation

Second Offense:

Written warning by Executive Board and 2 hours League service (field maintenance, equipment repair …) as determined by the Executive Board

Third Offense:

Suspension for up to the remainder of the season as determined by the Executive Board

Offenses for unauthorized field use may be taken into consideration during manager, coach, and board selections.

All disciplinary actions will be reported to the Recreation Director in writing immediately following the determination of unauthorized field usage.

Salem Youth Soccer Association Field Usage Guidelines1