Arriving by Car

Naval Air Station Oceana lies 16 miles East of the City of Norfolk but within the city limits of Virginia Beach, Virginia. Your first approach to the Air Station is from Interstate 64 East or West. From I64, merge onto 264 East to First Colonial Road South exit. Proceed on First Colonial will turn into Oceana Blvd once past the Virginia Beach Blvd traffic light. Follow Oceana Blvd for 4 miles (pass rail road tracks) and exit (veer) right after you pass the Oceana Stables. You are now on Tomcat Blvd. Tomcat Blvd is the main road leading to the front gate of the Master Jet Base. Go through the Gate and continue straight until you hit the round about. Take the first right on the round about on to Hornet Drive. At the stop sign take a left and veer to the right. VFA-131 is located straight ahead in Hanger 111. If you need more clarification, please call our Ready Room at (757) 433-9443.

Here is a map of NAS Oceana. Simply follow the blue line from the bottom (gate) till you reach the building with the Wildcat logo (Hangar 111) and you are at the home of “AIRLANT’s First and Finest”!

Arriving by Plane

If you are reporting to Naval Air Station Oceana, you must purchase an airline ticket destined for Norfolk International Airport (ORF). The airport is located about 20 miles west of Naval Air Station Oceana. There is a Navy Representative on duty at the Airport Military Information Booth, located in the main lobby of the airport. Information is available to military personnel reporting to the area from 8 a.m. to midnight both weekdays and weekends. The military Information Booth can be reached by calling (757) 444-3040. There is also the USO located in the airport for military personnel to enjoy refreshments and movies.


If you require bachelor's quarters, you may call one of these numbers to make reservations:

Bachelor Officer Quarters: (757) 433-2574
Bachelor Enlisted Quarters: (757) 433-2574

Navy lodging can be obtained at the following locations:

Navy Lodge, Dam Neck (757) 437-8100
Navy Lodge, Naval Base (757) 489-2656
Navy Lodge, Navy Amphibious Base Little Creek (757) 646-6215


Check-in hours are from 0700-1600 Monday to Friday. After working hours and weekends, report to the Ready Room and make sure the ASDO endorses your orders for date and time you reported to VFA-131.

If you are reporting from out of the area and need a room in the BEQ or someone to pick you up from the airport, contact your Command Sponsor and they will be responsible to make appropriate arrangements. Keep your sponsor informed of any appointments. If for any reason you can not contact your sponsor, call Admin at (757) 433-9447/9448 during regular working hour or the Ready Room at (757) 433-9443 after 1600 and on the weekends.

Upon check-in to VFA-131 report immediately to Admin to commence your check-in process. You will need to have the following:

·  Your Command Sponsor

·  Enlisted Service Record

·  Medical and Dental Records

·  Endorsed PCS orders

·  Any travel receipts Ex: Itemized hotel receipts, tolls and taxi receipts

·  If you acquired dependents in transit, please bring a copy of your marriage certificate or birth certificate to update your page 2.

·  Government Credit Card if you have one. Expect to be in Admin for about 1 hour completing the Admin portion of your check-in process. This is what you should expect on your first day aboard VFA-32:

·  Read and sign various Command Policy Page 13's

·  Complete your PCS Travel Claim. (For a Travel Claim click Here)

·  Update your Page 2 and SGLI

·  Complete various VFA-131 personnel forms

·  Obtain a flight line sticker for access to the hanger

·  Obtain your VFA-131 check-in sheet

·  For other forms Ex: Allotment, ID, Advance Pay/BAH click Here.