Vestry Meeting
Saint Nicholas Episcopal Church
September 28, 2014
In attendance: Father Jeff Jackson, Bill Caudill, Bob Hamilton, Scott Crowley, Katherine Johnson, Sheri Cody, Bert Tomlin, Nick Simpson, Sam Roney, Patty Hamilton. Not present: David Walker, Connie Blackmon
Katherine opened the meeting with prayer. Father Jeff noted that a Vestry Nominating Committee needs to be formed. Katherine and Nick agreed to serve as the Nominating Committee. The vestry was also charged with helping to find new chairs for those committees whose chairmen are rotating off.
There was discussion concerning confusion over the check request process and keeping up with vestry member’s area of budget. There has been frustration on the part of committee heads and the vestry liaison regarding tracking funds available for use. Several suggestions were put forth, among them having comprehensive financial training for vestry, better communication with committee heads,and more attention to detail in the financial reports and looking into more accessible reports from the CPA or bringing the process back in-house with a bookkeeper.No official motion was made and the matter was tabled so that the vestry can have time to think about how to move forward.
Scott and Sheri updated the Visioning Process. Four Town Hall meetings were held to gather input. Out of those meetings, five themes were captured: Growing our child/youth programming, Creating spiritual growth groups, Establishing fellowship groups, Enhancing/increasing our community outreach and Marketing activities that will draw the community to us. A survey will be sent to all parishioners asking for further input on these themes.
Katherine Johnson updated the vestry on the search for a supply priest during Father Jeff’s sabbatical. The Reverend Robert Dendtler has proposed that he drive down on Saturday nights, be available for 2 services on Sundays, spend Sunday night and stay over for a half day on Mondays. He would also be available for emergencies. He will be paid a stipend, travel expenses, meals and lodging for 14 weeks at a total of $13,000. The funds will come from the Lily Grant of $15,000. A motion was made by Nick Simpson for Katherine to prepare a financial package for
Rev. Dendtler. Scott Crowley seconded and the motion carried.
Bill Caudill reported on the building progress. The entire project will not be ready in time for the Bishop’s visit on November 2. The areas that will be done include front façade, brick pavers, parking lot and possibly the interior cabinets. Painting will start after the scheduled October 4 wedding and as much interior work as possible will be done. Father Jeff expressed his displeasure with the slow progress. The vestry asked Bill to pass along its discontentment as well as Father Jeff’s to the contractor and the architect.
The Lobsterfest Committee was named Stewards of the Month.
Bert Tomlin, on behalf of the Worship committee asked that the vestry approve an additional $500 to their budget for acolyte and LEM robes. A motion was made and carried approving the request.
Jeff informed the vestry that Linda Sawyer would like to come off as a signer on the general bank account. Bob moved that Bert Tomlin take her place. The motion was seconded and carried.
Scott Crowley brought up Trunk or Treat for discussion. As of now, there is a tentative chair for the event. This year it is under Children’s Formation and needs a great deal of volunteer support from the parish. The vestry was asked to consider which committee should be responsible for the event next year.
The next vestry meeting will be October 26, 2014. Either David Walker or Bob Hamilton will provide lunch. Bill Caudill will open with prayer.
The meeting was adjourned with prayer.
Patty Hamilton, Clerk