CC – 07-12-05 – Page 2



July 12, 2005

Saint Michael Council Chambers 7:00 p.m.

Present: Mayor Jerry Zachman; Council Members Joe Hagerty, Dean Eggert, and Cindy Weston; City Engineer Steven Bot; City Attorney David Lenhardt; City Administrator Robert Derus; Community Development Director Marc Weigle, and City Clerk Carol Beall. Council Member Joe Marx was excused. Mayor Zachman called the meeting to order, declaring a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said, and the Mayor welcomed those in the audience.

Set Agenda. Administrator Derus added an update on legislation and setting a meeting with Albertville to his report. Council Members Eggert/Hagerty moved approval of the agenda, as amended, with all voting aye.

Citizen Input. Sandy Greninger, Family Youth Coordinator, was present to report on several items. She said Community Charities of Minnesota, who has the pull tabs at River Lanes Bowling Alley, has monies to contribute to children in St. Michael. The full amount could not go to one organization, so a check for $3,000 was submitted to the City for distribution. Greninger reported receipt of $1,500 from Wright-Hennepin Electric as well. She told about the “Reading in the Park” program, and also invited the Council to “Family Night” at Walnut Park, July 13 at 6 p.m. until “bug time.” Greninger also reported the Big Game Day will be held at the Rec Center Park this year on August 12 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

Consent Agenda. Council Members Weston/Eggert moved approval of Consent Agenda Items a) through g), as listed below. All voted aye.

a)  Resolution #07-12-05-01 Approving City Council Minutes of June 28, 2005

b)  Resolution #07-12-05-02 Acknowledging Receipt of May 23, 2005, JWB Minutes

c)  Resolution #07-12-05-03 Approving Purchase Agreement with Vernon Hackenmueller for Vacant Lot

d)  Resolution #07-12-05-04 Approving Frankfort Parkway Street Improvement Project payment request No. 7 to Buffalo Bituminous, in the amount of $36,036.81.

e)  Resolution #07-12-05-05 Approving 2004 Town Center Drive Improvements payment request No. 1 to LaTour Construction, Inc., in the amount of $96,068.66.

f)  Resolution #07-12-05-06 Approving a Site Plan for Central Bank

g)  Resolution #07-12-05-07 Approving a Site Plan for Precision Plumbing

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT REPORT. The Council was provided with draft minutes of the July 6, 2005, Planning & Zoning Commission meeting. Action items from this meeting were included in the Consent Agenda. Weigle also told the Council the July EDA meeting was canceled since both Derus and Weigle will be out of town.

CITY ENGINEER REPORT. Feasibility Report and Ordering Public Hearing for TH 241/ Oakwood Parkway South Roadway and Utility Improvements. Engineer Bot had provided the Council with a feasibility study for TH 241/Oakwood Parkway South Roadway and Utility Improvements. He reported on the proposed project, explaining some of the historical aspects of the project. With the TH 241 project, this is the time to do the project. Bot said changes and added costs are reflected in the feasibility. He explained the roadway improvements along TH 241 are not currently planned or proposed to be assessed to the benefiting property owners. He said while it is not proposed to assess anything for the new road which will greatly improve access and safety for PCI, Duerr, Fehn, Bullock and Drywall Supply properties, it is proposed to assess for the City sewer and water installation planned to be put in along with Oakwood Parkway South. Bot provided the Council with a preliminary assessment roll and map of the properties proposed to be assessed, explaining which already have sewer and/or water. Bot also explained property owners will be paid by MnDOT for any of the takings for the 241 project. There was discussion on access easements (private easements), possible future road extensions, and other issues. Council Members Eggert/Hagerty moved adoption of Resolution No. 07-12-05-08, accepting the Feasibility Study/Preliminary Engineering Report, and ordering a Public Improvement Hearing for August 9, 2005. All voted aye.

CITY ATTORNEY REPORT. Attorney Lenhardt said he had nothing formal to report; however, he had just seen a letter from Syntregy’s attorney in response to the draft agreement he had prepared. At the next Council meeting there may be something ready for the Council to review.


Follow-up Fire Department Leaky Roof. City Administrator Derus reported Mayor Zachman and Engineer Steve Bot inspected the fire department roof after the last Council meeting. Mayor Zachman reported the roof was an inexpensive asphalt roof, not the more expensive membrane roof they had been led to believe. Derus will put this item on the next Council agenda and try to get Bob Jossart to the meeting. The City Hall roof will be checked as well to see if it is the same roof.

Update on Community Center. Derus provided the Council with a copy of notes from the first Community Center Committee meeting held June 29, 2005, with good attendance. He said it was more of an introductory meeting. Derus reported the next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, at which representatives are coming from Tennis and Soccer. There was brief discussion on the proposed community center and what could be included.

Request by City of Albertville to Authorize Payment for services for proposed Ice Arena Locker Room Addition. Derus had provided the Council with copies of emails from Albertville Administrator Larry Kruse. Additional information had been received after the Council packet was prepared. Council Member Eggert, who attended the Hockey Board meeting July 11, reported on current plans and what may be expected of the cities. The architect fees will be paid at this time out of funding from the arena. There was brief discussion on previous requests and assumptions, the intensive use of the arena, what might be expected in the future, and other issues. Eggert reported further on the issues and said they will come back to the cities with a request after plans and financing have been figured out. There is some urgency to the request.

July Work Session. Derus told the Council both he and Community Development Director Weigle will be out of town on July 19, the scheduled date for a Council Work Session. He asked if the Council wished to have a session regarding engineering and building issues, or if they wanted to cancel the session. Councilors Eggert/Weston moved to cancel the July 19, 2005, work session. All voted aye.

Legislative Report. Derus read an email from Rebecca Klett of Lockridge Grindal Nauen, reporting the TIF bill has lost this year, and briefly discussing other legislative issues and suggestions.

Joint Meeting. Council Members Eggert/Hagerty moved to set a joint meeting with the Albertville City Council for July 25, 2005, at 6:30 p.m. at the Joint Powers Water Building on 50th Street in Albertville, with a ribbon-cutting for the 50th Street Trail before the meeting. All voted aye.

APPROVAL OF CLAIMS. Council Members Weston/Eggert moved to approve claims numbered 19006 – 19110 in the amount of $1,704,224.90, Debit Card Transactions June 23–July 6, 2005, in the amount of $404.95, and pre-authorized Delta Dental Premiums in the amount of $1,320.28. All voted aye.

Adjourn. Council Members Eggert/Weston moved to adjourn at 8:13 p.m. All voted aye.



City Clerk Mayor