Saint John Nepomucene

Parish Finance Council

November 10, 2016

6:30 pm

Fort Atkinson Rectory

Term / Member / Office / Sept 8 / Nov. 10 / March 23 / June 1
2018-2 / Jim Kriener / P / P
2017-2 / Loren Kriener / V-Chair / P / P
2017-2 / Leon Kipp / Chair / P / P
2018 / Brooke Herold / A / P
2019 / Jon Hayek / P

Others in attendance: Rev.Kyle Digmann-Pastor, Dave Nienhaus-Maintenance, Terra Kuennen-Bookkeeper

Fr. Kyle opened the meeting with a prayer.

Meeting called to order6:38 PM

September 8th meeting minutes were reviewed and accepted as presented.

The financial statements were reviewed and approved by consensus. Fr. said the parish had received funds for flooding relief. The funds will be distributed to those in need of assistance.

Old Business:

  • Dave plans to get started on the handicap bathroom project this January.
  • The windows for the rectory will arrive next week. The council members plan on helping out with the installation of 14 windows and a patio door. Dave will let the council know when they plan to install them.
  • The Council welcomes Jon Hayek and thanks him for accepting a position on the council. Fr. Kyle will follow up with a few contacts to see if they are interested in joining the council.
  • The keyboard in church has been fixed. The repairs were donated by Tim and Kristina Manshein.

New Business:

  • The insurance walk through went well and Dave will complete the minor repairs that need to be done.
  • The council agreed to take down the tree by the lp tank. Dave will contact Doug Bullerman and plans to get it removed this winter.
  • Rendezvous net profit was $14,542.66, this is down from last year. The council wondered if the rain that week and other area breakfasts may have effected the outcome. They would like to thank the parish life committee for all their work.
  • The parish was given the approval by Msgr. Heineman‘s family to clean out his house. The council will pick a few days to go in and clean out the house. It was agreed by concensus that the furnishings and other items will be donated to those in need at The Depot. Leon will contact Bonnie Hackman for help lining up some volunteers to help clean the house after everything is moved out.
  • Jon will contact Kenny Kuhn to track down the golf cart, it is possible that it may have been sold years ago.
  • Fr. Kyle will contact Lee Wilmarth regarding the paperwork on Msgr. Heineman’s house .

The next council meeting is March 23, 2017.

Adjourn 7:41 pm

Minutes were submitted by Terra Kuennen, Bookkeeper