
Working Title: Guide for fuel cell installations for wireless and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure

Focus Group Scope: The scope of this Focus Group is to develop a comprehensive understanding of the fuel cell codes for both stationary and mobile fuel cells for specific use with telecom, wireless, datacom, emergency 911, police radio, security and surveillance, and catastrophic infrastructure for commercial, military, or residential use at ground level, on rooftop, or on platform applications for backup, supplemental and/or alternative electric power sources as well as associated fuel storage requirements.

Document Scope: The Guide for Fuel Cell Installations for Wireless and ICT Infrastructure will support the deployment of fuel cell technologies for the wireless and ICT industries. The document will include the following topics:

1. System Siting & Design

2. System Safety & Permitting

3. Use, Maintenance & Fueling

Chapter 1 Scope

Chapter 2 Reference documents

Chapter 3 Definitions

Chapter 4 Generally Applicable Safety Guidance

Chapter 5 System Siting

Chapter 6 System Design

Chapter 7 System Installation

Chapter 8 System Operation

Chapter 9 System Maintenance

Chapter 10 Hydrogen Supply Considerations

Chapter 11 Permitting Processes

Annex A Supplementary information

Annex B Example Systems

Annex C Example Permits

(these do not necessarily have to be annexes in a guidance document)