Saint Bonaventure Catholic Community
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Minutes of February 24, 2015
Attending: Fr. Richard Kaley, Francis Sothy (Chair), Marcy Ager, Jeanette Chwialkowski (Trustee), Jack Koepke, Maria Mangaliman, Sarah Mueller, John Reger, Sue Sadeh, Paul Sedler, Tim Stibal (Trustee), Jeannene Zimmel (Finance Council Rep), and Mary Althen (Recorder).
Not attending: Jim Bittner.
The meeting was called to order by Francis Sothy 7:05 p.m. Opening Prayer read.
1. Review and approve meeting minutes – The meeting minutes of January 27, 2015 were reviewed. A motion was made by Paul Sedler to approve the meeting minutes, seconded by Jeanette Chwialkowski, motion carried.
2. Items for this meeting
a. Standing Agenda Items
i. Hospitality for Mar. 7th and 8th, 2015
Sat. Mar. 7th – No hospitality – Taste of St. Boni
Sun. Mar. 8th – 8:00 a.m. – Jack Koepke
Sun. Mar. 8th – 10:00 a.m. – Sarah Mueller and Paul Sedler
Jeannene & Len Zimmel will pick-up the order on Sunday morning.
It was noted that hospitality will not be held on Easter weekend (April 4/5). The PPC will host the weekend of May 2/3.
ii. Deadline for April/May 2015 issue newsletter – Saturday, March 14, 2015. (E-mail articles to: ).
iii. Liaison Ministry Highlights/Questions
Buildings & Grounds – Sarah Mueller reported that the committee is looking into new chairs for the social hall, replacing the boiler in the Friary, and recently repaired a water leak in the kitchen in the Social Hall.
ALIVE – Paul Sedler reported that spaghetti dinner was very successful (287 tickets sold) and the Valentine’s Dinner went very well. The boat trip is planned for Sunday, June 28. ALIVE is looking into a plan to subsidize discounted tickets for future events.
Youth – Jack Koepke reported that the Youth will participate in a hunger lock-in the weekend of March 27-28. Youth nights are held the first and second weekends of the month.
Young Adults – Jack Koepke reported that the Young Adult Group meets every Thursday for Bible study in the home of a parishioner. Ryan O’Hara from St. Paul Outreach will be the speaker at the next Cor Jesu gathering.
Health Care Advisory - Maria Mangaliman reported blood pressure screening is going well. The BeFrienders Group is seeking additional people. She encouraged each PPC Member to invite someone to become a BeFriender. The next event for The Women of God will be a service project at Feed My Starting Children (date to be determined). Moms in Prayer meet on the second Thursday of the month. Becky Running is partnering with Paeter Wait on a “Forming Disciples” ministry.
Liturgy – Sue Sadeh reported that they have completed their plans for the Lenten season and will meet later to plan for Holy Week and Easter. Karen Thompson is forming an Environment Group who will work with the Liturgy Committee on decorating the environment of the church.
Respect Life – It was reported that $12,515 was collected during the Baby Bottle campaign (our highest yearly total ever).
Spiritual Task Force – Francis Sothy reported that currently there is a Lenten Study with Jeff Cavins. There has been some discussion about forming a Men’s Group at St. Bonaventure.
b. Variable Agenda Items
i. Strategic Survey Status for Capital Campaign II
A meeting of the PPC members and ministry leaders and members was held on Saturday, Feb. 8, 2015 to review the 2011 Strategic Plan, what has been accomplished, the results of the recent Strategic Plan, and to brainstorm the strategic direction for the parish for the next 2-3 years. A slide presentation was made to the PPC showing the feedback from this meeting on each of the strategic categories. Those categories are: Family/Youth ministries, Stewardship, physical environment, education and catechesis, welcoming and hospitality, communication and marketing, community outreach, music and liturgy. Francis Sothy will e-mail out the summary to all PPC Members. Following a discussion it was agreed that the next PPC meeting to be held on March 24, 2015 will be devoted to identifying the priorities in each category and develop an action plan to accomplish those priorities. And to identify which priorities are ministry driven or are priorities for the Capital Campaign. The meeting will be held from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m.
ii. PPC Strategic Inputs to Finance Council for the FY16
When the PPC meets in March they will discuss which priorities will need to be addressed by the different ministries or the capital campaign.
iii. PPC Membership Renewal Cycle
A list of PPC Members terms on the council was reviewed and updated. Francis Sothy and Sarah Mueller will complete their second terms in 2015 and Jim Bittner will complete his first term in 2015 and be eligible for a second term. Jack Koepke will complete a replacement position in 2016 and will then be eligible for appointment to his first three year term on the council. Father noted that he does have some in mind for a position on the council. PPC Members were asked to refer to Father the name of any individual who may have an interest to serve on the council.
3. Any Other Business
4. Date and time of next meeting: Tuesday, March 24, 2015, 7:00 to 9:00 p.m., St. Francis Room, St. Bonaventure Church
5. Closing Prayer
Respectfully Submitted,
Mary Althen
Recording Secretary