It is our pleasure to invite you to the Third Annual Conference of the Victimology Society of SerbiaVictims and contemporary social context: theory, practice, and activism,whichwill be held in the Palace Hotel in Belgradeon 22nd and 23rd November 2012.
The Conference aims to bring together experts, researchers and activists who deal both theoretically and practically and from the perspective of different disciplines with victims’ issues in general and in particular with the problems ofrealizationof victims’ rights in the contemporary social context. The Conference will enable constructive discussion, comprehensive exchange and connection of various experiences and knowledge.
The conference work will be organized through:
-Plenary sessions
-Thematic sessions
The key plenary speakers:
Dr Ugljesa Zvekic:UN and crime victims in the contemporary society
Dr Zvekic is Ambassador, Head of the Mission of the Republic of Serbia to the United Nations and other international organizations in Geneva, Switzerland. He is a President of the General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and Chairman of the UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE). Dr Zvekic is former Deputy Director of the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI, Rome, Italy) and Deputy Director of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime for the South African region (UNODC ROSA, Pretoria, South Africa). He was in charge of the Strategic Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime in Vienna, Austria, and a principle research fellow in the Institute for Criminological and Sociological Research in Belgrade.
Prof. dr Jan van Dijk:Victimization surveys: current situation and the need to conduct them regularly in countries in transition
Prof. van Dijk holds the Pieter van Vollenhoven Chair in Victimology and Human Securityat the University of Tilburg, The Netherlands(International Victimology Institute Tilburg - INTERVICT). He is a member of the Group of Experts on Action against Human Trafficking of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg and the Dutch Commission on Compensation to Victims of Violence. Professor van Dijk is one of the founders of the International Crime Victims Survey. This year he was awarded the Stockholm Prize in Criminology for his continued leadership of the International Crime Victims Survey.
Prof. dr Carol Hagemann-White:The Council of Europe Convention and women’s right to a life free of gender-based violence –Consequences for policy and practice
Prof. dr Hagemann-White is professor emerita and the chair of educational theory and gender studies at the University Osnabrück inGermany. For more than threedecades she has been dealing with the issues of gender equality and gender based violence as a researcher, consultant and expert. Professor Hagemann-White works as an expert for the Council of Europe, in particular monitoring how states implement the Recommendation on combating violence against women(2002), as well as for other European organizations. In 2010 she was partner and co-author of the Feasibility study to assess the possibilities, opportunities and needs to standardize national legislation on violence against women, violence against children and sexual orientation violence for the European Commission.
Prof. dr Oliver Bacanovic:Position of a crime victim and injured party in the reformed Macedonian criminal legislation
Prof. Bacanovic is a full professor at the Faculty of Security in Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. He teaches victimology and penology. Professor Bacanovic is one of the founders of victimology in Macedonia and he was the first one who started to teach the subject Victimology at one university institution on the territory of the former Yugoslavia. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the academic journal Temida.
lse van de Walle:Needs of young people, victims of crime
Ms. van de Walle is an international trainer and consultant, specialized in the support to child and young victims of crime, Belgium.
Dr Almir Maljevic:Juvenile Delinquency in BiH - the results of the International Self-Reported Delinquency Study
Dr Maljevic is an assistant professor of Criminal Law and Comparative Criminal Justice Systemsat the Faculty of Criminal Justice Sciences, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Dr Maljevic has been working as a researcher, consultant, legal expert and project manager on numerous research projects, including the International Self‐Report Delinquency Study 2 (ISRD2)Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Prof. dr Natti Ronel:Positive victimology in theory and practice
Dr Ronelis a clinical criminologist and a professor at the department of criminology, Bar-Ilan University, Israel. As a practitioner, dr Ronel works with different groups of clients, including victims of physical, sexual or psychological abuse. His research topics in victimology cover victimization, victims' assistance and recovery. In criminology he presented the "Positive Criminology" perspective, and nowadays it is being adapted to victimology as "Positive Victimology".
If you are interested in participating at the Conference, please complete the registration form and send it with a proof of payment of the registration fee to the E-mail: , the address of the Victimology Society of Serbia, Dositejeva 1a, Belgrade 11000, Serbia, or fax number: +381 11 3034 232.
If you want to present your paper at the Conference, we invite you to submit an abstract of the paper.
Conference participants will receive certificates on the participation at the Third Annual Conference of VDS.
Please find attached the registration form, the call for submission of abstracts and information regarding the registration fee and other charges.
For any additional information about the Conference, please contact Tamara Kljajic on the telephone +381 11 3034 232 or via E-mail .
We would kindly ask you to forward this call to anyone you might think could be interested in participating at the Conference.
Sincerely yours,
Prof. dr Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic
Director of the Victimology Society of Serbia