Registration Form
Confirmation Program
Saint Anthony’s Church, Oakley, Ca.
Last Name:______Name:______
Student’s cell #______
Age: ______Student's email ______
Address: ______
City: ______Zip Code: ______
Home Phone # ______Other # ______
Birth date: ______Baptism date (mm/yy): ______
Baptismal Certificate : Y N Communion Certificate : Y N
Name of Church Baptized ______
Address of Church Baptized ______
First Communion date (mm/yy): ______
High School Name:______Grade: ______
work or
Father’s Name: ______cell # ______
work or
Mother’s Name: ______cell # ______
Mother’s Maiden Name: ______
Parents' email : ______
Parish where you are registered: ______
Confirmation Fee:
Registered parishoners: $ 90.00 first student / $ 70.00 ea. additional sibling.
Student Retreat Fee: $ __TBA_____ per student (no sibling discount)
Registration fee: ______
Payment: ______Cash ( ) Ck #______
Balance Due: ______
Additional information regarding the Confirmation Program:
The program includes several activities besides the Thursday evening classes; there will be a retreat for parents, a field trip, a retreat for the candidates, a monthly Mass, two meetings with parents, a retreat for the sponsors, Holy Week participation and a few assignments. Parents and students are required to participate in these activities. We will need chaperons for the field trip and the candidates' retreat.
Transportation for the candidates' retreat will have the following options:
1. Carpooling
2. Renting a bus
On our second parents' meeting we will have a vote and see what the majority of the parents present would prefer: carpooling or a bus.
We will go with the choice with the most votes and since there are 2 meetings, Spanish & English, we will add up all the votes from both meetings before reaching a decision.
To rent the bus, we will need an additional fee of approx. $25 per person (this is an estimate subject to change), that means per student and per chaperon.
Parents will need to pay separately for the candidates' retreat. On our second parents' meeting we will also give you more information about their retreat.
We will address all questions regarding the program on our first parents' meeting. Thank you for your participation in this program, we are very happy to have you with us this year!
God's love and peace to you all,
The Confirmation Team
St Anthony's Church, Oakley
Behavior Agreement
To ensure a positive and successful confirmation program for all assisting members, we must agree to the following rules:
1. We will show respect to one another including adult chaperones, helpers, resource speakers, guests and classmates.
2. When someone is talking we will listen quietly and wait for our turn to share.
3. No outside food or drink will be consumed during class, except for water in plastic containers.
4. We will dress appropriately and observe modesty. Hats and sunglasses are NOT allowed at all times.
5. All electronic devices, including cell phones and i-pods, will not be permitted during class. Keep them turned off and out of sight, if detected they will be confiscated.
6. As a general rule, make sure to take care of all your personal necessities before class.
7. Class will finish promptly at 9:00pm. Anyone who has not been picked up by 9:15pm will be asked to wait inside the hall; parents please park and come inside to get them.
By signing this form I fully understand the previously mentioned rules and guidelines and agree to abide by them to ensure the success of our confirmation program.
Student's Name: ______Date: ______
Student's Signature: ______
Parent's Signature: ______Date: ______