Minutes of the Swimming Pool Committee Meeting held at the

Pool Office, at 7.00 p.m. on 11th October 2016.

Present: / Councillors Bridget Hanley; D Jackson (Chair); P Mander; J Marsden; H. Rodgers.
In attendance: / CF Cave (Finance Officer); A Jones (Clerk); C M Wilkinson (Asst. Clerk/Marketing); A Watts (Professional Adviser); M Wellington (Pool Manager).
067/16 / Apologies for absence were received from Cllrs S Turner and P Whitney, and G. Foy (Asst. Pool Manager)
068/16 / There was no variation in the order of business.
069/16 / M. Wellington, A. Watts and C. Wilkinson declared an interest because of their employment at the pool.
070/16 / There was no public participation.
071/16 / The Minutes of the SPC meeting of 13th September 2106 had been circulated. The minutes were approved and signed by the Chair.
072/16 / Marketing/Advertising/Fundraising.
072/16 / .1 / The MacMillan Coffee Morning had raised £450. Friday Night Swims to Music had been well attended this season and October’s are selling well. Aqua Health and Weston Park Cancer Swim will continue next year. It was decided not to advertise in Go Yorkshire. Merchandise is selling well. Overall it has been a successful year and congratulations are due to everyone – all credit to all Staff and Volunteers.
073/16 / Plant /Machinery/Operational Matters.
073/16 / .1 / The Hoover handle had been replaced @ £24 + VAT.
073/16 / .2 / Still awaiting quotes for the new low lying design pool cover.
073/16 / .3 / Quotes have been requested for lining and chip repairs. Lines to be a darker colour. Note that lines are to be painted with water still in the pool if at all possible, otherwise costs of £2500 will be incurred to refill with water. Quotes should be viewed bearing this in mind.
073/16 / .4 / The fencing work will start in 3 – 4 weeks.
073/16 / .5 / A quote has been received for a platform lift for the end of the veranda @ £17,000. Mike to forward a link to the Flexstep website for circulating to all SPC. Further quotes are awaited.
073/16 / .6 / George had looked into the cost of a more visible timing clock. It would need to be located outdoors and it was felt that the cost was too high given that most serious swimmers had their own timing devices, and that the Pool Office could loan personal timers to other swimmers.
073/16 / .7 / Coleman’s Deli had agreed to sponsor the 2017 Season Tickets. Three quotes had been obtained and Eyecatchers £334.50 + VAT was approved.
073/16 / .8 / It was agreed that a new set of steps up to the band stand was not viable, and that any money available should be prioritised for the plant room needs.
073/16 / .9 / It was agreed to plan an Operations Sub Committee meeting on a Friday during daytime. This will possibly tie in with the photovoltaic meeting item 075/16.2 below.
074/16 / Clerk’s Report/Correspondence.
074/16 / .1 / The Clerk had received a further email from the resident whose complaint was considered and responded to following the September SPC meeting. The resident was much happier following the response.
075/16 / Solarium Development and Funding.
075/16 / 1. / Planning Permission has been granted.
075/16 / .2 / Cllr Jackson is to meet with Simon Gedye, Keith Groom and photovoltaic company, was originally to be Thursday 20th, now proposed changing to Friday 21st October.
075/16 / .3 / Simon Cowling to be asked for advice regarding the solarium floor covering, giving consideration to the fact this is also the café roof.
075/16 / .4 / It was decided that the heat from the solar panels on the changing room roof should be circulated to heat the showers, rather than carried through piping to contribute to heating the pool itself, and losing heat along the way. There is room for a water tank either side of the changing rooms. Mike Wellington to get quotes.
Page 1 of 2: Chairman’s Initials: ………………………………… Date: 8th November 2016.
076/16 / .1 / Staff
The RFO had recommended that pool staff should convert to 4 weekly pay to overcome ‘spikes’ which would distort entitlement to Workplace Pensions. However, based on advice he received from DALC and Wosskow Brown, if this change was implemented with the full agreement of staff all employees would be entitled to one week’s pay for each year of service. This to be taken to the HPC main meeting.
077/16 / Finance.
077/16 / .1 / The overall takings are £193k, against £171k 2015, and £186k budget. This is mainly daily admissions. The pool does seem to be generally busier.
077/16 / .2 / Review of Advertising Board Costs. It was agreed to increase these to £450 per annum. Letters to be sent to the advertisers advising them of the increase and reminding them it is a longer season and more people are using the pool.
077/16 / .3 / Review of Ticket Prices and Age brackets. Juniors would apply for ages up to 18 years in line with current education ages. A student card would apply for students over 18.
Junior Tickets at £3.50; Adult Tickets at £6.50 and Family Tickets at £18.00.
Out of Area Season Ticket Prices to reflect 36 swims.
An increase to Season Ticket Prices by a similar percentage to daily ticket prices would be a disincentive to buy Season Tickets. The RFO pointed out that there was a long standing formula for calculating season ticket prices based on the daily admission price which should not be broken.
Mike and George to consider sales figures and circulate proposals for Season Ticket Prices to all SPC members ahead of the 1st November main HPC meeting
077/16 / .4 / It was noted that invoices for September schools lessons had not yet been sent out.
077/16 / .5 / High Peak’s Donations would need to increase to avoid Hathersage residents subsidising High Peak pool users. It was agreed that 1/3 of the donation should be considered a contribution towards the general running of the pool. The RFO will write to High Peak explaining the situation and give a range of options to correct the position.
078/16 / The next meeting of the Swimming Pool Committee will be on Tuesday 8th November 2016 from 7.00 pm at the Sampson Room.
079/16 / Items for the November agenda.
The outcome of the Operations Sub Committee meeting.
It was noted that Season Ticket prices need to be agreed at 1st November main PC meeting.
The meeting closed at 8:05 pm.
Page 2 of 2: Chair’s Signature …………………………………………. Date: 8th November 2016.