Saint Anselm Church

12670 Dunks Ferry Road

Philadelphia, PA 19154

Parish Center School

Phone 215-637-3525 215-632-1133

Fax 215-637-4915 215-632-3264

Parish Website:

School Website:



Saturday Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday 8:00; 10:00 AM; 12:00 Noon


8:30 AM

(Monday thru Friday)

8:00 AM (Saturday)

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

August 19, 2012


Monday thru Thursday 8:00 AM to 7:00 PM

Friday 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM

Saturday 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM

Sunday 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM


Reverend Thomas J. Dunleavy.……………..Pastor.…………….....ext. #11…………

Reverend David M. Friel.…………………....Parochial Vicar……..ext. #14…………

Reverend John E. Fitzgerald ……………….Resident……………...ext. #23…………

Deacon Gerald J. Whartenby ………………Pastoral Associate...... ext. #12…………

Deacon Dennis P. Warner.…………………..Pastoral Associate…..ext. #17…………..deacon.warner@

Deacon Sean Loomis…………………………Deacon……………….ext. #30

Mrs. Geraldine Murphy……………………..Principal…………………………………

Mrs. Diane Leonetti..……………………….. Director of Music…...ext. #29…………...dleonetti@

Mr. Dennis Mueller..………………………...Religious Education...ext. #15…………...dmueller@

Mrs. Theresa Grillo..………………………...Business Manager..…ext. #13…………...tgrillo@

Mrs. Kathleen Zaremski..…………………...Parish Secretary…….ext. #16…………

Mrs. Joanne Jackson………………………...Receptionist………….ext. #10.…………..jjackson@

Mrs. Ronnie Harkins ………………………..Receptionist…...... ext. #10….………..rharkins@


Baptisms are every Sunday at 1:00 PM. Parents are asked to call the Parish Center and speak with the Priest or Deacon who is on call and who will assist them in registering their child for Baptism. The Church assists the parents by offering instruction on the meaning, importance, and responsibilities of the sacrament of Baptism. A Pre-Jordan Baptismal Program for helping parents prepare for the spiritual birth of their child is held on the fourth Sunday of the month in the Spirituality Center following the Noon Mass.


Couples planning to marry are asked to contact a Parish priest to make arrangements for a wedding.


Saturdays 3:30-4:30 PM


Rosary 8:00 AM Daily 6:30 PM Monday

Eucharistic Exposition 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Monday – Chapel

Divine Mercy 3:00 PM Monday (Chapel)

Benediction 6:50 PM Monday (Chapel)

Miraculous Medal Novena 8:00 AM Mass Saturday

Legion of Mary 7:00 PM Monday

Charismatic Prayer Mtg. 7:30 PM Tuesday

Dear Parishioners,

Saint Anselm School

Welcome Back Saint Anselm School Faculty

Our school faculty will meet this coming Thursday to begin their preparation for the coming school year. Besides focusing on organizational details, the faculty will celebrate Mass in our Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel and prepare their classrooms.

Saint Anselm School is blessed with a dedicated, talented faculty whose faith and love for children and teaching enables our school to be all that it is. I look forward to seeing them and the opportunities we will have to foster the intellectual, spiritual, and moral growth of the children entrusted to our care.

Please remember our school faculty in your prayers that they will remain open to receiving the grace God will bestow upon them to fulfill the calling they have received to be a Catholic educator.

School begins for students on the Wednesday after Labor Day.

Mrs. Murphy & Mrs. Bautista

I wish to recognize Mrs. Murphy, our School Principal, and Mrs. Bautista, her secretary, for all their work during the summer. Their attention to detail has everything ready for the coming academic year. I am most grateful to them for all they have done.

College Students

As our college students begin their Fall Semester, I would like to wish them well. I pray that you will appreciate the opportunity you have to further your studies. God has blessed you with talents and skills. A college education is a wonderful opportunity to have your abilities grow and develop.

All colleges, both Catholic and Secular, have Newman Centers. Newman Centers offer social and spiritual activities and ministerial opportunities for college age students. I encourage all college students to visit and to check out the Newman Center at your college.

My thoughts and prayers are with parents who are sending a son or daughter off to college for the first time.

Please join me in prayer for our college students. The temptations are strong to socialize more than to study, to play and not to pray, to abandon rather than to embrace the values that family and Church have cultivated in them.


Tuition Assistance

There are a few families in our parish who could use some assistance in paying their tuition to Saint Anselm School. Low income, unemployment or sickness has caused the need. If anyone is able and willing to help, please contact me.

Summer Maintenance

School Painting

Four school classrooms, the “L” corridor on the 1st floor of the school, the Library, Nurses Office and the partitions in the boy’s bathrooms have been painted. The cost was $4,560. All the classrooms have been repainted over the last four years. The remainder of the 1st floor corridor will be painted next summer which will complete the repainting of our school.

Kitchen in the Church Hall

The remodeling of the kitchen in the Church hall has begun. This past week, closets and cabinets were removed. Soon, the floor will be removed. A new hood and exhaust system over the stove and pizza oven, meeting code regulations, will be installed. Following this, plumbing work will be done. New storage closets for the CYO, Home & School, and Ladies of Saint Anselm will be built in the Hall (not in the Kitchen).

Well Done – Thank you

I wish to recognize and thank Mr. Jerry McGuckin, our Maintenance Director who supervised, coordinated, and participated in all that has been done since June. He has also done many repairs on the lists given him by the teachers and staff.

I wish to thank Mrs. Kathy Zaremski whose duties include doing the secretarial work for the Maintenance staff. She often makes the contacts with contractors and coordinates scheduling. She oversees the cleaning of the school.

Before summer vacation began in June, faculty and students helped with the cleaning of desks and furniture. Thank you.

Last but not least, I wish to thank parishioners and families of our school students who financially support Saint Anselm through Sunday collections and tuition. Your financial support has made it possible to accomplish all that has been done. Thank you.

CCD Registration & Re-registration

Registration forms have been mailed to the homes of our CCD students. Please return them to the Parish Center by August 31st to avoid a late fee.

If you did not receive a registration form, please come to the Parish Center and obtain one.

Confirmation Archbishop Chaput will administer the sacrament of Confirmation in Saint Anselm Church on Tuesday, October 16th at 4:00 PM.

Students in the 6th grade in our school and CCD Level 7 who have been preparing for Confirmation since spring will be confirmed.

Confirmation – Rite of Election

On Sunday, September 23rd during the 10:00 AM Mass, we will celebrate a Rite of Election for Confirmation with those who will be confirmed in October. Coaches, Parents, and Students are asked to schedule this on their calendars.

God bless you,

Father Dunleavy


Do you know anyone who would like to become Catholic? Or anyone who was baptized Catholic, but never received any other sacraments? If you do, please encourage them to join us this fall, and begin a whole new journey in their lives. RCIA stands for Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, and is designed for people who would like to become fully initiated in the Roman Catholic Church through the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist. Classes will take place on Monday evenings from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM beginning September 24th. For registration, questions or further information, contact Deacon Whartenby in the Parish Center.

Attention, Graduates of St. Katherine of Siena Grade School Class of 1962…

I am seeking contact information and interest for a 50 year anniversary get-together or newsletter. Please call me! Kathy Baker, 215-512-2210.



All City of Philadelphia Property Owners can qualify for a reduction in Real Estate taxes. In order to qualify, you must own your home and live in it. The Homestead Real Estate Tax Relief Exemption means your home would be eligible for a 15% property tax reduction once the reassessment process is completed.

In order to qualify, you must complete and file the Real Estate Tax Relief Homestead Exemption Form and return it before November 15, 2012. There are no age or income guidelines and all homeowners in the City of Philadelphia are encouraged to apply.

For more information, or to receive an application, call United Society Services, Monday through Friday between 9:00 AM and 4:00 PM, 215-923-1900.


Founded by the Sisters of the Holy Redeemer, Holy Redeemer Support at Home provides highly-trained home care aids for help with some or all of the aspects of day-to-day living. We offer affordable personal care services (dressing/bathing/grooming), meal planning, medication management, light housekeeping and errands. Compassionate care is central to our beliefs and a must-have for all of our Support at Home caregivers, as well as rigorous background checks and initial training to ongoing education and evaluation. We’ll keep you or your loved one safe at home. To learn more, call 215-698-3719 or visit

September Lottery Tickets now on Sale

A $10 ticket gives you a chance to win every day of the month. When your ticket matches the PA Midday number, you win $50; when your ticket comes out boxed, you win $10.

To purchase a ticket, contact one of our sellers or stop at the Parish Center.


Mass Schedule

Sunday, August 19

8:00 AM Elizabeth & Leonard Merschen

r/b Jane & Tom Stride

10:00 AM Gregory Mikos r/b Linda & John

12:00 PM The People of Saint Anselm Parish

Monday, August 20

8:30 AM Beverly L. Jennings, Birthday

r/b Her Husband

Tuesday, August 21

8:30 AM Lisa Bird r/b Her Mom, Toni Bird

Wednesday, August 22

8:30 AM Rosalie Smith r/b Mary & Dom Bucciarelli

Thursday, August 23

8:30 AM Charles O’Neill r/b Bill Fitzgerald

Friday, August 24

8:30 AM Sue McRae r/b Bill Fitzgerald

Saturday, August 25

8:00 AM Anthony Joseph Cristensen

r/b The Collopy Family

5:00 PM Chet Zaremski, 19th Anniversary

r/b His Family

Sunday, August 26

8:00 AM Christopher M. Buck r/b Albert & Jianna

10:00 AM Alfred & Florence Semanyk r/b Children

12:00 PM The People of Saint Anselm Parish

Sunday Collection – August 12, 2012

Envelopes $10,907.35

Loose $ 395.25

Grade School Students $ 40.00

High School Students $ 34.00

Total $11,376.60

Second Collection – August 12, 2012

Catholic University $ 305.00

Pray For Our Deceased…

Roseann Crowley, mother of Brian Crowley

Angie Soska, mother of Sharon Soska


Pray For Our Sick…

Dave Baldwin, son-in-law of Chris DiMezzo

George Bauer, father of Joan Dalton

Bruce Black, husband of Sabrina Black

Anna Caesar, mother of Stuart Caesar

Nancy Caesar, friend of John Fritz

Carol Cariero, friend of Al Santora

John Carr, brother of Robert Carr

Chuck Chilton, nephew of Loretta & Jack Chilton

Margaret & Mark Citrino

Baby Elyse Clements, daughter of Tom & Melissa Clements

Karen Coleman, daughter of Pat & Patricia Martina

Mary Ann Collins, friend of Mary Ann Moore

Patricia Curtis, friend of Terry Kumor

Dolores Drakely, mother of Chickie Horton

Marie E. Druding, niece of Marie Druding

Rose Fricker, wife of Matthew Fricker

Charlie Gaffney, nephew of Peg Cohan

Joanne Goehler, niece of Mary & Frank Tomaselli

Ron Gorski, nephew of Joann Liss

Carol Grimes, mother of Melissa Baker Moore

Rita Hain, wife of Tom Hain

Gary Hampson, son of Helen Hulme

Catherine Hughes, friend of Theresa McKeown

James, son of Marilyn

George Kaercher, son of Priscilla Kaercher

Dave Kelly, friend of John & Staci McFadden

Robert Kumor, husband of Theresa Kumor

Ed Lafferty, husband of Peg Lafferty

Nicholas Lamina, son of Joseph & Carol Lamina

Cathy Lincul, friend of Donna Crane

Erin Martin, granddaughter of Tom & Anita Murphy

Jeanne McDonough, sister of Ann Grippo

Hugh McFadden, relative of Staci McFadden

James McKay, son of Dolores & Jim McKay

Alma & Brian Mullane, friends of Diane & John Leonetti

Bonnie Oldham, sister of Mary Ellen Lowery

Edward O’Neill, friend of Mary Rowan

Shane Pettine, nephew of Christa MacArthur

Relatives of The Tarquin Pirolli Family

Frieda Pirolli, wife of Tarquin Pirolli

Rita Pirolli, friend of Debbie Doebley

Betty Polisi, friend of Marlene McDermott

Ron Raby, husband of Marguerite Raby

Art Rausch, husband of Judy Rausch

Joan Sample, mother of Craig Sample

John Selinsky, father of Linda Selinsky

Karena Selinsky, granddaughter of John Selinsky

Tom Shields, brother of Joe Shields

John Siemietkowski, brother of Theresa Kumor

Elizabeth Smith sister of Barbara & Bob Smith

Melissa Smith, friend of Marlene Molishus

Charles Smyth, friend of Peggy Lordan

James Stone, husband of Nancy Stone

Jane Tarde, mother of Matthew Tarde

Betty Beck Tirney, sister of Rita Vaxner

Lisa Valente, sister of Staci McFadden

Weekly Schedule

Sunday, August 19

9:00 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

10:00 AM Liturgy of the Word for Children (K-4)

12:00 PM Secular Franciscans

5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Monday, August 20

9:00 AM Exposition of the Most Blessed Sacrament

3:00 PM Divine Mercy Chaplet

6:30 PM Rosary & Benediction – Chapel

6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Ladies’ of St. Anselm Planning Mtg.

…Room A

7:00 PM Legion of Mary Mtg. – Spirituality Ctr.

Tuesday, August 21

9:15 AM SCRIP Sales – Room B

2:30 PM Mass – Delaware Valley Veteran’s Home

7:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Wednesday, August 22

6:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:15 PM AA Meeting – Room B

Thursday, August 23

9:15 AM Liturgy Comm. Mtg. – Parish Center

11:30 AM Faculty Mass - Chapel

5:00 PM AA Meeting – Room B

6:30 PM SCRIP Sales – Room B

7:00 PM History Committee Mtg. – Room A

Friday, August 24

6:30 PM AA Meeting – Room B

7:00 PM Legion of Mary Curia Mtg. – Spirit. Ctr.