Tuesday,June 23, 2009 – Friday, June 26, 2009
Location: Saginaw County Intermediate School District Transitions Center
3860 Fashion Square Boulevard, Saginaw, Michigan48603
Registration Form (also found at under Summer Institute)
Deadline to Register: May 1, 2009 – Register Early! (Limited to 100)First Come, First Reserved
Please print clearly:
Name:School District: / School Name:
School Street Address:
SchoolCity and Zip:
Work Phone: ( ) / Fax: ( )
Email: / Home Phone: ( )
Home Street Address, City, Zip:
Do you have any special needs or accommodations (such as physical limitations or dietary needs)?
If yes, please describe:
Summer Institute Participation: 1st year participant returning participant
The following best describes my position: Administrator Teacher Counselor
I would like to take this workshop for: no credits two credits *three credits SBCEUs (2.5)
*Two additional days are required for the three credits. The dates are June 29-30, 2009.
Tech Prep Eligibility: Do you work with 11th–14th grade students? YES NO
I am paying the following non-refundable registration fee:
$40 (Tech Prep eligible*) $100 (non Tech Prep eligible)
*Tech Prep Eligible: 11th–14th grade educators and administrators at participating Tech Prep schools.
Method of payment: Check Money Order Credit Card
VISA/MasterCard/Discover payments complete the following: ______
cardholder’s signature
credit card number pin number (last 3 digits on the back) expiration date
Credit card payments can also be made by calling Pat Buczek at (989) 686-9215.
PAYMENT MUST ACCOMPANY REGISTRATION. Deadline to registeris May 1, 2009.
Please make checks payable to: Delta College SVRSI
Complete forms can be: (forms also available at underSummer Institute)
MAILED:Pat Buczek, DeltaCollege
1961 Delta Road, University Center, MI 48710
FAXED:FAX: (989) 667-0620
Great Lakes Bay Region Summer Institute
“Choices-Transforming the Future”
Tuesday, June 23, 2009 – Friday, June 26, 2009
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Participants Will:
- Obtain information on the Great Lakes Bay Region’s economic shift and recovery.
- Identify the knowledge, skills, and abilities our students require for the 21st Century and Green Jobs.
- Learn how customer service and choices impact our students now and in the future.
- Visit regional employers and network with peers.
Graduate College Credit (anticipated/pendingfor 2009): Watch the Tech Prep Website for Updates on Summer Institute
Criteria for graduate college credits through SaginawValleyStateUniversity
- Completion of the entire four-day program AND a written assignment earns two credits.
- Completion of the entire four-day program, a written assignment, AND attendance at two additional days of training (6/29/09 and 6/30/09) earns three credits. If you have specific questions about credits or your program of study, contact your Saginaw Valley State University academic advisor.
- SBCEUs are currently pending (2.5) for administrators.
Registration Fees:
- A $40 non-refundable fee for Tech Prep participants (11th – 14th grade educators and administrators at participating Tech Prep schools).
- A $100 non-refundable fee for non Tech Prep participants.
- Your fee must accompany your registration. You may mail, FAX, or e-mail your registration with a credit card number.
- Space is limited to 100 participants and available on a first-come, first-served basis. Early registration is encouraged. Theregistration deadline is May 1, 2009.
- Eligible participants will receive a $200 stipend. To receive the stipend you must attend all four days and complete all requirements and a written assignment. Administrators under contract are not eligible for a stipend.
- Payment for SVSU college credits and SBCEUs will be your responsibility on the first day of the Institute.(No credit cards accepted.) If you are using fieldwork partnership program credits, you will be responsible for the technology fee ($3.85 per credit). Additional credit information will be sent with the registration confirmation.
Number of Credits / Cost for Credit(s) / Technology Fee / Total Amount
1 credit / $359.15 / $3.85 / $363.00
2 credits / $718.30 / $7.70 / $726.00
3 credits / $1,077.45 / $11.55 / $1,089.00
*Fees are per the Saginaw Valley State University Website – Tuition and Fee Schedule for 2008-2009
Contacts for Program:Kathy Conklin, (989) 752-2588 ext. 4317
Pat Graves, Delta College, (989) 686-9218
Contact for Registration/Payment Information:
Pat Buczek, DeltaCollege, (989) 686-9215
Email: / Full agenda and additional
information will be mailed and posted
in mid May
Additional Information:
Registration forms, additional information, and updates can be found at
Sponsored & Presented By:
* Bay-ArenacISDCareerCenter * Bay Area Chamber of Commerce * DeltaCollege*
* Michigan Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth * MITECH+, Inc.* Midland Area Chamber of Commerce *
*MidlandCounty Educational Services Agency * SaginawCounty Business & Education Partnership *
* Saginaw ISD * Great Lakes Bay Region Tech Prep Partnership * Tuscola ISD * Tuscola Tech Prep*
Center for Entrepreneurship & Commercialization, SaginawValleyStateUniversity